WEEK 2 and ALREADY seeing gains!!!

I know HCG made me horny as f()ck and the ol' lady loved me for it. May wanna incorporate it next cycle. I used it last time but didn't this time and can tell the difference in libido. HCG helps bro
Wow, I wouldn't want that at all. So far my test cycle has been completely opposite. Huge libido increase and an even shorter then usual fuse.

to be quite honest with ya bro, I dont even care.. It's 12 weeks and all I am trying to do is put on as much size as physically possible. My friends with benefits lives 20 miles away and I dont feel like driving there 4 times a day to fuck anyway lol...That being said, I think I feel the test kicking in and AM starting to feel horny LOL.
to be quite honest with ya bro, I dont even care.. It's 12 weeks and all I am trying to do is put on as much size as physically possible. My friends with benefits lives 20 miles away and I dont feel like driving there 4 times a day to fuck anyway lol...That being said, I think I feel the test kicking in and AM starting to feel horny LOL.

You're a true bodybuilder the day you neglect pussy to lift the iron.
The beginning of week 4 and almost reached my goal of 200lbs already! Hopefully I'll gain a little over 200 so once I let out all my water I can stick with a solid keepable 200lbs.

Man - that is awesome that your cycle is going so well. Really nice gains! Keep up with the clean diet because if you are anything like me, you will lose 10lbs of water when you drop the deca. (last cycle I went from 185 to 218 and settled down to 206 afterwards. But i am an old fuk not a young buck like u...;-) HCG is a great idea too and you can add that in anytime. It will def help with pct. And funny comment about iron before pussy - lol almost split my jeans. You got the right attitude though - when u are on a cycle take it seriously and make the most of it!
very cool dude - looks like you are putting some size on your delts and traps! BTW - Next photo - clean the mirror first...;-)
stop taking steroids and go on a diet you fat loser, 36 inch waist... you seriously look like shit stop blaming genetics and upgrade from your pink dumbells/ faggy gloves and planet fagness shithole. STOP FUCKING POSTING, nobody likes you and you are a retard, that is all :)

i also loled at you blocking out your buttbuddies face and faggy planet homo logo, 18 inch biceps hahahha! more like 13 inch fatceps, your a dillusional insecure fagboy
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dude you are seriously just hatin right now. I saw that you and him were going back and forth on another thread and all he was doing was giving you advice. Number 1 he was right you need to eat more if you are going to try out juice. Cause right now you are ripped but you are trying o bulk and you arent eating enough food. 2. The guy has gotten pretty swole and that my friend is hatin and you are doing a lot of it. guys come on here for advice and to give advice not to bash other ppl. 3. You look pretty young to try out AAS anyways but you are going to do it so why not listen and take advice when given and if you dont like the advice state your opinion and move on but your attitude is looking like someone that will do aas and will hurt themslef or fuck up your cycle cause you dont know what yor doing
stop taking steroids and go on a diet you fat loser, 36 inch waist... you seriously look like shit stop blaming genetics and upgrade from your pink dumbells/ faggy gloves and planet fagness shithole. STOP FUCKING POSTING, nobody likes you and you are a retard, that is all :)

i also loled at you blocking out your buttbuddies face and faggy planet homo logo, 18 inch biceps hahahha! more like 13 inch fatceps, your a dillusional insecure fagboy