Im now a believer in spot growth

IM...nice to have you here! I cant get my Bis to grow. I will be shooting 1cc of LFC tren and 1cc of LFC prop in each Bi ED until I cant handle it. Cant you recomend the specific spots I should hit? I have never done bi injections. I have 18 1/4 inch arms and its all tri. I need more bi size. I can curls 140 for reps, do hammers at 65 for 5-6 reps, so I'm pretty strong, but the wont develope! I need help! I have done the heavy thing, the light controled thing....Nothing works

I will tell you that my bi is the only muscle I cant get to cramp when flexing. I mean I cant really, truelly feel my muscle contract when flexing.
I used advice off of one of the SEO recomendations, and injection 2x per week in my Bi peak. I tried to put the most volume in it, and it made a signifigant difference.
Ironmaster, if you have a chance please put up an avatar so our members can see the physique I'm talking about.
Roadhouse, I'm so "seasoned", that I keep looking over my shoulder to see if the undertaker is following me. I'm 54, with 30 years in the sport, and a small fortune injected into my various bodyparts. I won't need embolming. you have long arms? Bi's are tough for long muscled guys. You definitely are strong enough. For site injecting, flex those biceps in the mirror and use a marker to target the spots on each side of the big vein nearest to the peak. Do the same next week but work down a 1/2 inch and so on.

I don't think I have enough posts yet for an avatar, Trev......I'll try posting a picture.
ironmaster said:
Roadhouse, I'm so "seasoned", that I keep looking over my shoulder to see if the undertaker is following me. I'm 54, with 30 years in the sport, and a small fortune injected into my various bodyparts. I won't need embolming. you have long arms? Bi's are tough for long muscled guys. You definitely are strong enough. For site injecting, flex those biceps in the mirror and use a marker to target the spots on each side of the big vein nearest to the peak. Do the same next week but work down a 1/2 inch and so on.

I don't think I have enough posts yet for an avatar, Trev......I'll try posting a picture.

Fuck...Bro everytime i see your pics im amazed....very are the joints nowadays..?!..i've always had good joints no real pain but i always wonder what it will be liek when i hit 50...i figure with the proper compounds im sure you can be without pain...but what about the off time...


im not saying it doesnt work because what would i know ive never even done a cycle, but wouldnt a lot people who only inject in the glutes have huge asses lol jk. i wanna try it in my shoulders and maybe tri's when my time comes.
Im gonna chime in here with some questions of my own on the subject.
1. How long does it take after a muscle has been injected before the oil is obsorbed and leaves the muscle?
2. How often can you spot inject into that muscle, without complications?
3. Would 1cc every 4 days be enough to stretch the fascia and allow more growth?
5 shots a week, good gawd. Oil buildup affecting circulation in the muscle to my knowlege can cause an abcess, I think we can call this the Valentino-effect.
I'm with ya bro. I'm a believer of spot growth as well. I was injecting in rotating spots but always hitting my left delt and not my right due to pain in my right when lifting and didn't want to aggravate it anymore. Well after a few weeks I noticed the left was significantly bigger. I stopped hitting delts altogether for awhile and it stayed the same. So then I started hitting them both again and now they are equals once again

Maybe you inhibited the use on the right delt because of the pain and did´nt grow as much there because of that. I tink that has happened to me before.

I like to belve that spot injections works locally. But I would like to be more convinced. Maybe from someone who has had poor bicep genetics and started to do this regularily with good results.
Just maybe i know someone who can give you an answer soon!
If spot injections work, then why aren't my glutes and hips huge, seeing as that's the only place I inject???
Flex it[/i] [B]If spot injections work said:
Anabolic steroids do not cause localized growth of muscle tissue. IGF-1 is the only substance that does this. However, site injections DO work. The muscle fibers are encased by a sheath, kind of like the membrane of an orange contains the fruit. Some people have relatively flexible muscle sheaths, and are genetic predisposed to muscle growth. Most of us have rather inflexible sheaths, esp in certain muscle groups, and are hardgainers in those areas.
By injecting large volumes of oil based steroids in to a small muscle group like the calves or bi's, it is possible to stretch the muscle sheath and allow room for new muscle growth. Really the same principle as synthol. I won't use synthol, but I sure as hell site inject steroiods.

Your glutes are too big for any "stretching" of the muscle fascia to occur.
Yeah, that's him. Did you see the pic he posted on the 2nd page. It's even more impressive.