I agree ^^ no need to apologize for who u are. Being a Tomboy has nothing to do with it.
Sassy, I'm not passing judgement, I can careless what anyone posts, it just really gets old when all u post about is how sexual you are, etc, etc, etc.
I never said she's breaking any rules or I would have adressed it with her, I gave my opinion of her threads & I stand behind it.
If this is how you want to be seen, then go ahead, I'm sorry, but as a female, if all u talk about is cock & then expect to have prince charming sweep u off your feet, not gonna happen, ladies... just my .2 cents.
This board is mostly males, and yes, they post about bj's, vigina losseness, ass, tits.
Men are men, those posting these threads alsocontribute to the board & help & advise other members.
Smilee I have nothing against u, I love to have more female interaction on this board.