You Wanna See gains (PICS)-watch my Log!

DAY 19

Today was suppose to be a great shoulders day. However, right into my workout my right arm started to hurt like mad. I have been complaining about my right shoulder in this log for a while. However, after futher examiniation I have concluded that the pain is coming from the area of my elbow and traveling up towards my shoulder. I have been saying tendinitis but that is not confirmed for sure. It feels like it is deep within the bone. I put some ice on it after my 20 minutes at the gym and that helped with the pain (almost feels good now until I put any pressure on it). Thoughts?????

It does suck because my workouts to get to hypertrophy deal with heavy weights. And I know that I cannot put to much pressure on that arm. I think I'm going to be smart about it and let it heal as much as possible. I will continue with my routine but will be cautious and apply heat pre workout and ice afterwards.

Exact pain is coming from right arm; laying it flat inner part of the elbow right at the bone.
DAY 20

weight 203lbs

40mg Dbol

Biceps/Tri's: Short workout since still trying to recoop from my injury/soreness from yesterday. I did some Arnold curls, spider curls, and skullcrusher. I got a little pump and thats about it.

I have been icing my arm right after workout; post=ice, pre=heat.

I have been feeling about the same the past couple of days (less lathargic but still no clear signs of Test kicking in).
DAY 21

40mg dbol; 350mg Test (right glute).

CHEST: workout starts at 6:30!

Diet: It's about 3:30PM, appetite is severely suppresed today; I might have 1500 cals in but probably a little less (normally at this point I have 3,000). Will have to focus on getting pro/carbs/cals from shakes. I have been trying to eat high cal foods like Peanut Butter but I just cannot stomach it. I cannot wait until my Dbol is over (end of this week). I believe it has to be the factor to which I have no appetite. That truely has been my downfall thus far into this cycle. Off cycle I at least can eat multiple meals and enjoy most of them. Now, I have to gag down food. It's like trying to feed an anorexic person who needs to eat but just has no feeling too (shitty way of explaining it but its the best I can explain the feeling).

I'm really hoping these feelings are normal. In the past when taking Dbol I didn't experience any appetite loss. However, it was a different brand and different dosage.

CHEST: Dumbell Bench: 120lbs 6x's, 95lbs 6x's, 80lbs 6x's. Incline: 225lbs 6x's, 255lbs 6x's, 185lbs 6x's. Flat Bench: 275lbs 6x's, 255lbs 6x's, 225 6x's. Sitting press, sitting decline, machine chest.

I didn't have much energy tonight. Left shoulder and right elbow sore. Again, cannot wait until Dbol is over.
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Snigg-I agree 100%. I don't think that I'm going to run an oral again; at least for a long time. However, this was my first cycle with TEST so I felt I needed a kickstart. I have never felt this way before from Dbol.
DAY 22

40mg Dbol

weight 205lbs (+5lbs since the start).

My lack of appetite is still keeping me down. I'm forcing my cals/pro/carbs into anything that I can. If it wasn't for my weight gainer shakes I honestly think I'd be losing weight. I'm keeping it very dirty until my appetite increases. The Lathargic feeling is slowly coming to an end. However, by the EOD I'm very tired and have been going to bed fairly quickly after the gym (GF is not happy).

I'm uncertain if I feel anything from the TEST at this point. I have felt better though since I cut the Aromasin out of my cycle (I will watch for gyno and bloat and take accordingly). However, I have been getting slight headaches do to the Dbol (I switched the times I'm taking it at. Instead of doing 10mg 4 different times throughout the day I'm taking 20mg during half the day and another 20mg the second half the day).

Calves/Triceps: Standing calf raises, sitting calf raises, calf extensions sitting and standing. Tri's I just worked on them enough to get a decent pump going. At the gym for about 1.5 hours.
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DAY 23


Concentrating on diet today; very suppressed (I literally gaged a piece of chicken breast down today and threw the rest away). I only have one more day of Dbol so I hope things change. Headaches have been increasing as well (just slight ones nothing painful).

PS. I'm going to take some pics when I get home. Probably not much progress but I just want to keep this log interested and thorough.

PS. just added the pics. Look at the one with my chest unflexed. My right nipple is larger than the left (one is hard and the other is not). However, it seems that this is always the case. Is this normal???
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DAY 24

(I just started a thread on this as well)
Hey guys. Last night was horrible (couldn't sleep at all & my whole body was just in slight pain).

When your estrogen levels get to low what exactly does the joint pain feel like???

I'm in middle of week 3 Test 700mg, Dbol kick start 40mg.

I'll try and describe what I'm feeling. My lower body is worse then the upper (at the knees-which I never have any knee probs), I feel a slight pain that shoots down my leg every so often (10-15 seconds), when I move it especially. However, I cant stop from moving because I'm fidgety as one can be. Hence, me not being able to sleep a wink last night. My lower back has the same slight pain as well.

Is this joint pain from low estrogen being only 3 weeks in???


How can my estrogen be lower now than from when I was taking the Aromasin??? I stop taking it like a week and half ago.

Anyone have any ideas????

PS: the pain seems to be running along my entire legs and into my glutes.
PSS- I know that my intake of water is very low as well (thus not helping the situation), I MIGHT be getting 1/2gallon per day (I know, I know, trust me I know-fucking Dbol has my appetite so supressed I'm over it).
AWW Hell. I just noticed that my right nipple is a little tender as well. This really perplexes me since that would be a sign of High estrogen.

Ok so we have my joints possibly hurting bc of low estrogen.
And we have a possible itchy/tender nip due to high estrogen.

Thoughts??? (other than I'm crazy-which might be the freakin case).

It has come to my attention that I might be suffering from an E2 (estrogen spike). My eyes are itchy, I have hot flashes, I also have a red spot on my face, and my right nipple is tendor. I think I need to jump back on the Aromasin. To me that seems like a lot of signs pointing in that direction.

I decided to end the Dbol kick start a few days early hoping that my appetite comes back into full force. I also have restarted the Aromasin 15-25mgs today to help rid of these sharp pains that I'm having in my lower back and throughout my lower body. I really hope it works because it's becoming more and more painful.

Today I did my injection of TEST 350MG; left glute. Went very smoothe.

I just finished my bicep workout today trying to reach hypertrophy. I got some good pumps. Eating and trying to get some sleep to make up from last night.
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DAY 25

Just an update. The pain is ridiculous. However, I took 3 Ibuprofrin (spelling right ?) and it just went away. Which is weird because usually pain pill, especially OTC do nothing for me. I'm glad as hell though. This morning the pain was coming back while at work I popped 3 more and poof, the pain is gone. I started taking my Aromasin again last night as well somewhere between 15-25mg. I will continue this process and try to find my sweet spot that way I will not have probs with future cycles.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I have a few friends coming in from out of town so I WILL be doing some drinking. Not sure if I'm going to make it to the gym tonight but will keep everyone posted.
Hypertrophy generally means reps between 8-15...

Ibupropfen is great for inflammation which is probably your shoulder issue...

5lbs in 4 weeks on 40mg of DBol and 700mg/wk of Test makes me wonder if your gear is any good. What brand are you running?
RE: elbow pain -- you likely have "golfer's elbow". Tennis elbow would be the outside tendon -- golfer's is inside. I have the same problem when going heavy. Manually massage the area around the bone with your thumb, pressing deep and hard (like I did to yer woman :eek: ) to get the muscle to loose up releasing the tendon. Look up "active release" pressure point massage for that area and you should get some good info about what you can do on your own. It has relieved my pain significantly.
Yeah, lookin good bro! Its CRAZY to me to hear such BIG guys saying they dont lift much with their back. Im 5'7", 190lbs and I dead lift 500+lbs like ALL DAY. Ill usually do 5sets of 15-20 reps at 500lbs. Squats roughly the same but tapering down in reps as sets go by. Everything else I really lack comparably! Curl=120lbs(5sets 6-15) Bench Press=270 (same#reps& sets) Shoulder Press=200lbs (4sets 6-12reps) As I switch to isolation lifts after my compounds I can only manage to do 30-45lbs dumbells, deltoid raises really low, like 25-35lbs dumbells for 10 reps. Im in a real funk, stuck like concrete at those lifts. How the heck do y'all make progress? I might be facing genetic limitations I think
How the heck do y'all make progress? I might be facing genetic limitations I think

Clearly you are strong. The question I have is what progress are you looking to make? If you're looking to gain strength, sets of 15 to 20 aren't going to cut it. I would hit some powerlifting principles and see if that helps you at all.

Sorry for the thread jack barrysanders.
I didn't mean to thread jack, im really sorry! Just wondered what the bigger taller guys had it like ya know, comparably
Hypertrophy generally means reps between 8-15...

Ibupropfen is great for inflammation which is probably your shoulder issue...

5lbs in 4 weeks on 40mg of DBol and 700mg/wk of Test makes me wonder if your gear is any good. What brand are you running?

Milk- I used a reliable product from the research I had done. ProMeds; Geneza product. I don't know what the hell what going on. 40mg of dbol is not a small amount. I would not use them again personally. Thanks for the tip on Hypertrophy as well.
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Days 26-29

Sorry for slacking guys on the log for a few days. Was my birthday and I had a few friends come into town. I had a few drinks but nothing really to crazy. I workout a couple times but nothing to vigerous. I will start my log with day 30 (Tuesday) again in great detail.
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Day 30


Weight: 200.00lbs (off the dbol and crappy diet over the weekend results in -4lbs in my weight).

350mg TEST Shot went very smoothly into my left glute.

Since I have quit taking the Dbol I have been feeling a lot better mentally and physically. I'm still having no clear signs of the TEST kicking in other than being a little more horny.

My diet over the long weekend was not the best but not the worst either. I would assume that I probably lost a few lbs of my progress but will update later after the gym. I'm going to do either chest or back today.

Thanks everyone for giving me advice and checking out my log. Please be sure to add any comments or concerns that you might have. I love being critiqued as much as possible about my body and things that I might be doing.

Back: I did deadlifts. My max was still really low at 345lb X2 (without straps). However, I will be adding weight each week. I should be able to get to 405lb by the end of the month hopefully. I seem to have difficulty holding and gripping the bar. How do you guys do over 405lb and be able to hold on to the bar??? Any suggestions???? I also did misc back machine exercises as well. Total time 1.45hrs.
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