ha lol good work good feelin when you warm up with 225 huh VM
Great enthusiasm! it's guys like you that help keep old dogs like me motivated to keep lifting through the years.
Positive energy rubs off on others the same way shitty negativity does.
Really enjoying your log bro!
Great enthusiasm! it's guys like you that help keep old dogs like me motivated to keep lifting through the years.
Positive energy rubs off on others the same way shitty negativity does.
Really enjoying your log bro!
Hahaha yeah. 2. Looks like u are making the most of this cycle. Got your diet going too? Eat plenty, but eat clean. Lots of chicken breast complex carbs , tilapia or salmon.
Go for it bro!
Great Log Bro! inspirational for 1st time pin users!
Me too. I'm glad I can trust my source. What is your plan?
Planning to start next Monday. I'm working on getting my meal plan in order. Still debating whether to workout on a 5 days split or 4 days split...
My cycle looks like this:
Weeks 1-12:test E 500 mg/ 250mg twice per week
Weeks 1-4: D-bol 40 mg/ED
Weeks 1-12: Aromasin @ 12.5 mg ED
Weeks 3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu/every 4 days
Weeks 1-4:clomid @ 50mg/day
Weeks 1-2:Nolva @ 40 mg/day
Weeks 3-4:Nolva @ 20 mg/day
What do you think?Based on your experience, Should I modify anything?
Keep the good work up bro!
Hey VM that happened to me on quads a couple of times too. Now I go for the gluteus or deltoids. I like delts best at this point.
Great increase in weight- keep it up. Eat big& clean!
Looks good to me, but your pct is starting 2 weeks after last inject right? I know a lot of guys on this board go with aromasin but I went with arimidex. You can run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) tapered off the two weeks after your last inject. Some guys suggest using it through PCT like balboa. I would go with a 5 day split as long as you're staying on point with rest and meals. I'm not really into split routines anymore but to each their own. Are you going to start a log?