UncleZ is the shit

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I hear so many great things about UZ that I placed an order and right off the bat I can't even pay the guy, the email provided to send the info keeps giving me a failure notice, so I open a support ticket and gets closed with no answer. I did email them through my account, anyone help? :dunno:

The email he has listed on the site says "oredrs" when he means to type "orders." Correct the spelling and the email will work fine.

I've emailed UZ about a 6 times before i placed my first order and another 3 or 4 times after that, as far as customer service goes UZ has always returned my emails quickly, one of the reasons i decided to try his dvd's out. When i couldn't login to his new site sent him a message he responded a few hrs after and problem solved. Good service!

Placed my first order and sent my money WU. Within 24 hours, my order status says "started", so I am psyched.

What's your experience for domestic delivery time boys?
Placed my first order and sent my money WU. Within 24 hours, my order status says "started", so I am psyched.

What's your experience for domestic delivery time boys?

You'll get your stuff. Delivery times will vary. He's slow sometimes but he does deliver. A fair estimate is a little over two weeks.
ok well I changed oreders to orders and the email went through, I know it may sound stupid of me not to think about the typo but when your talking about hundreds of dollars you kinda want to make sure it goes to the right person.
Ok sweet, got a reply from UZ and yes it is "orders", soon as I get my goodies, making another order!!! I mean with the holidays coming up, who needs xmas presents from me anyways, its all about getting HUGE!! :jump:
ok well I changed oreders to orders and the email went through, I know it may sound stupid of me not to think about the typo but when your talking about hundreds of dollars you kinda want to make sure it goes to the right person.

hahahahahah dude i did the same shit dude. i felt dumb as shit when i got an email saying it didnt go through
i ordered 100 HG sust amps from him a while ago,,, it took 3 months to get them and allthough only 2 came broke witch i was hapy about,, EVERY FUKIN one had about half a cc in it....to say the leaste i pawned em off on sumone else,, cuz when i get fuked sumone else is gettin fuked..dog eat dog

i write many many times, if y have problems email me or pm, so back to my whit more info and we will try fix y problem

Z is legit. I have ordered many times and he has always come through. He has fixed any issue I have had and has always replied.

Thanks Z
z did you receive my payment on order 209?

I've been trying to contact you by email, tried to pvt msg but can't because I don't have enough posts on this board.
8 weeks and then a message from z that my pack was busted...No letter from customs..offer of discount on next order seems to have fizzled cus messages not being returned like previously.
Z had a Canadian domestic line up the same week i ordered and didn't let me know until i placed my order from Europe. Makes no sense.
Canadian Customs is a bitch!

no talk about payment here guys,please email me than y get replay for all info

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8 weeks and then a message from z that my pack was busted...No letter from customs..offer of discount on next order seems to have fizzled cus messages not being returned like previously.
Z had a Canadian domestic line up the same week i ordered and didn't let me know until i placed my order from Europe. Makes no sense.
Canadian Customs is a bitch!

Oh really there is a canadian line now?? So that means us canadians, can order from him safely and receive our stuff in a couple days! :bigok:
As far as Ive ever heard Z is the man. I know he doesnt reply to emails very well but if you PM him on this forum when you need something it takes him no time to respond he responded to me very timely and I'm just waiting on my package that was shipped Saturday and when it comes in Ill let all know how long it took.
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