ACZECH's Main lifts log

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Aczech said:
i only use straps for heavy deadlifting or maybe burn-out pulldowns if grip is giving out.
Angry was talking about "wrapps" not "straps"...kinda like knee wraps for the wrists. i have a pair i use from time to time on heavy bench days.
AngryMuscles said:
how do they feel around ur wrist, adi?? never tried them before
i like them, they help keep the wrist from feeling like it is going to EXPLODE!!! with heavier wt in your hands.
thanks guys!

Only time for a real short lift so here goes 7/6:

515#x1 - pr

HS lat pulldown
one minute rest

That's it...very off to dinner in the city
Winter said:
Awesome deadlift bro.

Thanks was a quick lift session. Had a pause before lockout but was nonetheless able to lock it out and hold the top for a few seconds.

had dinner at Asiate....maybe you've heard of it?
Flat BB Bench
335#x1.5 - spotter on the second rep

Incline DB Press
100's x9
110's x4

BB Curl

Incline Flye

DB Concentration Curl
40's x7

DB Curl
40's x7

HS Bench Press

DB Curl
30's x13
working on it...want a 365 bench by years end and a dead upwards of 550-575
Aczech said:
working on it...want a 365 bench by years end and a dead upwards of 550-575
Shit, me too. But I don't think I'm going to be able to get there naturally. I'll probably be running my first cycle end of this year, or beginning of next. Either way, you've got some good numbers man. Any idea what your bf% is?
Soul Rebel said:
Shit, me too. But I don't think I'm going to be able to get there naturally. I'll probably be running my first cycle end of this year, or beginning of next. Either way, you've got some good numbers man. Any idea what your bf% is?
i used the calipers a few weeks ago and if i recall correctly they said like 10%...but i only carry fat in my stomach section as my arms are very defined and my legs are defined. So, the whole six pack thing is tough but i'm working on it, slowly. I openly admit my diet sucks, put i do get plenty of protien.