Im now a believer in spot growth


New member
I know it is a theory that has been tossed around, and really never been proven or disproven. I recently finished up a cycle of TNE and Tren, in which i hit my bis 5 x a week. Rotating on the corners and in the middle, pretty much wherever i couldnt see a vein. I have been off for almost a month, and although i grew everywhere, I put 5/8 of an inch on my arms, and My bis are extremely vascualr now, even while off. In week 12, I had right around an inch difference from when i started, due to inflamation, but, when it was all said and done, 5/8 an inch is fairly signifigant. I never have had put that much growth on them before. I think it was a little because of the tren, but more because of the TNE. I dont think longer esters willl produce any growth, besides local irritation. Or maybe, I grew because of strecthing the muscle fascia so much, and not because of the unesterfied gear.
I am undecided whether spot growth is for real but I'm surprised you didn't get an abcess after injecting that much into one small muscle.
Trevdog said:
I am undecided whether spot growth is for real but I'm surprised you didn't get an abcess after injecting that much into one small muscle.

Why would and abcess happen because of the amount of gear shot?? Absecces are casued by an infection. People who do synthol, do 3cc a day in most spots.

I will be doing tren/prop in my bis in part 2 of my current cycle and I will be doing 800mg of EQ in my next cycle and they will all go into my bis!
Let me just throw this thought out there;

Maybe the growth you experienced in your arms could be attributed to the overall increase in size from your cycle. I'm sure other parts of your body grew as well ?? Legs, chest, etc.......
I never injected my biceps before but when on my arms always grow around 5/8 to a 1" bigger along w/ the rest of my body.
I will try it for myself soon. Maybe when I jump on EQ I'll inject 1cc in my left and other cc to my right bicep.
Like what...Prop??

The only body part on me that needs work are legs. So I do my most injections there.
yes im a believer on spot injection. Ive used tren acetate with good results during spot injecting my delts and triceps. I want to shoot my biceps but even with a slin needle I seem to hit an artery and it turns all bruised up later.
I'm with ya bro. I'm a believer of spot growth as well. I was injecting in rotating spots but always hitting my left delt and not my right due to pain in my right when lifting and didn't want to aggravate it anymore. Well after a few weeks I noticed the left was significantly bigger. I stopped hitting delts altogether for awhile and it stayed the same. So then I started hitting them both again and now they are equals once again.

I just wanna say: I love men, that's all that matters
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DRveejay11 said:


Drveejay is just mad cause I won't join his :rainbow: love triangle with thefantom and The Almighty and him and has resorted to editing my posts.