Biceps_Blitz bulk pictures

Those leg pictures should initiate some great feedback, lol. Bust ass and you'll get there, you have good sized legs I spose.

P.S. - I also like the monkeys holding each other in the second picture.

P.P.S - Stand still when you take pictures.

P.P.P.S. - Don't hike your skippies up your butt that high, its gay.
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Lifterdude said:
Those leg pictures should initiate some great feedback, lol. Bust ass and you'll get there, you have good sized legs I spose.

P.S. - I also like the monkeys holding each other in the second picture.

P.P.S - Stand still when you take pictures.

P.P.P.S. - Don't hike your skippies up your butt that high, its gay.

Yeah the monkeys are great. I also have a similar one, but with a lion. :flipoffha

I do stand still when I take pictures...

I don't pull my "skippies" up my butt, these are just tight boxers, and my ass has grown pretty huge from all that squatting so al my boxers look weird on me lol.
Well I think considering the dude is natural, maybe we should cut him a little break on the evaluations. Lets face it most of the natural pics around here have been a total joke. I just avoid those threads usually, because there is nothing you can say except, "Have you considered juicing?" It's true! At least this dude resembles the rest of us even though natural.
You are still natural and have a great foundation. I give you praise for posting your pics as a natural BB which is more than I can say for alot of peole. If you decide to cross over to the Dark Side, lol, I think the results will be amazing. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
Easto said:
Reality is ......

You'll look average at best compared to everyone else on the board.
On this board, yes. On the beach, no.
Especially not in Holland were bodybuilding is not very popular.
This guy will turn some (female) heads on a Dutch beach, I’m pretty sure of that. And he is all natural. You cannot compare him to someone who uses some “assistance”.
Biceps_Blitz said:
I don't pull my "skippies" up my butt, these are just tight boxers, and my ass has grown pretty huge from all that squatting so al my boxers look weird on me lol.

Hahah they call underwear "skippies" in Holland?
Thats awesome. Work on those calfs a bit and hit some leg extensions to define your quads a bit more. You got plenty to work with so it shouldnt be to tough for you.
Lifterdude said:
Hahah they call underwear "skippies" in Holland?
Thats awesome. Work on those calfs a bit and hit some leg extensions to define your quads a bit more. You got plenty to work with so it shouldnt be to tough for you.

Nah man, that's the word that guy used.

I've been training Doggcrapp style for a while, and next week I'm gonna start training with more volume. 2 or 3 exercises per bodypart. I will also incorporate leg extensions to finish off the quads. I don't think that they create detail necessarily... I always thought that was a fairy tale. Bodyfat percentage decides whether you have detail or not.
Why are y'all so obnoxious? BB I think you look awesome to be natural and so young. Keep at it. You don't need to juice, just hard work and time.
My buddy is all natural and he hit the extensions like a bastard and his quads are defined as all hell. Give it a try, just might be the thing.
Lifterdude said:
My buddy is all natural and he hit the extensions like a bastard and his quads are defined as all hell. Give it a try, just might be the thing.

Well I will try it again. I remember I used to do the entire weight stack plus a 25kg barbell plate on the leg extension machine lol.

My new routine which I'm starting next Monday looks pretty good, if I may say so myself:p
What are you doing for reps? Any supersets with the extensions? I think a few cuts in your quads would make them look bigger for sure
Lifterdude said:
What are you doing for reps? Any supersets with the extensions? I think a few cuts in your quads would make them look bigger for sure

I will be doing 10-15 reps, to finish up quads after doing squats and leg presses. Really flush 'em!
Bro I think you look good. I agree with the people that say start bulking now. I cant imagine you cutting at this point. I think when most people see you they just see a fit guy. You dont look like a bodybuilder yet. Alot of people look like you naturally without ever touching a weight.

You should really love the negative comments. Do you actually want to be satisfied with yourself, or to get a pat on the back? No that will slow you down. You girly man!Get to work!