ACZECH's Main lifts log

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Winter said:
Was the 455 rough?

Not really 'tough''s hard to describe. Like, i didn't feel like i was straining my back or hammies during the pull...but i was able to bring it up slowly and held at the top for a good 5 secs then lowered slowly. I attribute it to the lack of nutritional energy
Winter said:
Was the 455 rough?

I think i pulled a 465 or 475 the other day mid-way through my back workout...farted half way up..always makes it tougher to finish.

Squated 275 yesterday for reps and started doing "walk-outs"...we'll see if these help my squat numbers.

No real impressive lifting to report but still grinding it out. Body weight is down to 195lbs and i've lost some bf around the mid-section...but still plenty to lose.
Attempted a 505 deadlift...half-way and no finish. Maybe next time. Obviously felt pretty good in the gym today.
nearly passed out during yesterday's leg's event. started accutane that morning and was uninformed that it may cause light-headedness...well, my intensity during squats nearly put me to the floor. Will be much more careful today and will chow down on some candy bar before my workout. Back workout today...i think i'll skip the deads because of yesterday's incident...but maybe i'll do a couple sets at the end of the workout
Brat said:
Hahah...what's your diet lookin' like, eh??

O man, that diet shit is over...i lack the willpower to keep that shit up. Buying foods low in sodium is very hard. I bought a loaf of bread that was like 6 bucks...and it tasted like cardboard but had awesome nutritional value. only drinking peligrino water can add up pretty quick too. Also, all the fresh butcher, i never had such expensive grocery bills
Aczech said:
O man, that diet shit is over...i lack the willpower to keep that shit up. Buying foods low in sodium is very hard. I bought a loaf of bread that was like 6 bucks...and it tasted like cardboard but had awesome nutritional value. only drinking peligrino water can add up pretty quick too. Also, all the fresh butcher, i never had such expensive grocery bills
Yeah, just finding low-sodium stuff is tough...I wish they'd make a low-sodium cottage cheese...

Luckily, with the diet I'm on now, my friend told me not to worry about sodium, just don't oversalt shit...
estray said:
Good lifts bro. You and i are very similar strength wise.

thanks bro...haven't logged the weights much lately but still hitting em, time is just so hard to come by these days.
Brat said:
Yeah, just finding low-sodium stuff is tough...I wish they'd make a low-sodium cottage cheese...

Luckily, with the diet I'm on now, my friend told me not to worry about sodium, just don't oversalt shit...

yeh, that's kind what i've gone to now...eating normal foods and staying away from those high in sodium and not adding salt to the french fries. Then again, i went from 205 to 192 in two weeks on the diet...that's alot of water weight i'm sure, i doubt clen burned that much fat off. but i'm ramping up near 200 again one week back into eating normally. I really need to start running in the mornings
I got to report that I'm having a tough time with my squats still. I did 225#x10 and 245#x7 today but I just can't seem to get it up. I can do leg extensions for sets of ten with the whole stack...i can leg press upwards of 14-16 plates for squat just fucking sucks. I'm thinking maybe it's something to do with my core strength that is really holding me back...any suggestions? I also did narrow stance hack squats today with 4 plates for ten squating blows...pls help!
Try box squats for a couple of weeks or you can try 20reppers at the end of your squat session.

I think you might be going too high in volume for squats. This is usually how my squat routine looks like:

bar x 10
1st warmup x 10
2nd warmup x 6-8
1st work x 5
2nd work x 5
3rd work x 3

Usually something in that nature, but I've recently started doing 2-3sets of 5reps for my working sets.

Btw, how far apart are your legs? I find that having my legs about shoulder width apart is the most comfortable for my knees/hips.
my leg workouts used to be tailored like that....but i wasn't seeing much in lines of progress...i've know adopted a set of 15, 12, 10, 8 just for the sake of trying something different. My feet are probably slightly wider than shoulder width with my toes pointed out in a relaxed manor.
ok, well just for an update;

I'm running accutane...this fucking shit is killer. First day, first workout, nearly passed out doing squats. I get fatigued really fast and strength has suffered a little, not much but those same weights are being put up a few reps less. Slowly lossing a little body fat yet maintaining most the bonus there. Floating around the 195-198lbs and keeping workouts around 45 minutes, every other day. It's only the second week of accutane...this is gonna be a long three months!!! ahhhh
Aczech said:
So, for the sake of logging, current PR's are as follows:

Flat Bench - 325lbs
Deadlift - 495lbs
Squat - 345lbs (finally above the bench)
Clean - 225lbs (don't work much but I think it's noteworthy)

nice work AZ, these are some strong #'s. Our flat bench and incline routine are about identical and we both are pushing roughly the same numbers. I'm a wee bit stronger but me being 228 lbs. you are pound fer pound. I'm stuck at 345lbs on the flat. this competive powerlifter at my gym suggested me moving to the smith for a couple weeks or doing some rack benches in the power rack. I'm gonna ask PB what his take on this is to increase some #'s. anyways, good work there AZ
nice work AZ, these are some strong #'s. Our flat bench and incline routine are about identical and we both are pushing roughly the same numbers. I'm a wee bit stronger but me being 228 lbs. you are pound fer pound. I'm stuck at 345lbs on the flat. this competive powerlifter at my gym suggested me moving to the smith for a couple weeks or doing some rack benches in the power rack. I'm gonna ask PB what his take on this is to increase some #'s. anyways, good work there AZ

Word bro, it's all about changing it up...I've started my chest workout with flat DB press then hammer strength inclines then DB flyes...i get a really good pump in the chest with this routine but i'm still getting my stabilizing muscles used to the DB's. Sometimes my wrist hurt and i have to stop, i'm working on it and think come mid-june to ely-july i'll start bringing back the barbell. my goal is a 365 bench before the new year, so we'll see how that goes. Aside from that, i spend a lot of time working on my shitty squats. lol