ACZECH's Main lifts log

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aztech
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Narrow-stance Squat
185#x8 (2 sets)

Wide-stance Squat
185#x8 (2 sets)

Leg Press
12 plates for 10reps (2 sets)

Leg Curl
4 heavy sets of 8reps

Leg Extension
2 sets of full stack for 10 reps

Calf work
Winter said:
Good leg work Aczech. Do you enjoy doing legs now that your leg weights have skyrocketed?

I do enjoy doing legs much more...I think my squat suffers from form, hip aductor strength and possibly a few other weak points cause I can rock the stack on the leg extensions, i can pile the weights on the leg press and I'm nearing the full stack on the leg curl. I'll keep working it, i know I've still got a lot of room to go up in the squat
AngryMuscles said:
wow. for me that would be too much..but damn. your legs must be hueg man!

Actually, I have a navy duty coming up and i tried on my size 34 kahki pants...waist fits, snug but fits. The thighs are another issue. Skin tight on the upper leg, you could probably see muscle separation when I walk..that tight. I guess i'll wear them, might need to buy a bigger size and have the waist taken in...getting bigger not only costs more money in food and supps, but now more money money for new clothes. :rockband:
Chest day:

Flat BB Bench Press

Wide-grip BB Bench
185#x8 (2sets)

Close-grip BB Bench

Incline DB Flyes
40's x10reps (2 sets)

Front DB Lat Raise
40's x 8 reps (2 sets)

DB Pullovers
40# x 10 reps (2 sets)

Overhead press

Close-grip Tricep pushdown
full stack x 8 reps (2 sets)

Reverse tricep cable extensions
50#x8 (2 sets)
Winter said:
Good chest workout. By wide BB bench, do you mean index fingers on the rings?

wide is pinkies to supports
normal is index finger on the rings
narrow is middle finger on the inner grips

As I said before, my grip has gone wider lately and my chest has seen growth from this. I think I'll start bringing my normal grip in, maybe a finger a week and week if my tricep strength can push my bench to new heights
AngryMuscles said:
this guy is serious!! damn you'll be one big mofo of a navy

lol, thanks...someday i'll be benching that 405, maybe a year or two down the road..we'll see how things turn out
Thanks guys...had my last logged workout today as i'm leaving tomorrow for a couple weeks...probably workout in that time but i'll be limited to what's available. Anyway, had an upper body workout as i spent the last three days on a business trip drinking like a college was nuts.

Incline HS press
4 plates x 12
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 6

HS pulldown
4 plates x 12
6 plates x 9
7 plates x 6

Flat HS Press
4 plates x 12
5 plates x 12
6 plates x 8
6 plates x 7

Cable Row

Cable flyes

Upright BB row

DB curls
40's x7
40's x6

Cable Tricep Extension
full stack for 12 reps

Cable curl s/s single arm reverse cable extensions

I look massive today.
You going off on a business trip or something? Whatever it is, have fun and try to keep your strength up!
back from the workouts and too much drinking will be the decider during today's leg workout. still weighing over 200lbs and starting the cutting process. I carry all my fat in the midsection...legs are moderately defined and arms are decently cut. going clean foods with clen...we'll see what happens
AngryMuscles said:
how's the trip? where did ya go again??

classified...need to know basis :insane2:

Well, yesterday's legs were terrible. The reduced calories and extremely low carb diet coupled with two weeks of drinking and no training equals very tough squating.

Todays back was better as i pulled 455 for one. No more pr's for me in the next couple months. Measured bf three times today...14.5/14.5/, i'd say it's pretty close. The goal is lose one percent a get to 10-11% before upp'ing the calories again and start picking up big-boy weights again.

O yeh, eating super-clean is super expensive. :thumbsdow