Straight Boost

As far as my education, you have to start somewhere in life. These were all highschool jobs as I have posted.

If you read my previous post o intelligent one you would have read] about my company and the other jobs i work.

UPS paid for my community college. I am also a full time student right now and going to UMKC and getting a PHD in Computer Science which I still have another 4 years to go.

Sure the military paid for your schooling but in what? How to disasimble a M4a1? How to build a claymore and setup one? LMAO. :rolleyes:

And being boaderline genious has nothing to do with being able to speak proper. Most geniouses we act dumb anyways act dumb not to be prolonged with your ineliquent response.

Stephen Hawking for example cannot talk for anything yet he is one of the most creative individuals I have met. I still think he is a crack head in my personal opinion along with Einstein, but hey I probably am too.:D :D :D
ever do any research on compulsive lying?

"The opposite of Truthfulness, the Compulsive Lying disadvantage forces the character to lie constantly, for no reason other than the joy of telling the tale. A compulsive liar delights in inventing stories about his deeds, lineage, wealth -- whatever seems as though it might impress his audience. Even when exposed as a liar, the character will cling tenaciously to his stories, calling his accuser a liar and a scoundrel."

go to the diet forum and ask the boost question.
btw, i cannot think of an easier place to tell a lie than a message board with 46 posts to your name. I called it out, disprove me and i will delete my post. See you in the diet forum.
g0dsp33d said:
And being boaderline genious has nothing to do with being able to speak proper. Most geniouses we act dumb anyways act dumb not to be prolonged with your ineliquent response.

This is one of the funniest sentences i have ever read. It is spelled GENIUS, but i bet you accidentally made that mistake twice in the same sentence. Also, i think the other word you were looking for was INELOQUENT, nice try though. :rolleyes: Some genius you are. Take the BS somewhere else.
Yeah, I've heard of a medical discharge. I was actually discharged for medical reasons, only after several years, not a few days. If you were in, you have DOD papers. Let's trade. Didn't think so.

Anyhow, I'm going to bow out of this conversation. Have to learn to control the temper here. My apologies to all for wasting board space with this guy. I suppose I got a little carried away. As for g0dsp33d, good luck with all.

Semper Fi
g0dsp33d said:
Stephen Hawking for example cannot talk for anything yet he is one of the most creative individuals I have met.

HAHA it keeps getting better and better.
lmao. o well.

doesn't bother me a bit if you don't believe me or not. As i said before i don't spell or proof read and type over 140 wpm so I really don't bother to check what I type.

Will try to get the pictues up next week of me squating my 635.
thats good news bro. looking forward the clips.

keep posting. have you checked out the clips in the training section under thread starter pullinbig?
i type 100 words plus a minute and have about a 90% Correct Spelling percentage...

Just thought i would add some more useless information to this topic!
{R}a{G}e said:
i type 100 words plus a minute and have about a 90% Correct Spelling percentage...

Just thought i would add some more useless information to this topic!
i type with 1 finger on each hand, one of these days ill teach myself how to use all 10
I type 2 words a minute with my cock. No, well I type 4 words with my balls. This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. By the way I am calling BULLSHIT on Godspeed.
Swoleburn said:
By the way I am calling BULLSHIT on Godspeed.
you a few pages late for that, a 20 year old pseudo genius with a shit diet repping 635 for reps @ 200 lbs with no PL experience, doin photoshoots and almost forgot he did all that while he served as a US marine. Again ill erase this is you write your name on a tshirt and take pics of you squatting 600+ without a spotter like you mentioned.

i am begining to think that this is one of the guys from my gym trying to mess with me.

if not this guy is the most well rounded person i have ever chatted with.

quite the man. quite the man.