ok, Im all natural (duhh) But I'm thinking of competing

natural body building

maybe the natural thing would be the better choice first. ...but ok...so what do the best natural guys do? does beastdrol count as natural? or do natural bb realy just take like BCAA and creatine...and crap like that. stuff u get at a vitamin store? if so then its just a matter of eating tons of the right fuel and workin out hard and resting. what should I be taking. I got where i am by taking weight gainer(or protien powder if im leaning out) ...creatine..bcaa.....(oh and one time a few cycles of methyl-mastedrol..aka beastdrol)
and c'mon guys...leave the eyes alone. i have white, red, brite blue..glow in the dark green...and black ones that fill the entire eye. I do it for attention. the phone....yea i agree with you..that damn thing..im gonna look for it now in the basement and smash the damn thing. look how beat up the case is..haha
maybe the natural thing would be the better choice first. ...but ok...so what do the best natural guys do? does beastdrol count as natural? or do natural bb realy just take like BCAA and creatine...and crap like that. stuff u get at a vitamin store? if so then its just a matter of eating tons of the right fuel and workin out hard and resting. what should I be taking. I got where i am by taking weight gainer(or protien powder if im leaning out) ...creatine..bcaa.....(oh and one time a few cycles of methyl-mastedrol..aka beastdrol)
and c'mon guys...leave the eyes alone. i have white, red, brite blue..glow in the dark green...and black ones that fill the entire eye. I do it for attention. the phone....yea i agree with you..that damn thing..im gonna look for it now in the basement and smash the damn thing. look how beat up the case is..haha

Yeah Test is a hormone thats already in the body so if u inject it its still natural I mean what does natural mean anyways???..:smashcomp
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yea i actually been to them two sites before. some of them guys are pretty big. its nuts how the guys one the sauce are so much freakier bigger...science is amazing huh?
but i still didnt see what kind of things they take when they are training. I guess a natural bb doesnt do a pct huh? cuz they dont take anthing during bulking besides a ton of calories and carbs n stuff. whouldnt it suck if u took ...say beastdrol to get big...and since its something legal to buy...then u get tested and they say...nope sorry u tested positive. ah man all that work.
Natural is hardly natural anymore. If you want to compete for fun, thats up to you. But you probably will not place well.

Ditch the contacts. Unless you are trying to pick up tweens by imitating those Twilight fags.
yea i actually been to them two sites before. some of them guys are pretty big. its nuts how the guys one the sauce are so much freakier bigger...science is amazing huh?
but i still didnt see what kind of things they take when they are training. I guess a natural bb doesnt do a pct huh? cuz they dont take anthing during bulking besides a ton of calories and carbs n stuff. whouldnt it suck if u took ...say beastdrol to get big...and since its something legal to buy...then u get tested and they say...nope sorry u tested positive. ah man all that work.

Each federation has a banned list. Some feds are steriod free for life while some are 5 years. I think that there are very few athletes on this entire board that could pull a top 5 in NPC. From where you are starting I would think it would be quite unlikely. However you could go into a natural comp and enjoy a level playing field.

Dont get caught up in the magazines. Those guys pay a heavy price to be where they are.
I got a former High School bud living out in CA now that did pretty good for himself all natural.

I'd give Johnny's body 4 stiffies outta 5. Can't really see his legs though. Lots of guys seem to have trouble getting thicker legs. No comment on the lenses. That horse was beaten to death long ago in this thread.
oh my fucking god please tell me that's not a half shirt!!

johnny, that picture's gayosity has clearly surpassed the contacts.
haha yea

yea its a half shirt...my ballet slippers and ...to-to (how ever u spell it ) was dirty. nah...i would wear that over the pads during football practice. never seen that before? (hmm now that i think about it...maybe i WAS the only one.)
nah c'mon man! why yall gotta bust my chops. :(
yea its a half shirt...my ballet slippers and ...to-to (how ever u spell it ) was dirty. nah...i would wear that over the pads during football practice. never seen that before? (hmm now that i think about it...maybe i WAS the only one.)
nah c'mon man! why yall gotta bust my chops. :(

cause you make it too easy. lol

Hell, you even got our resident turd burglar giving you 4 stiffies of out 5. :D
You do make it kinda easy. Stop posing for gay photographers.... or at least I hope you're doing it for a shit load of money and you're not falling for that old line "Hi I'm a photogrpagher that likes taking artist pictures and I want to expand my portfolio. Maybe we can help each other out, I'll expand your portolio if you expand mine ;-) "

Short legs are good, muscle shows up fuller on a shorter bone structure.

well thanks for not calling ME a turd burglar. haha. yea dont worry about me...it wasnt a scam. and no one has that pic. a million shots and only 1 was used..and yea i made enuff from it (no one used the half shirt pic haha..its was the one with the white pants. and gay ass lacross stuff. o man, i cant win .
anyways...the point of it was "do i have a shot at trying to compete...with some work of course?
TURD BURGLAR I LOVE IT!! :horny::elephant:
I almost bust out laughing like an idiot in the office.

its all in good fun brother. glad you gotta good sense of humor.

Johnny, yes you have a shot at competing. but for you taller guys, even in the natty ranks, you gotta add some more meat, or be so peeled that it looks like an anatomy chart.
sense of humor

yea im not on roids yet..so i have a sense of humor. its good when u can laugh at yourself. (keeps you young..laughter)
is this better...do i get any redemption points?
yea im not on roids yet..so i have a sense of humor. its good when u can laugh at yourself. (keeps you young..laughter)
is this better...do i get any redemption points?

dude that's gotta be a porn convension...tell me that's not ginna lynn or something like that. and most basic pc photo programs have red eye removal to fix your eyes. honestly i don't give a shit what team your batting for but you remind me of a this guy in my gym ackeem. he swears he's not gay but he get's completely naked working as a stripper in a gay strip club. he say's the money is great. i'm like, sure whatever you say. ....... ..so fairycake is a.......what's the politicaly correct word "rump ranger" ???bustin your chops to fc. i happened to be married with a kid but always heard there were alot of pole smokers in the world of bb..
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