Frankie, switch to slin pins brutha. Save yourself.
I am injecting test/eq/primo/mast EOD. I am also running gh 2xD. I started PGCL 3xD. Use slin pins whenever possible! My scar tissue situation is out of control, so anything that can be run through a slin pin helps me out. I have absolutely no issues with the slin pins and the PGCL. I just make up an amp and preload ten slin pins at 50mcg. I learned to move the plunger back and forth before injecting, after letting it sit in the fridge for a day. Those suckers stick and when they break free...OUCH!
This PGCL burns a little as it starts going in, unless you run it SQ. Then it burns like an SOB the whole time you are injecting it.
I'm just going to add my take on this stuff to your thread, so we can both weigh in on it in one place on here instead of spreading it out. lol
I ran it a week and then stopped. I had a bit of a water rebound and then when that faded, it was pretty obvious that I had lost fat. I inject SQ behind the nips and IM in my bis and traps.
The IM injects put me in the can within 30 minutes....usually ten minutes if I have eaten prior to the injection. the SQ injects put me in there sometime in the next 1.5 hours.
I hate the sides from this stuff. I feel like I am going to puke after I inject. My gut rumbles, nasty gas escapes, my assroid is on fire from this stuff. I am one of the few people that ends up passing a bit of blood. I actually pass enough blood in the toilet to be scary. I have to give my rear end a break while running it, because this stuff kills my back door.
As a positive, I notice some systemic fat loss. I also notice some pretty solid pumps in my arms from this stuff. I am more vascular while running it too.
I ran it one week, took a week off, started it again, but had to ditch after 4 days because my ass had yet to fully recover from the first week of running it. FWIW, I have heard of a couple others passing blood while on it and that's not really a good thing. lol
I have also heard of (and witnessed first hand) this stuff affecting my ability to think. I am a little more spacey and can't think of things that I would normally rattle off with no issue. A buddy of mine is running it and the stuff is interfering with his work because of the mental aspect. He has to multi-task like a madman and he can't do it on this stuff. Both of us noticed that we really feel like shit for 2 hours after the injection too.
I combat the "blah" feeling by taking a nap after the shot.
I like the stuff, but I am a bit concerned about the long term sides from it.