ok, Im all natural (duhh) But I'm thinking of competing

o forgot im in the presence of a guy who only believes in shakes for PWO sry man haha. my shakes consist of eggs, oats, pb, cinnamon, milk, and a shot of whey just to mix it up. i like to get many dif sources of protein. i have the steak and sweet potato after dinner

that shake sounds delicious actually and i hate shakes.


you're overthining this shit dude. seriously. i wasn't gonna post anymore cause you making it too difficult. Stop.

Test only, a post cycle therapy (pct) drug of choice. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand in case of estro related shit and lots of food and hardcore training. Thats it. Curiousity is great but all these questions can be answered if you SEARCH for them.
that shake sounds delicious actually and i hate shakes.


you're overthining this shit dude. seriously. i wasn't gonna post anymore cause you making it too difficult. Stop.

Test only, a post cycle therapy (pct) drug of choice. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand in case of estro related shit and lots of food and hardcore training. Thats it. Curiousity is great but all these questions can be answered if you SEARCH for them.

Its worthless he doesnt listen ive already said that. Maybe he just cant read with those contacts.:chainsaw:
how about the clomiphene. I blocks the estrogen receptors...and also raises the estrogen level so that the body makes more natural testosterone? (or do i have to take two diff things for that) and what about after im done with the clomiphene...will my body be all balanced out and back to normal..just a bigger body. just curious what happs when the body is cleaned out from the clomiphene...and my receptors arent blocked anymore. wont matter right cuz the test is at the right place?
As I understand my research Clomid helps restore HPTA levels where Nolva doesn't. The 2 go hand in hand for post cycle therapy (pct). An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is standard during a test cycle also a kickstart for the boys would be Hcg. Good luck in your decision.
id hate to break it to you, but youre not natural. what you did was pro-hormones and you shoudnt be considering urself natural
yea 215 and all natural but i been working out since i was 15 too. I wish i knew all the ins and outs of dieting and bodybuilding though. I asked an another section about what is out there that is the closest cycle to steroids. and BEASTDROL is it. I belive it is ..its just like some stuff called methyl-mastedrol years ago. it was banned and i took like 4 cycles of it and wound up 235lbs and super strong for my frame. i was pulling alot of stuff but the pain wasnt slowing me down. my bad cholesterol was over 400..the doc was like wtf are u doing!!! so i stopped but i was ready to go on reduce fat mode anyways so went back to 200/215 again.
so my ? is. this beastdrol...is super potent but is a pill so is really toxic for liver. and it has all the side effects as ...takin steroids. so ... doesnt it seem better to just take the illegal steroids as injections (cuz its less toxic)
I'm kinda afraid of takin injections ..and drugs. I've never had alcahol or smoked my whole life. or taken drugs...but i guess that shit that made me 235lbs was like drugs??? what do u guys think.

well gee thanks for the input. doesnt matter anyways,
i've finally read up on enuff stuff and im gonna try a short cycles first off. either tren a / d-bol for 6 weeks then clomid OR tren a + test p for 6weeks then clomid/hcg
Im confident that i have a really good base for starting. and im not going crazy. itll be slow but constant gains. right?

yo big nasty...man ur avatar is insane!!!! wowsa.
well gee thanks for the input. doesnt matter anyways,
i've finally read up on enuff stuff and im gonna try a short cycles first off. either tren a / d-bol for 6 weeks then clomid OR tren a + test p for 6weeks then clomid/hcg
Im confident that i have a really good base for starting. and im not going crazy. itll be slow but constant gains. right?

yo big nasty...man ur avatar is insane!!!! wowsa.

or run test e 12 weeks. dont go with tren on your first or even second cycle.
well gee thanks for the input. doesnt matter anyways,
i've finally read up on enuff stuff and im gonna try a short cycles first off. either tren a / d-bol for 6 weeks then clomid OR tren a + test p for 6weeks then clomid/hcg
Im confident that i have a really good base for starting. and im not going crazy. itll be slow but constant gains. right?

yo big nasty...man ur avatar is insane!!!! wowsa.

Johnny, the best cycle I have ever done was a 12 week Test E cycle. Hands down. It is a long cycle and allows you to keep the gains better. It looks like your dead set on your ways of what you want to run. However, if you read up, you will see that Test only for a first cycle is a rule of thumb here for various reasons. If you can't get incredible gains on 500mg a week Test E, then you don't have your diet and/or training in check. 2 compounds first cycle is not needed.
Stay lean. Your Physique is perfect. 6' and 215 lean is a good size, Maintaining it will be easy for you, On the flip side, if you are naturally lean any size most likely will be muscle so set your goal. You want the model look or the freak look !
I am 5'9. Can get to 5'11 with boots. I wish I was 6'. I would even trade a pair of gigantic pair of Gyno Tits to be 6' ft. PEACE !!@
Still havent started

wow. i forgot all about this post. Yea, i havent started any cycle yet...my "source" has been away for a while. He also suggested i just do test first....but i read that the short 4 week cycles are alot safer and u wont gains tons of bloat...therefore wont lose alot when u go off .
anyways, still natural and Im 220 now. (finally noticable strength...and according to everyone else i'm bigger...i dont really see it)
well gee thanks for the input. doesnt matter anyways,
i've finally read up on enuff stuff and im gonna try a short cycles first off. either tren a / d-bol for 6 weeks then clomid OR tren a + test p for 6weeks then clomid/hcg
Im confident that i have a really good base for starting. and im not going crazy. itll be slow but constant gains. right?

yo big nasty...man ur avatar is insane!!!! wowsa.

so you have researched but your willing to try tren on first cycle... your a D.A. that imo needs to go away with your stupid contacts, constant repetitive questions, unwillingness to listen to vets, and your homosexuality is flaming all over our site. Fall in line or get the F*** out and change your name for Gods sake... johnny vain? come on dude... do you f*** urslef too?
a hater among us....

wow...someone is mad that they have to take steroids to try to look like I do without em'. that post u copied was way back....didnt you read the recent one, where someone(a 'vet') I know(not someone on a forum) told me that I have to do test first.
i dont see any pics of you matt...guess we have to assume you look like jay cutler.

well, i was trying to reach 230lbs naturally before doing anything...i just did that. so well see, I want to though. I tht if i can get to 230 and still be pretty lean ( of course there is some thich skin on me here and there) then juice I would blow up and then lean it out. if I like like most of you guys ..hell yea i wld love to get on stage and try it out.
man i watched a report on some show that had several people on it and they were monitoring there bloodwork regularly and the ones that were taking tons of those hard compacted vitamins and over the counter pills were actually doin more damage to there liver than the ones who were just injecting a test only cycle

well, i was trying to reach 230lbs naturally before doing anything...i just did that. so well see, I want to though. I tht if i can get to 230 and still be pretty lean ( of course there is some thich skin on me here and there) then juice I would blow up and then lean it out. if I like like most of you guys ..hell yea i wld love to get on stage and try it out.

I wish you were more attentive about your home life as you are about your physique.
I heard you are getting a divorce from a great girl who loves you unconditionally. I know it took hard work to get that great physique, so why can't you work on your marriage the same way, when you love someone it should be forever not just a few years.

What could have stired you to be single again. Let me tell you being married is the best thing. I hope you know what your doing.

By the way are you going to compete, I'd like to see that even thou we never met. Your picture is awesome. Are you bigger now.
I wish you were more attentive about your home life as you are about your physique.
I heard you are getting a divorce from a great girl who loves you unconditionally. I know it took hard work to get that great physique, so why can't you work on your marriage the same way, when you love someone it should be forever not just a few years.

What could have stired you to be single again. Let me tell you being married is the best thing. I hope you know what your doing.

By the way are you going to compete, I'd like to see that even thou we never met. Your picture is awesome. Are you bigger now.

Naive comment TonyLats....I worked on my marriage like a SOB f or 7-10 years before it blew up - and I got kicked in the balls on the way out! Marriage can be great, but it can also be hell.

Johnny - bet u could nail a physique contest right now!