Updated progress pics


That Dude
currently sitting at 195lbs(give or take a few lbs), 5'10"-5'11". On 500mg/week of test E. Just a few quick pics since I havent posted in awhile. Sorry for the quality. Critiques welcome.
not a huge fan of those panties but everything else looks good bro..lol gettin bulky.. delts and traps are fuckin nasty..
huge delts & traps, but too white, you need a tan, quads are huge too.. chest could use some more mass..your good to go..
great sweep. poor teardrop. don't let this stay as this will make you look wide thru the waist. sounds weird, but it does. WOrk on that teardrop and those legs will pop.

unreal delts, traps. good arm development. hows the back look?

put some pants on.

great work brother. are those chicken calves i see or a bad angle? Either way, you could get down on a stage for sure. Nice work homie.
great sweep. poor teardrop. don't let this stay as this will make you look wide thru the waist. sounds weird, but it does. WOrk on that teardrop and those legs will pop.

unreal delts, traps. good arm development. hows the back look?

put some pants on.

great work brother. are those chicken calves i see or a bad angle? Either way, you could get down on a stage for sure. Nice work homie.

i agree, teardrop is weak! how can i make it pop bro?

cant take pics of legs with pants on. just be happy i didnt break out the pink armani briefs for the pics.

definitely chicken calves. although they are growing, and getting worked hard, they are still chicken calves.
definitely put on some quality size since your last pics in june dude. Where you goin from here, gonna keep putting on the mass? or any plans on stripping off the body fat?
i agree, teardrop is weak! how can i make it pop bro?

well, alot of it is genetics. i don't buy into all that feet out, feet in shit. Do you do front squats? I feel once i started doing those a few years back mine started to grow even more. I naturally have big legs, but those helped alot.

Since you have an overpowering sweep, it may just take time to compensate.
I like the pics better where your penis is in a girls mouth. More pics of those please without blocking out her face :)
Thats good work.

Be careful the delts dont over power the pecs. Meaning I would bring your pecs up just a smidge to give that total upper body package symetry.
See what I mean?
Otherwise I see that headin onto the stage and takin some names.

Looks like you are sittin at about 11%. Does that sound right?