UncleZ is the shit

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Have you ordered from him bro and got scammed if not stfu!

I got some overdosed gear he apoligized and made it right lets just say I have enough free gear from my uncle to run 2 additional 16 week test cycles all I paid for is 1....

Z is awesome! Earlier this year I used him and the gear was not dosed properly (his words) but it caused extreme pain and he replaced it for free. Then I ordered from him a few weeks ago and something happened with his domestic shipping so he had to send the international line. He sent me extra of everything for the wait. I did not ask for this, that is just how cool he is!

i ordered 100 HG Sustanon (sust) amps from him a while ago,,, it took 3 months to get them and allthough only 2 came broke witch i was hapy about,, EVERY FUKIN one had about half a cc in it....to say the leaste i pawned em off on sumone else,, cuz when i get fuked sumone else is gettin fuked..dog eat dog

I'm new to the site, very interested in getting some gear, just curious as to why these misdosed product are being distributed??

8 weeks and then a message from z that my pack was busted...No letter from customs..offer of discount on next order seems to have fizzled cus messages not being returned like previously.
Z had a Canadian domestic line up the same week i ordered and didn't let me know until i placed my order from Europe. Makes no sense.
Canadian Customs is a bitch!

Are you saying I can get uncle z's product to canada or is it sort of a gamble to get it across the border?? Please excuse my ignorance but I'm not sure what you guys mean by international and domestic???
Ive placed an international order which is on the way...

Because I've heard so much positive feedback about Z I've also placed a domestic order six days ago just incase I come across a custom snag but so far there's no reason to expect any issues.

I'm in Florida so I think I'll see both orders real soon - I'll post an update once I do.

I hear all good stuff about Z so I think your in good hands doing business with him.
Hey sfxspider

few simple questions , did u had break between cycles???, do u use PCT after cycle??, this are very important things brother, so please back to my whit all this info , my z-line staff is fantastic 1000% dosage and clear i use this shit myself , so if u write here about poor results i cant believed it !
My first cycle a year and a half ago: I cycled for 12 weeks and just took nolvadex for 2 to 3 weeks after. I stayed off for about 4 and a half months, then I started my second cycle that was cut short because of personal reasons. It only lasted 8 weeks. So, I guess it had been about 8 to 9 months, since I started back.
Uncle Z makes me happy and gets my vote!

Ok were not voting - but if we were ... I would vote for him :hahano:
uncles new line is top stuff ( been hearing it all over)

whats amazing is even the animals on the pharm are using his old line ( feed lots 1 year back) and are blowing up.

I am on z-line domestic Test-E and not only is it smooth as silk going in, it is also right on if not a little over dosed. My blood work shows my test count is off the chart.

Keep up the good work Z, you got my vote :yumyum:
i dont sign for domestic or international

hey, I have a question about this.

whenever i receive various other things through the mail, if I greet the mailman and take the package from him, he will ask me for a signature. is it different for this though? will he not ask for a signature and if he does and I refuse will it cause any complications?
hey, I have a question about this.

whenever i receive various other things through the mail, if I greet the mailman and take the package from him, he will ask me for a signature. is it different for this though? will he not ask for a signature and if he does and I refuse will it cause any complications?

I don't know man. Don't greet him, I don't see any reason too. Like I posted earlier...he just sticks my gear in the mailbox.

If you want u can vote on me here :)

Source Ratings


LOL - then yes Z you have my vote!

For those on the fence wondering how to order - Z would answer best...

However - my experience in the USA is - I've ordered international and it arrived on time (I've singed at the post office with no worries at all)

I have a domestic order coming soon - and I'll be placing an order that includes both international & domestic (same order) this weekend.

I'll gladly say it again - Z gets my vote :biggthump
Oh man - something I ordered two of the day before the sale ... "went on sale!"

Still ... "some good deals!" :bigok:
All the prices are still the same?? Whats on sale.

I was thinking the same thing until I seen an item on sale that I ordered the day before the sale.

For some reason the sale items show the regular price being the same as the sale price.

I bought 2 of an item at regular price - with the sale price I would have received 3 for the price of my 2.

This items now 33% off so I imagine the other items are in the same ballpark but thats just a guess?

Maybe they'll update the price comparison soon?
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