Dylan Gemelli's EPIC Ultradrol/Trenazone/Transaderm Triple Stack!!


I am banned!
The day is finally here... The triple stack begins!

Age - 30
Starting weight- 191
Starting body fat - 6.2%

Goals: 200-205 lbs. Body fat - 5.8%

I will eat between 3500-4000 calories... Protein intake will be 475-500 grams... fats and carbs will be moderate as usual... Sugar and Sodium will be very low...

6 days a week lifting and 7 days of cardio... this is my norm as always... intensity will be well INTENSE... thats the only way I know how to train...


Ultradrol 12/16/20/20/24/24
Trenazone - 2 ml a day
Transaderm - 5 pumps a day
Forma Stanzol - 10 pumps a day
Creatine Nitrate
Fish Oil

Clomid 25/12.5/12.5/12.5
Forged PCT
Lean Xtreme
Creatine Nitrate
Forma Stanzol
Ostarine - 12.5 mg a day

So this morning I have already applied my first dose of trenazone and taken my first dose of ultradrol... I will have updates from the workout later today...

This is going to be an epic, I promise you that!!
Day 1 - An ULTRA start!!

Today is day 1 of my Epic Ultradrol Triple Stack! I am so pumped up for this stack and I have put in a lot of thought and work into setting this up properly and getting the absolute most out of it that I can...

Here is my dosing scheme layout... I have carefully researched to see which is the best method for dosing all the topicals and I feel this is the best layout...

I wake up at 6:45 a.m. and immediately dose my 2 ML of trenazone. It takes a good 2 hours to dry so I have to do this one first... I dose my forma stanzol at about 8:45 before I leave for the gym. It dries immediately and this is the good time to dose it... I start cardio between 9:30 and 9:45... My workout goes until about 12:40 and then I take a shower at the gym. After the shower, I do 5 pumps of transaderm, which dries within seconds. Then I dose my last dose of forma at about 8:45 or 9... My first dose of ultradrol is at 8:00 a.m... N2guard first dose at noon... second dose of ultradrol at 4:00 p.m. and last dose of N2guard at 8:00 p.m...

I also want to point out now to everyone because I always get asked the question of "why don't you do legs?" There are a few reasons why... The first being that I do cardio 7 days a week and the workout I put them through everyday is more than sufficient and anything more, to me, is overkill and unnecessary... Some may not agree... Personally, I don't give a fuck because my legs are already good size....Second, and extremely pertinent to the situation is the fact that in college I played basketball for a division 3 school... I suffered broken vertebraes in my lower back that were never operated on and never really healed properly. I also have degenerative discs so I cannot do any sort of squats or deadlifts... So that is now explained...

Also, please don't ask or recommend me to not do as much cardio as I do... I am a triathlete and will continue to do the amounts of cardio I do... If anyone challenges me or says i cannot gain the weight I want, check my past, or better yet, fucking challenge me and see if I don't surpass expectations...So... On to today's workout!

I started with 5.75 miles at 8.5 mph in 40 minutes... Then I went to the stairclimber for 5 miles on level 13 in 20 minutes and finish with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 at 15 minutes... This is my normal cardio routine however I have been mixing in a one hour elliptical once a week instead of the run to give my shins a rest and to shock my body... I also do circuit sprints once a week where I set the treadmill at 12.0 mph and run 30 seconds, then rest 30... I do this immediately following the 5.75 mile run and do 20 total sprints... Sundays I do one hour and 15 minutes straight on the stairclimber and then hit the elliptical and jump rope... Its a fairly intense cardio regiment but its always consistent and I go hard!

So today I started a new cycle of lifts as well... I started today with chest and biceps... I do 6-8 weeks of mixing and matching body parts and it just so happened that today was time for a new cycle... =) I also have been outside a lot lately to really get my tan going for this cycle and its amazing how much more defined it makes me look... I am very happy with this!!

I started the day with dumbbell inclines... I know its day 1 of new ph but my expectations were high... My body normally reacts fairly quickly to things... I started at 90 x 10 which is my norm... I normally do 4 sets of this but today I felt like I had a little more strength so I went for 95's on my third set which is my pr... I did them with ease.... So I went for 100 x 10 which is a huge pr for me... I nailed it! It was tough but I did it... Amazing start! Then I went on to single arm inward dumbbell hammer curls... I started with 80 x 10 which is my norm lately... I jumped to 85 x 10 the next two sets which is my pr... I picked up a 90 dumbbell for my last set and at this point people were staring like wtf is up with him? I nailed it for 10 on each arm... Two pr's right off the bat! My veins were popping out of my skin... Then I moved on to dumbell incline flies... Im not going to lie, my chest was a little sore already but I went right for the 80 lb. dumbells on it and nailed all four sets at 80 x 10... Then I went to incline dumbell simotaneous side arm hammer curls... On an incline, these are very tough... I normally do 50 x 10 standing up or seated frontal but on an incline everything is much tougher.... I went for 45's off the jump and did three tough sets... I went for 50's on the last set and nailed them at 50 x 10... Then I moved on to the smieth machine for and inverted grip bench press... This is definitely a tough exercise, the grip is akward and my chest was getting pushed hard... I started my first three sets at 205 x 10 which is big weight for this particular exercise... I bumped to 215 x 10 the last set and nailed it easier than I was doing the 205! Then I moved on to standing wide grip curls... I started at 100 x 10 and finished at 110 x 10.... This was monstrous for me! The next one was very tough because at this point my chest was burnt out... The iso lateral hammer strength incline machine... I did alternating arm sets on this, which is the toughest way to do it... 180 x 10 for all four sets... I had to push so hard the last few sets but still got them all! I finished on the 45 degree curl machine... 100 x 10 on all four sets... This was a great start to the cycle and I feel very encouraged with the first day workout! I will try to get starting pics up today or tomorrow... All feedback welcome!!
Day 2 - Big Shoulders and Updated Pics!!

So today is day 2 of the cycle... I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and was not happy about it... All that does is piss me off and make me work harder which is exactly what I did today...

On a side note... I will obviously be rotating the application sites of trenazone... Yesterday I applied it to the back of my neck... Today I applied to the tops of my feet and it absorbed and dried much faster that way... That's a great spot to apply...

So today's cardio was simply awesome... I did the usual 5.75 mile run in 40 minutes... Stairclimber for 20 minutes and Elliptical for 15 minutes... The one thing that sucks is that I go through shoes so quickly because of the amount I run and I can tell its time for new ones... The last week my shin has started to hurt and when that happens, its time for new shoes... Oh well, every 2 months or so I have to buy them ... Its well worth it!

So today was shoulders and traps... Shoulders is my favorite workout for several reasons... It is my strongest... =) and it seems that on my body, my shoulders are one of my better quality looking muscles.. .So I started off my workout with standing barbell shoulder presses... My PR is 140 x 10 and that's what I started with... I felt strong so I decided to bump to 145 the last two sets and nailed them both... They were tough but I got them all up! Then I went to barbell high rows at 140 x 10... Thats a pretty heavy high row but I got all four sets at 140 x 10... I moved on to standing dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... 55 x 10 for all four sets... That is damn heavy for lateral rasies and its always tough but I love how much my traps pop after that weight! Then I moved on to standing dumbbell arnold presses... 50 x 10 all four sets... These are very tough as well, especially standing but I was feeling good and got all four sets... Then I moved on to a tough superset... it was damn tough... I did seated simotaneous dumbbell forward lateral raises and then I did seated full overhead shoulder lateral raises... my shoulders were on fire after this... I got up to 50 x 10 on the forward lateral raises and 40 x 10 on the overhead lateral raises... I then hit alternate arm dumbbell shoulder presses... I set a pr on this after all that other shoulder work... I got up to 75 x 10... I was pushing hard on that one and nailed it... I finished with seated dumbbell shoulder shrugs... 120 lb. dumbbells all four sets... Every vein in my body was popping out on these... This was definitely a successful workout... I did weigh in at 192 today as well... I have some pictures for today that I think are pretty good! All feedback is appreciated!!
Day 3 - Gaining Size!

Last night when I got home from work and took off my shirt, I couldn't believe the changes that were already going on... My arms looked so much fuller and they were looking hard as a rock... I had added vascularity as well and my stomach looked leaner... Trust me, I was extremely pleased...

So this morning I weighed in at 193.5 which is up 2.5 lbs. from Monday... Yet my waist was definitely leaner but I knew I wasn't imagining things when I saw the increase in mass in my upper body... This was very pleasing to me right off the bat...

So today I went at cardio with a 1 hour elliptical session and a 15 minute stairclimber... I did 1 hour straight on the elliptical averaging 93 rpm's... that covered 8 miles... I did the stairclimber on level 13 the entire climb... I swear that ever since I started mixing in the few long elliptical sessions once or twice a week I have cut up more and it preserves my legs more... My shins have been giving me trouble lately so this has been helping until my new shoes arrive... Plus when I do the elliptical, its not like others do it... I am in a pool of sweat when I get done because I go HARD the whole way using all my body and it just shreds my shoulders up...

So today I did back and triceps... Back is definitely my least favorite workout because I go extra long on it because there is so much ground to cover... Back tires me out more than any other workout and also due to the fact I broke my back before, I overcompensate because I want to make it stronger...

I started out with a superset of Close-grip bench press and standing dumbbell back extensions... everything i do is 4 sets of 10 as heavy as I can possibly go... That's the hypertrophy level 4 training... So my PR on close grip bench is 195 x 10... I jumped right in at 195 for the first two sets and went for a pr on my 3rd set at 200 x 10 and since I was feeling so good, I thought fck it, lets go for 205... Nailed it for 10! Big Pr there for me... I also set a pr on my dumbbell back extensions... basically standing bent over back extensions... I started at 70 x 10... I finished at 85 x 10... Another strong PR for me...

THE NEXT SUPERSET WAS A BEAST! I did dips from two benches with three plates on my legs for 4 sets of 20... I also superset that with single arm dumbbell rows... I did 110 x 10 on all four sets! People were staring at me like I was nuts doing this super set with that weight... all my veins were popping out all over the place... I was loving it... That set fatigued me a bit but when I feel any fatigue it makes me push harder... Next was a wide grip cable tricep extension... This also got some attention because the cable max weight is 150 which was too light... So I had to go get hand weights to add on the cable machine... I added an extra 32 lbs. to the machine making the sets 192 x 10... I superset with regular pull ups, 3 sets of 10... Then I moved on to cable kneel down single arm back pulldowns... once again, I had to add hand weights to the rack... 180 x 10 on all four sets... I did single arm cable tricep extensions with this at 85 x 10 and those were tought... Then I did my normal lower back raises while I hold a plate... 3 sets of 12... I finished strong on the roatary upper back machine with 4 sets... 220 x 10... This was an extremely tough workout but I was definitely looking great and feeling great about what I did today! Excellent workout today and looking for more pr's tomorrow!! All feedback welcome and appreciated!!
Hit a front double bicep, rear double, lat spread, and leg. I want to see new photos!
Day 4 - Hardcore Session!!

Today started off flat out bad... I had the day off, which is rare, but the check engine light came on the car I just bought last week so I had to take it in this morning... I had to walk 3 miles to the gym, and half way it started to fucking rain on me... Then when I get on the treadmill and the phone rings and its the shop telling me my car is $850 to fix... So at this point Im so fucking pissed Im going to take it out on the gym... That's exactly what I did...

Cardio was nothing short of incredible... I started running and I just felt awesome... I normally do 5.75 miles in 40 minutes but when I was approaching 40 minutes I was feeling so good I decided to go to 45... Then I decided for 50... I just went ahead and did 60 minutes... I did 8.5 miles in 60 minutes... That's a damn good run! Then I did 15 minutes on the elliptical for 2 more miles... On to the weights!!

Today was chest and biceps... I was up to 194 today... That's 3 pounds up from Monday... My arms and chest look a lot fuller already... I started with the bench press... This is one of the very few exercises that I feel I am just not that strong with... My goal is to get to 225 x 10... I am kind of stuck at 210 and 215 x 10... I did all four sets at 210 x 10 and I was kind of mad I did not get more but I will get to where I want... I was just getting warmed up though... I moved on to a superset of standing dumbbell alternate arm side arm hammer curls... I did all 4 sets at 50 x 10 and I alternated with dumbbell arnold bench presses... My pr on these was 80 x 10 and I did my first three sets on 80's and bumped to 85 for a nice new PR at 85 x 10... I was really happy with this! Then I moved on to another superset of TEN SECOND curl bar negatives and curl bar straight arm chest raises... I have been incorporating TEN SECOND negatives lately... At least one a workout... These are extremely difficult to hold slowly for ten seconds but I feel mixing in an eccentric contraction and elongating muscles helps with growth... I did all four sets on the negatives at 70 x 10 and the chest raises I did 70 x 10 for the first three sets and then got up to 80 x 10 on the fourth set... That's a pretty big chest raise... Next was something new I decided to try and it shredded my chest... I did alternating arm dumbbell flies... This is extremely difficult but it shreds your chest... The first three sets I did 70 x 10 and was able to get up to 75 x 10 on the last set... Then I moved on to single arm iso dumbbell over the knee curls... My previous PR on these was 60 x 10... I was able to not only get 65 x 10 but also finished at 70 x 10 so I crushed that pr... I finished up with dumbbell incline simotaneous hammer curls... My previous pr on these was 50 x 10, which I did the first 3 sets but then was able to get up to 55 x 10... This was an extremely successful workout and I am so pleased with how things are going so far... I feel very energized and my strength is continually going up... I am looking for some major improvements all the way around with this cycle... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 5 - Big Time Intensity!!

So today my chest was very sore... I definitely hit it extremely hard yesterday because I rarely experience any types of muscle soreness... Also, I believe I popped my back out yesterday and this is normal ever since I broke it... It does cause discomfort and usual takes a week or so to get back in and stay in but that just makes me push harder... Which is what I did today...

Today's cardio was so intense and I am not going to lie, I was a little fatigued after it for a short period...

I did a 3 mile run in 20 minutes... Then I did my sprint intervals... On these I turn the treadmill up to 12.0 mph... I run 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds... I did 20 of these and then on number 21 I do a full minute sprint... I was covered in sweat, I mean drenched... Then I moved on to 20 minutes on the stairclimber... I turned on the Mayweather vs. Cotto 24/7 on the stairclimber on my phone and that got me pumped... Then I moved on to the elliptical for a 2 mile, 15 minute session... This was highly intense and I had to take a 5 minute break before lifting...

Today was shoulders and traps... This is always my strongest workout... My shoulders are definitely my strongest lifts... I started out with smith machine shoulder presses superset with single arm dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... I started at 210 x 10 on the shoulder presses and the last set I was able to get 215 x 10... That is a very strong shoulder press but I want to be able to get 225 on the smith machine... I will get to that point soon... On the lateral raises, the first set was very difficult and I was kind of beating myself up about it... I didn't realize that I had PR weight on my first set... I looked back at my log and 50 x 10 on the single arm was my PR and I STARTED at 55! So I was doing a PR first lift and didn't realize it! I did all 4 sets at 55 x 10... That got me pumped up... So I moved on to my next superset... I did both of these exercises with FREE WEIGHTS as opposed to dumbbells... This makes it a lot more difficult because of the weight proportions and its good to mix things up... I did straight arm shoulder lateral raises with 25 pound free weights on each arm... I did all four sets at this weight... Then I grabbed 45 lb plates on each arm for simotaneous high rows... I did all four sets at this weight... At this point, I felt like my traps were coming out of my skin... It actually felt kinda fcked up... LOL.. So next I moved on to barbell shoulder throws... I put on a 45 lb. plate and a 10 lb. plate to start... This is a great muscle builder for your shoulders and its tough... 20 reps all four sets... I got up to 60lbs. total weight on the barbell... Basically, you throw the barbell back and forth from arm to arm... Definitely a tough exercise and I will be incorporating it more often... Then I did alternating arm dumbbell shrugs... I like this because it takes a lot longer and works the traps a lot more than simotaneous shrugs... I did these at 120 x 10... Then I moved on to SIDE GRIP dumbbell shoulder presses... This is fairly tough... My pr on these is 70 x 10 and the last set I was able to set a PR at 75 x 10... This was extra impressive considering this was at the end of my workout when my shoulders were burning up... I finished with dumbbell rear delts... These are not easy at all... Holding the dumbbells up in the same position for the rear delt, especially seated, is not easy... I started at 45x10 and got up to 50 x 10 which was a PR... This was a very difficult workout today... It was a lot of hard work but I felt like I really accomplished a lot today... My weight was 193 so thats up 2lbs. from Monday... I can definitely see a lot more fullness to my arms and chest... I can definitely see the size gain... I think the forma is helping with any water retention and the transaderm is definitely helping with my energy... So far, I am definitely enjoying it... I did bump to 16 mg... That was my intent from the start... I just wanted to make sure my body accepted everything okay and it has responded well so I bumped it... I'll do 16 the rest of this week and next week and probably bump to 20 after that and finish at 24... I am looking for some big gains here and believe there will be a lot to come! Everyday is a day to accomplish something more!! I am very excited! All feedback welcome and appreciated!
Day 6 + 7 - Big Weekend Update!!

I was not able to give my update on Saturday because of being so busy at work... So here it is!

I started off Saturday with a 75 minute elliptical session... This was a ten mile session on level 8... There was some serious sweating going on for this one! This week has been a really intense cardio session and I feel that it has added a lot to my overall success this week in many ways... The first being that my vascularity is through the roof... I know when I am anabolic or androgenic that my vascularity always and obviously increases, but its on a whole other level right now... These fcking veins are just amazing... I feel like a road map and I love it... It also has helped me to just get more pumped for my lifting... It may seem odd that after doing so much tiring exercise that one would be more energized to lift, but that's exactly what it does for me... Anyway, its what works for me and that's what matters the most...

So Saturday was back and triceps. I always make sure that I hit every single area of my back with a lot of intensity because there is a lot of ground to cover... I am also working extremely hard on my triceps, because it is one of the easier muscles to develop, so sometimes we tend to not work it as hard... I am pushing it extra hard from now on...

So I started out with a superset as always... I started on the DorsiFlexor back machine... This is basically a butterfly back extension... I maxed out the machine weight to 330... I did all four sets at this weight and got a really nice pump on my back... This is a very heavy weight and it really helps to shape your back... I superset it with overhead dumbbell tricep extensions... Nothing fancy, just hard a$$ lifting... I did all four sets at 110 x 10... Then I moved on to wide grip lat pulldowns superset with cable rope tricep extensions, except these were 10 second negatives... I did all four sets of the pulldowns at 210 x 10... I maxed out the weight on the cable machine for the tricep negatives at 150... I did all four sets and the cables full weight of 150 x 10... My triceps were burning hard on these... 10 seconds is a long fcking negative for ten reps... Then I moved on to reverse grip tricep extensions... I had to add dumbbell weight to the cable machine because its total weight was not enough... I did all four sets at 177 x 10... Then I did 3 sets of pull ups, 10 reps each set... Then I moved on to cable row back extensions except I do these with an extra wide grip... This was a PR for me... 180 was my previous PR... On the third set I got up to 190 x 10 and since I was feeling extra strong, I went for and nailed 200 x 10 on the last set... Then I did my 3 sets of lower back on the reverse sit up machine with a 45 lb. plate all 3 sets for 12 each set... I moved on to single arm side rope tricep cable extensions... This really isolates each arm and works the tricep hard! I started at 75 x 10 and finished the fourth set at 80 x 10... I always finish with something that is extremely hard and this day was no different... I went to the hammer strength iso lateral pulldown machines... I did an inverted grip and did it with alternating arms... This was very difficult to finish with, especially with the weight I was using on it... I did all four sets at 200 x 10... This was a great workout and I really hit my muscle groups like I wanted to...

Today, as all of my Sundays are, are just cardio days... I normally do the same Sunday routine... I do a 75 minute stairclimb on level 11... This gets me 10 miles and is very tough... Its nice though because there's always something good on Sunday mornings for sports... I watched the Heat vs. Knicks game so that made the time fly... Then I did 5 sets of 150 jump ropes... I finished with 15 minutes on the elliptical for 2 miles...

My starting weight last week was 191... Today is day 7 and I am at 195... So a 4 lb. gain on the first week is pretty successful... Strength is moving up and vasuclarity and muscle size is up a lot! I increased from 12 mg to 16 mg on Thursday and plan to increase to 20 mg at some point this week... I am aiming high with this and will continue to push harder and harder...

I have been having thoughts of adding s4 for 4 weeks of this cycle... I will be deciding on this soon...

I am looking for an even bigger week this week! I am going to push harder and harder and get the absolute most I can possibly get out of every workout! All feedback and support appreciated!!
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Day 8 - ULTRA Strength and Size Kicking In!!

Today is day 8 and the start of week 2... I am very pleased with the progress made during week 1... I know that its just the beginning and the big gains haven't even come near yet but the first week was very impressive...

I weighed 196 today... That is a total of 5 pounds gained so far... I feel a little water retention and that bothers me a lot as you know I am very touchy with this... However I felt a lot better about it today... I will get into that later!

So I did feel a little lethargic this morning but once I got to the gym I was full of energy... I had an excellent run today... 5.75 miles, 40 min at 8.5 mph... 20 minutes on the stairclimber on level 13 and 2 miles on the elliptical on level 8 in 15 minutes... I have really been sweating like crazy lately... I do all of my cardio in a long sleeve thermal but I love to get that hardcore sweat going and it just shreds me up more doing it this way... People think Im fcking crazy at the gym but I thrive on it!

Today was chest and biceps... My body has felt very sore lately and I think my muscles are growing really rapidly... I feel like certain muscles are literally coming out of my skin... I started off with a superset of smith machine inclines and seated dumbell alternate arm curls... I knew from my first set of inclines that today was going to be a strong day... I started at 230 x 10... My PR on smith inclines was 235, which I did the next two sets, so you know I went for the PR at 240 x 10 and I nailed it... There is no doubt in my mind that I could have hit it at 245 x 10 today... I did 50 lb. dumbbells on my first 3 sets of alternate arm curls and went for another PR at 55 x 10 on the last set and nailed that one as well... Next superset was dumbbell incline arnold flies superset with dumbell incline simotaneous side arm hammer curls... I had extra movtivation on these thanks to the SMOKING HOT girl next to me on the bosu ball dong whatever sexy stretch maneuvers she was doing... I don't know but it had me extra pumped... I started at 75 x 10 on the dumbbell flies but I was going PR all the way for 80's on this and I nailed it... She was right next to me to and I was pushing harder for that one! =) I did my first three sets of dumbbell incline side arm hammers at 50 x 10 which my previous PR and smashed the set of 55 x 10's... I was feeling extra jacked... Then, a little more motivation... The girl that was doing the stretching came over as I was recording my reps in my notebook and took the notebook and wrote me a nice little note in it... That really got me going for the rest of the workout! Then I moved on the barbell curls on the bench press... I did all four sets at 100 x 10 and I just couldn't get over how my biceps are looking... They have never come close to looking like this... Then I moved on to dumbbell bench press with a side grip... I did the first 3 sets at 85 x 10 and went for another PR at 90 x 10 and nailed it! Then I did single arm dumbbell curls... I started at 65 x 10 the first set and did the next three sets at 70 x 10... I finished up with simotaneous cable chest pushdowns... I did the first 3 sets at 120 x 10 and finished the day with another PR at 130 x 10... As I went into the locker room to change, I took off my shirt and heard "damn bro, you are fcking shredded!" So that made me feel better about feeling like I was holding water... I get paranoid quickly when I gain weight but I feel good about it... I am going to run s4 the after this week to add the hardening to this muscle gain... I am going for as much gain as I can here and keeping my body fat at 6.0%... I am very happy with the progress and am pushing harder each and every day! All comments and feedback appreciated!!

I felt a lot better this morning in terms of energy and soreness... I did feel a bit heavy this morning for some reason but other than that I was feeling good...

I weighed at 196.5 today, thats up 5.5 pounds so far...

I started off with cardio today... I did a 3 mile run at 8.5 mph for 20 min... I imediately then started my sprint circuit... 20 sprints at 12.0 mph, 30 seconds each with a 30 second rest in between each one... The 21st sprint is for 1 minute at 12.0 mph... I felt really strong today on my sprints... I felt like my stamina on the sprints is definitely going up... Then I moved on to a 35 minute elliptical, 4.5 miles, 35 minutes... This was a very strong cardio day and when I went into the locker room to change shirts, I was very happy with what I was seeing!

So today was shoulders and traps and I just felt like this was going to be a good one and I was right... I started off with a superset of dumbbell shoulder presses and seated dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... I started at 80 x 10 the first 2 sets of dumbbell shoulder presses... The best I have ever done is 85 x 10 but only one set... I've never tried to do 2 of my 4 sets with this weight but I did it today... I felt stronger on the last set than the 3rd... I did all four sets of my seated dumbbell bent arm lateral raises at 45 x 10... i had so many veins popping out on this one... it was incredible... i did these more slowed and controlled and my traps were just popping like crazy on this one... Then I moved on to seated single arm dumbbell full overhead shoulder lateral raises... I grabbed a 40lb. weight because I THOUGHT that in my log book that was what it said I did last time... It was pretty heavy and I was kind of upset about it... I went back and checked and realized that my PR on this exercise was only 35 x 10 so I was doing a PR my first set... That made me go extra hard... I did all four sets at 40 x 10... My shoulders were on fire but they were looking extremely big and defined... Then I moved on to straight arm forward alternate arm dumbbell lateral raises... I did all four sets at 65 x 10... This is big weight for this exercise and it really had my traps looking good! The next superset was interesting... I started with dumbbell arnold presses... I did all four sets at 60 x 10, which was very strong, especially considering what I had just put my shoulders through on the previous sets... I tried something new with shrugs on the next set... I did them while on an incline... I wasn't real sure on the weight... I finally figured it out... These are VERY TOUGH... I did 85 x 10 all four sets... These are definitely something nice to incorporate as it really works the traps hard... I like to try to do different kinds of ways to hit shrugs and this is definitely a winner for this exercise... Next set was a cybex machine lateral raise... I like to do controlled lateral raises and really burn my traps... I did my first set at 110 x 10 and finished the next three sets at 115 x 10... My traps have never looked as big as they did today... I finished out with a rotary shoulder machine, alternate arm press... My first three sets were 175 x 10 and my shoulders were really tired but I still wanted to get a PR on it so I went for 190 x 10 and nailed it... I finished the workout with a strong PR and was very happy with my workout! I felt great when I finished and feel like I am making a lot of good progress...

I decided to add s4 today for the rest of the cycle... I am going to dose it 75 mg for the next 3 weeks and I will probably kick it to 100 mg the last 2 weeks... I want that extra muscle hardening... I am so happy with the vascularity and muscle size that I am getting from the cycle... I also took some progress pics as well... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 10 - Intense back and triceps!!

Today I started off the day feeling pretty good... A lot of the soreness that I had been experiencing is definitely subsiding and it is helping tremendously with my lifting and overall feeling... I have been applying skeletal balm on twice a day as opposed to once a day and that has helped.

Today my weight was at 197. Thats a 6 pound increase in 10 days. Not too bad so far! I can really see the extra fullness in my chest, shoulders and biceps.

Cardio was very strong today. I ran 5.75 miles at 8.5 mph for 40 minutes. I did the elliptical for 20 minutes - 2.5 miles - level 8 and the stairclimber on level 13 for 15 minutes. I have been sweating a ton lately and have definitely had to rehydrate much more often...

It was brought to my attention that sometimes my log is a bit hard to follow because of lack of paragraphs so I am going to work on that... I get so excited when I start typing and I can't help it! LOL

So today was back and triceps. Today is the first day where I could really really feel that extra strength kicking in... I also started s4 yesterday so that may have had a slight effect as well but the strength was definitely there today, as you will see by the PR's set today!

I started the day with a superset of close-grip bench and the bodymaster hammer strength row.

My PR on close grip bench was 205 x 10, which I set last week, but since I was feeling strong I decided to start with that... I pushed it up fairly easy for 10 so I bumped up to 210 x 10 on my second set... PR time baby... I got the next two sets at 210 x 10 and went ahead and went for 215 x 10 and nailed that... That absolutely thrilled me but here's my confusion... Can my triceps be that strong or is my bench press just not strong... My bench PR for 10 is 215 x 10... I guess tomorrow we are going to find out! Tomorrow is bench day so I will see how it goes but 215 x 10 on close grip is absolutely awesome for me!

My superset was with the bodymaster hammer strength row... 140 x 10 is my pr and i started my first three sets with that and got all three but that is heavy... three plates and a 5 on there looks like a ton and it feels like it to... However, I went for a PR of 145 x 10 and absolutely nailed it! Off to a great start!

My next was a triple set of close grip single arm dumbbell kneel down tricep kicks, pull ups and plated lower back raises...I did my first three sets of tricep kicks with a 65 lb. dumbbell for sets of 10. Thats a big tricep kick and is my PR... I decided to go for the 70 lb. dumbbell for 10 and was able to do it... It was tough but I pushed through it!

I did my first 2 sets of pull up at 10 and finished with 12...

My lower back raises are always done with a 45 pound plate, 3 sets of 10...

Then I moved on to a super set of close grip lat pulldowns and the bodymaster overhead tricep extension...

I did my first 3 sets of pulldowns at 210 x 10 and finished at 220 x 10, which is very strong...

I like this overhead tricep extension machine because it just shreds my triceps... I did my first 2 sets at 180 x 10 and the last two at 190 x 10... I had a great pump going on my triceps on this exercise...

I moved on to the rotary lat machine... I did single arm pulldowns with an inverted grip... The machine maxes out at 250... i did my first set at 250 and then had to add 10 lb. free weight for the next three sets at 260 x 10...

Then I moved on to single arm dips on the bodymaster dip machine... These were tough! I did my first two sets at 150 x 10 , then 160 x 10 and finished at 170 x 10... I was only resting 30 seconds on these sets to really burn my tricep and it worked... I worked them very hard today and could definitely tell!

I finished with face down on a bench simotaneous dumbbell back extensions... These really work your mid back... I started at 50 x 10 my first set and did my next three sets at 55 x10...

This was a very successful workout today and my strength level was definitely much higher today... I am very happy with the progress and am looking for some big pr's the rest of the week... I also can see s4 already starting to kick in and should really harden up my muscles and add more strength!! All feedback appreciated!!
keep up the good progress! 6lbs increase in 10 days lol like a mini hulk

what's your diet like to maintain cut ?

thanks bro!! i do between 3500-3800 calories... 475-500 grams of protein... VERY LOW fat... moderate carbs, very low sodium... very low sugar... its pretty strict man...
Day 11 - More Big Strength Gains!!

Today I slept a little longer than I wanted... For some reason if I sleep over 6.5 hours then I just feel sluggish... Once I got myself out of bed I felt good though...

I can really see the added size to my chest and arms... I have to sacrifice a small amount of shred on my abs while I am adding the size but its not too much... You know that I will correct any amount that may be lost once the cycle is over... I desperately want to hit that 205-210 mark and have 6% body fat and I will do it!

I can see the S4 starting to kick in as my muscles are really getting hard and the vascularity is amazing...

So today's cardio was a bit different... I did a one hour elliptical for 8 miles on level 8... Today I decided to do the old prison yard circuit... I have not done this in quite a while because it brings back odd memories but I used to do this 7 days a week (more extensive than I did today) and it just shred the fuck out of me... This is a four set routine... It takes about 20 minutes to complete... I will continue to add to this and get it really intense... Today was just the start... So I start with 25 up downs... These are flat out just tough... Good old football practice up downs... After the up downs you need about 10 seconds to catch your fcking breath... Then I drop down to plank position and do 100 quick leg sprints... Then I pop up and do 30 scissor jumps and finish with 100 jumping jacks... I did four sets of these... Then I finished with a set of 25 burpees... Now this will change once I get back in the flow of it... I normally would do sets of 25 butt kick jumps (jump as high as possible and kick yourself in the butt on your jump) and would actually do 200 consecutive burpees... I will work back up to that but this was a good start to it!

Today's workout was chest and biceps... I was looking for some big strength gains on this one and got what I was looking for...

I started with regular bench press... I have just been stuck at 210 and 215 for 10 now for about a month... My first three sets I did 210 x 10 and finished with 215 x 10... I know what my problem is with this particular exercise... I have a mental block... On my last set I was thinking about all kinds of other shit and pushed the set up like it was nothing... I mean, yesterday I was doing tricep close grip bench at 215 x 10... Next week I will break this stubborn PR on my bench press...

I was extremely motivated after this set and it showed the rest of my workout...

I next did a superset of simotaneous dumbbell side arm hammer curls (10 second negatives) with dumbbell flies...

The negatives sets were crazy... The veins that I was seeing I didn't know even existed... I had one of the most monstrous veins from the top of my arm down to my elbow... When I was doing the negatives, and holding them 10 seconds on the way down, this vein was the most insane thing I have ever seen... These sets were so damn tough but they are going to help with my bicep growth so much...

I started dumbbell flies at 80 x 10, which is my PR... I was determined to get 85 x 10 on these and I did it... That is a huge number for flies... I was very proud of this one...

Next I did inverted grip curls on the cable machine... I started at 130 x 10 which was my previous PR... I did this two sets and the last 2 I did 140 x 10... I felt like my fcking skin was ripping off on these but my biceps were looking damn good...

Next I did a superset of smith machine wide inverted grip inclines and single arm dumbbell bent over iso curls... I started the smith invert inclines at 165 x 10 and did the first three sets on that weight and finished at 175 x 10... those really burnt my chest...

I started the dumbbell iso curls at 65 x 10 the first three sets and finished at 70 x 10... My biceps are getting very strong and I am loving it... those are big time numbers on curls...

Next I did the rotary chest press machine... I started at 205 x10, then went to 220 x 10, then to 235 x 10 and then I though fck it, i'll go for 250, which is the max weight the machine has... I nailed it... I was only resting 30 seconds on each set and my previous pr on this was 220 x 10, so this was an awesome increase for me...

I finished with the seated cybex curl machine with a hammer curl grip... I really pressed hard on my biceps on this... I like this because its so controlled and really works your biceps great... This is the best bicep machine I have ever used... I did all four sets at 100 x 10...

Today's workout was very strong and I am seeing a lot of improvement each and everyday... I am extremely happy with the progress and will continue to keep pushing harder and harder each and every day! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 12 - Straight Beast Mode!!

I have to say that I can really see the size increase taking effect. My arms are just so much bigger and the definition is really starting to set in nicely... The extra tan is helping too and melanotan is just a few days away... =) I am very very pleased with the way things are going...

Today I weighed 198. That is an increase of 7lbs. in 12 days... I would say 90-95 % of the gain seems to be very dry as well so I am very happy with this... Of course I want more shred but I have an idea that is going to help...

I will be adding anavar and proviron next week... I will run them 4-6 weeks... It will be go longer than my cycle was intended but I feel like adding these is going to take things to the next level... I go for the ice sculpture look and I will achieve it!

Cardio today was 5.75 miles of running at 8.5 m ph for 40 min. Stairclimb for 20 minutes on level 13 and elliptical for 2 miles, 15 minutes on level 8. I had a really nice sweat going on and was pumped for my lifting...

Today was shoulders and traps day, definitely my favorite lifting days. I started off with a superset of standing barbell shoulder presses and bent arm dumbbell lateral raises (negatives for 5 seconds)... My PR on standing presses is 145 x 10 so I decided to go ahead and start with that since I was feeling very strong... I was feeling really good with how I threw it up there the first set... The problem was that my superset with the negatives was so damn difficult that it was taking away from me probably getting to 155 x 10 on the press... Those negatives were a bichhhhh... I loved the effect they had on my traps! I did all four sets at 35 x 10... That's major weight on negatives... I was able to set a PR on the presses at 150 x 10... I felt really good about that and I know I will be able to add to it soon!

The next superset was very tough as well... This was another instance where I read my log wrong and started at PR weight... I knew something wasn't right my first set because of how heavy it felt but you know what, I did it anyway! =) This lift was standing dumbbell straight arm lateral raises... My PR was 45 x 10 on these and I started at 50 x 10... Straight arm lateral raises at this weight are not a common sight... My shoulders were just shredded after this... I was able to do all four sets at 50 x 10... Truly amazing weight on this... I superset it with seated dumbbell shrugs... I did all four sets at 120 x 10...

I'm not going to lie... The shoulder lateral raises gave me a bit of fatigue but I pushed hard through it... The next superset I did was standing curl bar high rows and seated dumbbell shoulder presses with an inverted grip... I did all four sets of high rows at 110 x 10... The inverted grip shoulder presses are tough!! I did all four sets at 45 x 10... The grip is very odd and its a tough push but I like the way their work the shoulder press at a different angle and will definitely be incorporating them more often...

Next I did standing barbell straight arm shoulder raises... I set a huge PR on these at 100 x 10 all four sets... My shoulders had it at this point... my previous pr was 80 x 10 on these and i wanted to finish my shoulders strong... I certainly did with this one...

I finished with rear delts on the pec machine... I was running a bit low on energy but I still pushed through hard... I did all four sets at 150 x 10 and completed a sweet workout! I was very happy with the results today and feel like I am moving forward in a very strong way! I am absolutely loving it so far...

I also bumped up to 20 mg on ultra today and will be running it that way for at least the next 10 days... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 13 - Dylan Gemelli vs. The Fever

So today just did not start off good at all... I woke up with a fever and my body was just aching all over... I felt like shit... I should have probably stayed home but I just don't miss days... That's not in my nature and I wasn't about to let this stop me today...

I truly can't believe I was able to do what I did today... My cardio was tough but I did it... I did 1 hour on the elliptical for 8 miles on level 8... Then I moved on the my circuit sets... I did 4 sets of these... 25 up downs each set (100 total), 100 plank position sprints (400 total) 35 scissor jumps (140 total) and 30 butt kick jumps (120 total) then I finished with a set of 25 burpees... I killed it today on it but I was definitely hurting all over afterwards...

Today was back and triceps and I was feeling sore all over and fatigued... I was bound and determined to push through it though... I started with inverted grip iso lateral hammer strength pulldowns... I started at 250 x 10, which was my previous PR and did all four sets at this weight... I superset them with pull ups... 3 sets of 10...

Then I moved on to a superset of t-bar tricep pushdowns on the side cables with all the tension and overhead dumbbell tricep extensions... I started at 110 x 10 the first two sets on the push downs, which is my PR and finished at 120 x 10 the last two sets which is a new PR... I did all four sets of overhead extensions at 110 x 10...

Next I moved on to seated dumbbell bent over back extensions and a terribly difficult lift... On this back row, I take two dumbbells and place them on the ground... I get in a pushup position and alternate each dumbbell on rows, back and forth... It is very tough and takes a lot of wind out of you...

I started the back extensions at 70 x 10 the first two sets and finished at 75 x 10... I did all of the push up back rows at 55 x 10... These were very difficult... I still managed to get them all...

Next I did lay down curl bar overhead tricep extensions... I did all four sets at 110 x 10 and just shredded my triceps... I superset this with lower back extensions with a 45 lb. plate...

Next I did single arm cable inverted grip tricep extensions... I did all four sets at 80 x 10...

I finished with standing lat pulldowns... I like these because they seem to hit your back harder than normal seated pulldowns... I started at 170 x 10 and did 180 the next two sets and finished at 190 x 10...

This workout took so much out of me because I was definitely sick... In fact, I went to work and had to leave because I was not feeling good but I never quit, no matter what... I showed that today... I take no days off... I always believe there are gains to be made and I will do whatever it takes to get them...

I can't wait to get the anavar and proviron started... Its looking like wednesday or thursday... I am loving the results so far and will continue to push harder and harder...

I have a few pics from today as well... One is a calf pic... I have had people accuse me in the past of having small legs because i never show pics of them... I think this will answer some of those ridiculous accusations... =) Also a body pic that will show the mass I have added... All feedback is appreciated...

Today I was feeling almost near 100% again... Im not sure if what I had was just a virus or what, but yesterday I still did my Sunday cardio... I did 75 minutes on the stairclimber on level 11 and then did the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 in 15 minutes... After that I went to the beach and just passed out... My body was just achey all over but I got some good rest and today was feeling much better...

So today I weighed in at 199... That is up 8 lbs. in two weeks... I had been feeling like maybe I was holding a little water previously, but today I felt much lighter and more cut... This definitely put me in a much better state of mind and had me really ready to tear some $hit up today!

Cardio was really good today... I ran 5.75 miles at 8.5 mph for 40 min... Then I did the stairclimber for 20 minutes on level 13 and finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was definitely feeling pumped to lift after the cardio session...

So today was chest and biceps and today was the day when I could really start to feel the stregnth kick in... I felt like I could lift a car today...

I started the day with dumbbell inclines... I started at 90 x 10 and I pushed it up so easy that it kind of freaked me out... I was in shock at how I was throwing it up... The next two sets I did at 95 x 100 and I was just rocking it... I went for 100 x 10 on my last set, which was my previous PR... I did this once before but it was a big struggle for me... Today I did it with a fair amount of ease... I couldn't believe it and neither could everyone else watching... I just killed it on this... I am confident I could have done 105 and next week I will definitely get it...

I superset this with incline dumbbell simotaneous side hammer curls... I did the first 3 sets at 50 x 10 and then finished at 55 x 10, which was my previous PR... My biceps were definitely nice and warm after this one...

Next I did dumbbell arnold presses... The first three sets were my previous pr of 85 x 10... I was going to go for a PR of 90 x 10 on this... So I went and grabbed the dumbbells and sat down for my set... As I laid back and threw up the weight I realized that I had grabbed fcking 95 lbs dumbbells... I thought, fck it, too late now, just get it... This was a tough one but I nailed it! That was a 10lb. increase on PR... I was so pumped after this one!

Next I did a big bicep superset... I did seated alternate arm dumbbell curls and standing wide grip curls... The first two sets of dumbbell alternates I did at 50 x 10 and the last two I did at 55 x 10... Those are pretty big curl sets seated alternate arms... I did all four wide grip curl sets at 110 x 10... My biceps were on fire after this super set...

Then I moved on to a high pec machine. I did these with only 30 second rests in between all four sets... I did 120 x 10 on all four sets... This really had my chest pumped!

Next I moved on to straight arm bar chest raises... I did all four sets at 80 x 10... These were very heavy and was a nice finish to my chest workout for the day...

I finished my workout with incline hammer curls. I started at 55 x10, which was my previous PR and I went for 60 x 10 on my last set for a PR and nailed it! I love it when I can finish a 3 hour workout with a PR... That shows some heart right there and it always makes me feel really good!

I am counting the days to add anavar and proviron... It will be either wednesday or thursday... I am very pleased with how everything is going... I can see that everyone around me is really noticing the progress I am making as well... I am definitely getting a lot of comments and the tan is definitely helping as well... I have melanotan coming too so that will enhance it more... I am almost to 200... I need to get my bf tested but I really believe its still about 6% or so... I will get a more accurate measure soon... I am very very pleased so far... All feedback welcome!
Awesome brother! Strength is through the roof, looking ripped, excellent conditioning...shit bro, I know probably quite a few folks are ordering what you are currently stacking to give it a shot lol!!! You better put that disclaimer in here "Please kids, do not try these weights or supplements at home, these are professional weight lifters you see!:goof:"