not a steroid...
it's isotrentoton...a derivative of Vitamin A. It's for the treatment of acne. I've had acne since i was 11 and i have very oily skin...i mean if i don't wash my work shirts they day after i wear them, i run the risk of that oil around my neck ruining my shirt. So i'm tired of this shit. I've used retin-a and minocycline at the adivse of a dermatologist to get no where. I've used the topical benzyl peroxide and sacilic acid at behind the counter concentrations. I figure, this is the next step and I'm gonna kill this shit at the source. It's already made my acne worse (expected) and my eyes are dry and i have to use eye drops 5 times a day and my lips are cracking so i'm covered in chap stick. This shit is hardcore but I think the results will far outweigh these sides.