UncleZ is the shit

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Yeah, I have been trying to get on it for like two hours. That happens sometimes with his site, I'm sure it will be fixed soon, usually gets fixed pretty quickly.
and ya that does suck ass bro prices have gone up for domestic but the site looks good lol I'd rather have the old prices and old site back
So with Domestic do you have to sign? cuz im not too keen on that id rather them just leave it at my door lol But I am super pumped starting my first cycle on monday I want to get my 2nd ready to go

Its such a wonderful thing to have dependable domestic Test, Masteron, Anavar (var) and Deca.

Super Legit packaging , service and TA.

i don't say much , but in this case it helps to put a nice word out.

Hope its ok to post this.

Ok, I know it shows im new here, but ive been around here for a while now. Im not new to this forum, I have just lost access to my Juno email account to retrieve my p/w for this great site, so please take my words for what their worth, not my amount of threads posted or rep... thx.

and with that out of the way... please quit pumping this guy up. You obviously either work for him or have no idea what you are talking about. Noone on this whole forum talks about even receiving any items from Z, only that they have "heard good things" and that "he's a good guy". I am so tired of hearing this crap with no evidence besides MODS backing this guy because he is a sponsor of this website and helps pay for it with money he scams from people. Heyzeus Kreesto people...that is all.

z's site is down.

yea man I finally broke down and tried him with my current source relocated due to his job. Big mistake. I sent him $185 plus the $25 fee to Western Union him the money. over 6 weeks now.

(and for all the dummys that will ask if i emailed him, no shit i emailed him. got a reply saying that he is going to pick up the money was his first replies, then that he was waiting for stocking to package and send, then that he never received money!!)

his site went down, came back up new and refreshed, but now my log in ID isnt even identified, nor my email address, wtf. prolly used my money for a web designer lol. but seriously, if anyone can PM me a true source, not a scammer plz, that will truly deliver product, it would be much appreciated. I am by no means a competitor or mechanic, but this forum has helped me in the past, and dont want people getting ripped like i did.

again, if anyone has a true source that can hook it up, please pm me.

dont write bull shit bro , did y ever send me pm ore something , NO,so if y have problem pm or email whit all details and i fix everythink so dont write shit , and first write to me


one more think we only change lok our site that all, rules is the same, and we are still the same uncle z so relax, and dont write shit about it

Bro I can tell you from personal experience that Z has not let me down.
I have heard good things about Z before I tried him. I tried him over a year ago and he is now the only way to go for me. So please deal with him directly first I think he will make things right. Noone is perfect but if you work with him he will come through. We are not talking about walmart. com this is much diffrent and we must be a little patient.
go to send my funds t.m. i cant wait

i put one in for test cyp. if i get that in well and good then i shall order some eq also ;)
Good customer service. placed order 3 weeks ago and the replies to my emails have been quick! It takes time to get up north. lol
good stuff. this is my first time going through an online source...so does z let u knw when the funds are picked up..?[/QUO

they emailed me on sunday saying the funds would be picked up shortly, then i got a western union email saying they were picked up.
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