ACZECH's Main lifts log

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did not again attempt the 365. I was close and i'll get back to it soon, hopefully when i get back on the strength program this DC program will have put my strength on the next bar.

As for competing...I still think i've got a ways to go i terms on one rep max. At a local gym comp, i may do ok...but anything higher and i'll look like a little kid.
AngryMuscles said:
ok. how about BB?

I lack the size and dedication for that. I don't have the cleanest diet and nor do I plan too. I tried once for a month and it was painfull. I eat cleanly but do not skip out on fast food or ice cream at the current. We'll see how i progress next year and then I'll be able to decide if this is strictly a stress relieving hobby or something more.
Preacher Curl
80# x 18 RP

Hack Squat
320# x 18 RP

Hack Calves
12p x 35 RP

Flat BB Bench Press
295# x 12 RP

DB Military Press
85's x 16 RP

Cable Tricep Extension
Full Stack x 25 RP

HS Pulldown
320# x 18 RP

Cable Row
240# x 15 RP
Yeh, DC work is brutal. I leave enough rest to get about half the reps in my 2nd set from the first. I don't do all the extreme stretching that is recommended...i'm still getting used to working all my body parts 2.5 times a week.

On the side note, just got back from a 10 day vacation where no lifting was involved. Lifted last night...maintained all my numbers so the next few workouts should be pretty good. Will post when I post tonight's workout.
Aczech said:
Yeh, DC work is brutal. I leave enough rest to get about half the reps in my 2nd set from the first. I don't do all the extreme stretching that is recommended...i'm still getting used to working all my body parts 2.5 times a week.

On the side note, just got back from a 10 day vacation where no lifting was involved. Lifted last night...maintained all my numbers so the next few workouts should be pretty good. Will post when I post tonight's workout.
sounds good, i really ned to start stretching myself as well.
Incline DB Press
115's x 18 RP

HS Shoulder Press
270# x 18 RP

French Press
110# x 14 RP

500# x 2 RP - was not feeling it today

Lat Pulldown
210# x 21 RP
DB Curl
50's x 15 RP

Leg Press
14 plates x 18 RP

Calve Press
10 plates x 3 RP

9/12: not the greatest session
Smith Incline Press
275# x 16 RP

Smith Military Press
225# x 12 RP

90# x 13 rp

Bent-over rows
255# x19 rp

BW x 14 rp
i tried reducing that rest/pause time...damn, this shit whips your ass when you really get going. I'm using the DC to bulk a little then i'll go back to my strength training that has worked quite well.

Thanks bro.
Preacher Curl:
90# x 15 rp

Hack Squat:
360# x 14 rp

Hack Calves:
14plates x 25 rp

Leg Curl:
170# x 21 rp
Since Aug 17th...not too much time yet. I've been trying the two on - one off approach and i seem to recover fine. I'm still working out my rest-pause phases...i go for the 8-4-2 or half the set before. It seems a solid style for bulking, but you really need a workout partner otherwise you'll have to give up a lot of free weights. I use my I like that she can only help up to a point so i know i'm still pushing most the weight. She's not fitness/bb competitor but she moves some good weight for her size. She deads more than alot of the guys out or gym
That's awesome that your woman lifts and even more awesome that she deadlifts. Like I said I use a lot of the DC principles but I really pick and choose the ones I want. I think the 2 on 1 off thing would be more volume than I could handle.
DC training w/o gear = workout eod
DC while on gear = 2on - 1off

I just now incorporating the extreme stretching techinques. I also finish my last set of each exercise with a static hold.

And yeh, my girl deadlifted 155# for a set of ten last time..not bad for normal girl weighing under 125#. And she's got a pretty face :)