Straight Boost

O yeah,

knee wraps, just some cheap patella wraps for your kness. That is the open one for your knee cap. THen I get some boxing wraps for your wrists and wrap my legs with those.

P LING? That power cling? I use to do sets of 225 but i really don't bother anymore. Not enough room in the gym.

My bench varries. Right now i do sets of 345.
DeadLift, I havn't maxed out on. I generally start with 225 or something and work my way up until I don't feel comfortable. I try to take it easy on my back. I worked a year at UPS loading boxes and that wore my back out. So I try to stay low in reps.
bro you a mess. looks like you knocking down about 100g+ of protein day.

PLing is squat, bench and deadlift.

you enjoying this aint ya?
I really don't believe in the whole 1 gram per pound of body weight. The Navy Seals training program recommends .6-.8 per pound.

Anything after that is just wasted unless you carry the muscel mass so your muscles can use it. Helps speed up the metabolism but kills your kidneys as well.
By the way, I know i'm a mess. I hardly get 6 hours a sleep a night. I got giant dark circles under my eyes from stress and pressure. I work sometimes 16 hours a day, then go to the gym.

My family says I look like Hell. I tell them because Because I Go Like Hell.

Eat, Sleep, Drink Plenty of Fluids
Go Like Hell.
g0dsp33d said:
I really don't believe in the whole 1 gram per pound of body weight. The Navy Seals training program recommends .6-.8 per pound.

Anything after that is just wasted unless you carry the muscel mass so your muscles can use it. Helps speed up the metabolism but kills your kidneys as well.

The Navy seal training program also recommends a bizillion calestethics every day and working through your pain no matter how bad it is, but that doesn't mean its right!

PB, looks like any chances of a new protege' for you are out the window huh? LOL
But i have seen more than enough growth in 2 weeks time and switching up between dieting and my workout.

Take this for example. If you weigh 180lbs given 10% bodyfat, minus all the extras we'll say you have 140-160 pounds of muscel that your body uses. Inclduing your organs that are muscles.

Now take your food intake, carbs and all your calories, unless your cut and thin right now, I doubt you eat that much protein.

Now on a daily baisis of whatever office job you do, calculate the number of calories you burn. Most of the time you won't exert more than 15% of your body's strength unless that is a heavy paper weight.

Now to the gym. You put your muscels to full use and full ROM. Unless your putting everything you got into at full adrenaline rush, your muscles still work about 80-90% efficiency. This is where overloading and having spotters kicks in. That extra weight you can't handle makes you exert more energy that what your normal workout.

So generally speaking, all that extra protein, carbs, calories, etc. Even though you may burn them, doesn't exactly mean muscel growth. It is also exessivley hard on your kidneys eating that much protein.

Another thing to keep in mind of most pro-body builders is that they are in the gym 2-3 times a day. 1hr of cardio to sustain muscles and burn calories, then they have a split workout.

Not to justify 1g of protein per body is weight is not usefull. I'm just saying I have tried it and I didn't see anymore growth than with my standard diet. I believe in a more balanced diet with sufficient protein. There are numerous people who don't get there diary parts in which is in need for your body. Key bacteria's in your digestive system are contained in yogurts, cottage cheeses, and milks. Also you can't supplement everything into a powder. Natural fibers such as carrots, brocalli, etc, are needed also. I eat a little of everything every day.

Not to make this a science but it makes sense the way I see it.
You also want to go pick a copy of the book the Weider Plan. It also discusses this topic.
Also I believe working through pain. The human body has enourmous potential more than you would believe. The recovery system is incredible and working out more does get rid of latic acid. This is wear overhydration comes in. Most of those guys drink 1-2 gallons of water a day. They may not be the biggest guys around but I guarantee they are stronger than they look. Mostly because they train for endurance and 24/7 work.

I don't like the fact that you think the military trains slaves.

Go through it then tell me different.
HAHA, are you the editor of mens health?

bro diet is one of the biggest parts of my life. It controls me most of the day. I eat at least 400g protein a day, i stive for 500 or better. 600g if im using igf. My postworkout window of 3 hours includes around 200-300g alone. If im not getting 500-600g carbs a day im on a diet. Yes you will see more muscle growth when you take into consideration calories MUST come from carbs, fats or protein.
when you march and eat and train and do and kill and dress and sleep when and how someone tells you to, your a slave. God bless you guys though, just isnt for me.
just stating i didn't see any more growth when I did eat that much, except a deeper hole in my pocket.

if you think about it though, your work out 2 hours max a day, maybe more i don't know. Unless your operation 100% for those 2 hours you don't use all of what you eat. You just digest it therefore your body gets rid of it as waste. And sense it is so much you eat it has to speed up the metabolism to discrete it.
1 more thing. muscle growth depends on positive nitroogen balance throughout the day and night. it takes that much protein to achieve a +NB spaced out.
g0dsp33d said:
just stating i didn't see any more growth when I did eat that much, except a deeper hole in my pocket.

if you think about it though, your work out 2 hours max a day, maybe more i don't know. Unless your operation 100% for those 2 hours you don't use all of what you eat. You just digest it therefore your body gets rid of it as waste. And sense it is so much you eat it has to speed up the metabolism to discrete it.

bro you missing the best Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) out there. protein. 2+g/lb of BW/d is the norm for the top bbers, olympic lifters and Plers.
g0dsp33d said:
I don't like the fact that you think the military trains slaves.

Go through it then tell me different.

Gotta chime in're 20 years old. What do you know about how we train and what it feels like? I was a Recon Marine. BRS was just as bad as BUDs training, and let me tell you something, when its over you feel like a slave. We choose to go through it so that you can go to sleep at night without worrying whether or not you're going to have your freedom tomorrow. I trained with Seals and was in combat with some. Maybe we can't all squat 600 lbs like you, but so what! Can you set a claymore? Can you clear a jammed M16A2 while taking small arms fire at night? Can you break one down in complete darkness? Know how to survive for days in the field alone? Know what it feels like to squeeze a trigger on an M16 or an M249 and watch points hit the ground? You're a slave of civilian life. Everything gets handed to people like you. Well, you're fucking welcome. Maybe one of these days all the "slaves" in the military will decide they don't want to be slaves anymore and instead fighting, they'll just pack up and go home. God help people like you if that ever happened.

Semper Fi
Just to let you know. I have been through basic, I have military experience. I can do all these things also.

Can you set a claymore? Can you clear a jammed M16A2 while taking small arms fire at night? Can you break one down in complete darkness? Know how to survive for days in the field alone? Know what it feels like to squeeze a trigger on an M16 or an M249 and watch points hit the ground?

I am avid gun owner and disamble and clean them on a regular baises. Maybe I can't break one down in complete darkness at night as fast as you can just because i don't do it everyday.

I know what is like to be in the military and have enjoyed every moment of it (except the pay).
At 20? What branch? What MOS? Basic doesn't teach what I asked. Here ya go, if you went through basic in the Army, or USMC bootcamp, you'll know the answer to this. Describe the M16a2 service rifle. Just like they taught you. Just like you have to do at every inspection. Can ya do it? Muzzle velocity? What rounds? Answer a few and I'll believe ya. Otherwise, you just sound like a dumb kid to me.

Semper Fi