Straight Boost

1. you seem to have done alot of shit by the time you are 20...
2. youstarted working out at 19 and can squat 600+ with a pretty shitty diet, lously sleep, and working way more than full time?

??this is kind of odd
Ok don't laugh for this. AirForce 1rst Combat Comm.

Here are your M-16 specs smart guy.

Caliber of rilfle. is 5.56 mm
Muzzle Velocity is 853 meters per second.
Max range is 800 meters

what else do you want to know. give me any gun.

Not trying to impress anyone. If you don't believe me that's fine. Just when my pictures show up in HardCore Magazine I guess you can believe me then.
Also as far as my shitty diet. All i have to say is it works for me.

I know a pro football player (now retired) that use to base his meals on mac and cheese and choclate shakes everyday and he was ripped as fuck.

Get off your fucking egos and bring it to the gym if you don't believe me.
that didnt take long. we wnt from one big happy famlily to

"Get off your fucking egos and bring it to the gym if you don't believe me".

there is a simple solution to all this. take a digital cam to the gym and film a couple of sets of you squatting and then link them here. i am sure since you work in the computer field you can host them. a couple of 10mg files will clear all this up.

you could post some pics as well of you posing so we dont have to wait on MM to do the shoot.

simple problems, simple solutions.

I for one have enjoyed your posts. keep posting and be happy.
take a quick pic of you doing your best most muscular pose with g0dsp33d written across your chest. Full body shot btw no hiding the wheels.
SemperFi 0321 said:
Gotta chime in're 20 years old. What do you know about how we train and what it feels like? I was a Recon Marine. BRS was just as bad as BUDs training, and let me tell you something, when its over you feel like a slave. We choose to go through it so that you can go to sleep at night without worrying whether or not you're going to have your freedom tomorrow. I trained with Seals and was in combat with some. Maybe we can't all squat 600 lbs like you, but so what! Can you set a claymore? Can you clear a jammed M16A2 while taking small arms fire at night? Can you break one down in complete darkness? Know how to survive for days in the field alone? Know what it feels like to squeeze a trigger on an M16 or an M249 and watch points hit the ground? You're a slave of civilian life. Everything gets handed to people like you. Well, you're fucking welcome. Maybe one of these days all the "slaves" in the military will decide they don't want to be slaves anymore and instead fighting, they'll just pack up and go home. God help people like you if that ever happened.

Semper Fi

Hey Semper, although I can't remember how to do half the shit I learned in Recon school, I applaud you for calling this dude out. I tried with my Lee Priest comment, but he just took off with his Superman necklace and ran with it.

Oorah bro.
g0dsp33d said:
Ok don't laugh for this. AirForce 1rst Combat Comm.

Here are your M-16 specs smart guy.

Caliber of rilfle. is 5.56 mm
Muzzle Velocity is 853 meters per second.
Max range is 800 meters

what else do you want to know. give me any gun.

Not trying to impress anyone. If you don't believe me that's fine. Just when my pictures show up in HardCore Magazine I guess you can believe me then.

I SAID INSPECTION REPORT DUMBASS...... If you were in the military, you'd know that means:

This Marine's M16 is a 5.56mm, magazine fed, air-cooled, gas-operated, hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon capable of semi-automatic or 3-round burst fire. The maximum range for this Marine's weapon is 3,600 meters. The max effective range for an area target is 800 meters. The max effective range for a point target is 500 meters. My weapon's muzzle velocity is 3100 feet per second. It is capable of firing 45 rounds per minute in semi auto mode, 90 rounds per minute in burst mode and 12-15 rounds per minute sustained. The 8 steps in functioning this Marine's weapon are
1. Feeding
2. Chambering
3. Locking
4. Firing
5. Unlocking
6. Extracting
7. Ejecting
8. Cocking

You're a dumbass. You weren't in any combat anything in the airforce. If you were in any branch of the military, you're a fucking disgrace. Get over your fucking ego. I don't care if you do squat 600 lbs., you're still a nasty civilian fucker.

Semper Fi
RJH8541 said:
Hey Semper, although I can't remember how to do half the shit I learned in Recon school, I applaud you for calling this dude out. I tried with my Lee Priest comment, but he just took off with his Superman necklace and ran with it.

Oorah bro.


Semper Fi
Ok ok bad mass recon marine guy. I could have easily give all the FUCKING specs but you didn't ask for all of them. SemperFi I got something for you.

Marines quote of being the first in but I have to quote in "They are the first to die." They are real fucking geniouses. That is why I worked with 3 of them at O Reilly's. Guess you believed that fortune 500 bullshit that you become successfull in the marines. I also worked with another few at UPS. Most of them regret it because you get no education., you just get to blow shit up and that's it. Well I guess any halfwit can pull a trigger. Any halfwit can push a button to launch a nuke. Any halfwit can crawl around in mud. etc, etc.

Not to diss on the military, but it doesn't take a genious to join the Marines. 43 score for the ASVAB. That's borderline of retardation compared to an IQ test. Let me guess you fall into that category.

I scored a 93 on mine.

Just to let you know also. Any half-wit could have easily looked up the specs to the gun and posted them.

Prove to me you have been in the Marines then. I guess this whole thing is a game of who believes who but it doesn't matter to me. I simple asked a question about what gives a good boost. Now you guys try to riddicule me for adding my info. And I am 21 in just a few weeks. So more or less I have accomplished a lot over the past 5 years. I'm not like 70% of Americans that sit on there ass and watch TV.

I just got to get a digital camera and then I will get the files up and loaded. If not I will borrow a DVR and get some up. Hell maybe that's what I should do anyways. Maybe get me sponsored.

Anywho. Anyone know any good recipies for a good boost?
By the way, I didn't just run with the whole lee preist deal. I know of his NasCar tatoo and Superman. I think he is a great role model. Although you can't believe most of the hype he is an all natural body builder (no steroids). At that size I believe that is one amazing feat and something that I strive for.
good boost.... good nights rest followed by a solid diet. In some studies caffine is shown to increase your weights in the gym ~10%. I dont know how much more of a boost you need man. What do you do before you squat? No slander intended but it seems like you got your training in check for sure, if you look good enough to be in a magazine then you should be tellin me what you use for a boost.
g0dsp33d said:
By the way, I didn't just run with the whole lee preist deal. I know of his NasCar tatoo and Superman. I think he is a great role model. Although you can't believe most of the hype he is an all natural body builder (no steroids). At that size I believe that is one amazing feat and something that I strive for.

lee priest is natural? i never heard that. course i never heard he juiced either. damn he is a stud then.
g0dsp33d said:
Ok ok bad mass recon marine guy. I could have easily give all the FUCKING specs but you didn't ask for all of them.

What proof you want? I got pics from BRS, I got pics from Bosnia and Kosovo, I got pics from jump school, got my discharge name it.

And I did ask for an inspection report dumbass. Look at the posts.

If you were in the air force, why are you out before your 4 is up? None of those links you posted have an inspection report. Yeah, they have info on the M-16, but so does my Battle Skills Training Handbook. So fucking what. An inspection report is burned into your brain. You'd know that if you were actually in the military.

So you think you're borderline genius huh? Why the hell can't you speak proper English then? And what were you doing working at O'Reilly's and UPS if you're such an educated individual? My education was paid for completely by the US Marines. You haven't had time to get an education yet by 20 if you have been into everything you claim, so how do you know whether you're going to get an education out of the air force or not? If it hasn't happened yet, don't count on it.

Why don't you just admit the fact that you lied about being in the military, apologize for discrediting the Marine Corps, and leave it at that. I can prove my background with documentation and photos. Want to trade DOD papers?

Semper Fi
I imagine a man of your expertise has never heard of the term medical discharge. going flat foot or anything like that. ::rolleyes:

As far as a boost I was wondering if anyone has any good shakes or pre workout supplements or a super shake or something.

Ephedra works fairly good for me but I was looking for something different besides that and caffine.