UncleZ is the shit

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All the prices are still the same?? Whats on sale.

I've just noticed - you'll see the true regular price with the sale price & savings - when you click on a sale item as if you wanted to see its details.

Just an FYI

We dont have delays, all orders is send like always, post office have delays but i do not know how long

That they will, especially a week before xmas. On another note, Nice job Z, Your T&A was awsome both inter and dom. I was pleasently suprised today! Felt like xmas already!
Whats up, guys? I'm new to the forum, and I just want to make my presence known.
DBOL is normally cheap as it is so to be on sale at that price is not unheard of. Another well known place has the same type of sale going on with them too. The BD's I got were real and I wouldnt expect otherwise.
Looking forward to putting my first order through with Uncle Z, just waiting to hear back on a few things. I hope it works out, my previous source has gone downhill - everyone seems to love Z, and he offers Canadian domestic.
Im affraid of those 9$ BD's on sale :worried:

anyone? no methyl test / fake ?

I can't vouch for him as of yet, but nontheless I've read plenty of great reviews on the Zman!! I'm sure what you see. is what you get.
Guys Z;s line right NOW is insane........ serious no hype

you know your on first week, and orals forget about it, Strong and clean!
Guys Z;s line right NOW is insane........ serious no hype

you know your on first week, and orals forget about it, Strong and clean!

Yes I totaly agree with OMEGA - I'm very please with the Z line of test cyp - I have some orals on order so I can't say from experience on those but I have heard all good stuff about them as well. :D
Love Z. Always delivers and always take care of his customers.

Z - I was super sad to find out that you don't carry powders anymore! I understand your reasoning though. Just sad :crying:
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