ok, Im all natural (duhh) But I'm thinking of competing

nah..i dont want trial and error. ..just trial. I already have a source...it will be test first..just wana triple check the post cycle therapy (pct). ....
how about Clomiphene and temoxifen? is that something pretty common? does that crap do the same as this clomid and nolva stuff. and i will neeed a cortisol suppressor like B-androstenetrid and 7-hydroxy dhea??? sound about righ?
todays weight is 217. im hoping after a cycle and heavy eating and serious working out and rest...i can be....230..240???? is that possible?

you only need one. I prefer Clomid of those two.

And that other shit is a waste. Eat good food and train hard and get plenty of rest. That is all the cortisol blocking you need. Stop overthinking it.

Now, the last and most important. Since you're a gay underwear model i can see the desire to think of bodyweight as a measure of success.

Its not. Its a way to set yourself up for failure. If you weigh the exact same at the start and finish, but fill our your clothes better, have a lower BF%, or both, would you care? You shouldn't.

Take measurements (not gay irrelevant ones like calves for christ sake) and your BF% before, half way thru and after post cycle therapy (pct). Those are how you measure success.

Throw the scale in the attic for the next 6 months. you don't need it. Just look in the mirror. We all know youre great at that.
lmao ^^^ wtf haha. Ive seen this dude somewhere b4 in a porn i think it was a gang bang like 5 dudes and 1 chick totally gay i know but the commentary is hilarious. I bet he was one of the dudes volunteering to do the double anal scenes
nah..i dont want trial and error. ..just trial. I already have a source...it will be test first..just wana triple check the post cycle therapy (pct). ....
how about Clomiphene and temoxifen? is that something pretty common? does that crap do the same as this clomid and nolva stuff. and i will neeed a cortisol suppressor like B-androstenetrid and 7-hydroxy dhea??? sound about righ?
todays weight is 217. im hoping after a cycle and heavy eating and serious working out and rest...i can be....230..240???? is that possible?

Hey man clomiphene is same thing as clomid, tamoxifen is same thing as nolvadex. Same thing different name. Kinda like motris is same as advil is same as ibuprofen (ibuprofen generic name, others are trade names).

Pick one and do it. I would not do both. Why do you think you need one of those cortisol suppressors?
And just cause ur boyfriend wants u too. Dont overdo the lunges and box squats. Stick too a fresh routine that will ensure quality gains all over
^^make sure you focus on quality heavy compound exercises like bent over tricep dumbell kickbacks with the chrome weights heheheh:bootyshak
you only need one. I prefer Clomid of those two.

And that other shit is a waste. Eat good food and train hard and get plenty of rest. That is all the cortisol blocking you need. Stop overthinking it.

Now, the last and most important. Since you're a gay underwear model i can see the desire to think of bodyweight as a measure of success.

Its not. Its a way to set yourself up for failure. If you weigh the exact same at the start and finish, but fill our your clothes better, have a lower BF%, or both, would you care? You shouldn't.

Take measurements (not gay irrelevant ones like calves for christ sake) and your BF% before, half way thru and after post cycle therapy (pct). Those are how you measure success.

Throw the scale in the attic for the next 6 months. you don't need it. Just look in the mirror. We all know youre great at that.

On a serious note listen to RJ. Dont worry about ur stomach getting a little fat on it.(I thought u were done with modeling) first step to becoming a man. And as long as u keep up with ur meals evey 2 hours cortisol will not be an issue. Also set ur alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to get u a quick snack in and this will control cortisol as well. U will be surprised how much food u can take in and not get fat.:elephant:

i thought the cortisol suppressors are to stop the catabolic state...so u dont lose all u work hard to gain???

alright alright...im gonna remove all my pics, you guys are fag-bashing a strait guy haha.
I'll get some pics of me guttin a deer, pulling an engine and shaving with a sharpened stone.

(gang bang...haha oh man, i could never, that IS gay, the girl bein there is irrelevant...haha nuts slappin together.....:3some:)
i thought the cortisol suppressors are to stop the catabolic state...so u dont lose all u work hard to gain???

alright alright...im gonna remove all my pics, you guys are fag-bashing a strait guy haha.
I'll get some pics of me guttin a deer, pulling an engine and shaving with a sharpened stone.

(gang bang...haha oh man, i could never, that IS gay, the girl bein there is irrelevant...haha nuts slappin together.....:3some:)

lmao dude catabolism is the act of muscle being broken down for energy. this will not happen if u eat ur meals consistently (every 2-3 hours) plus when i bulk ill eat a hard boiled egg some pb and a glass of milk or shake in the middle of the night when im sleeping. Also a home made high calorie weight gain shake b4 bed can do wonders for being anticatabolic if u dont wanna wake up. also casien protien is a slow digesting protien its an anti catabolic:splat:
lmao dude catabolism is the act of muscle being broken down for energy. this will not happen if u eat ur meals consistently (every 2-3 hours) plus when i bulk ill eat a hard boiled egg some pb and a glass of milk or shake in the middle of the night when im sleeping. Also a home made high calorie weight gain shake b4 bed can do wonders for being anticatabolic if u dont wanna wake up. also casien protien is a slow digesting protien its an anti catabolic:splat:

or be a real man and eat a steak before bed. :D

Johhny, like Big said, you won't have an issue with catabolism unless you don't eat. During the first part of PCT you are catabolic as you have no test running through you, that is why its important to keep your cals up, even if you gain a lil fat (better than losing muscle) and lower your volume a bit. But keep the intensity high.

Like you said, PCT IMO is more important than the actual cycle in alot of ways.
or be a real man and eat a steak before bed. :D

Johhny, like Big said, you won't have an issue with catabolism unless you don't eat. During the first part of PCT you are catabolic as you have no test running through you, that is why its important to keep your cals up, even if you gain a lil fat (better than losing muscle) and lower your volume a bit. But keep the intensity high.

Like you said, PCT IMO is more important than the actual cycle in alot of ways.

o forgot im in the presence of a guy who only believes in shakes for PWO sry man haha. my shakes consist of eggs, oats, pb, cinnamon, milk, and a shot of whey just to mix it up. i like to get many dif sources of protein. i have the steak and sweet potato after dinner
cortisor suppressors

shit man i just read up on it....and it seems like we all should be taking cortisol supression drugs all the time,,,to have less stress. so much shit can cause it like commuting in traffic....burn out.... and stress. and u can cure it with rest....sex...massage... yea i gues that not really a big worry for post cycle therapy (pct). and if i wind up as big as RJ my first cycle...i'll be excited to wake up at 2am to eat a bowl of oatmeal and weight gainer. i might just put a kitchen in my bedroom haha.
and the clomiphine.... i read that there is a brand called androxal that i think is passed by the FDA..i wonder if i can get that over the counter or if i ask my doc to write me a script. i know my doc pretty good. hes done me favors before. nothing bad but...gettin me clomiphine isnt bad ...hed be helping my health.
how about the clomiphene. I blocks the estrogen receptors...and also raises the estrogen level so that the body makes more natural testosterone? (or do i have to take two diff things for that) and what about after im done with the clomiphene...will my body be all balanced out and back to normal..just a bigger body. just curious what happs when the body is cleaned out from the clomiphene...and my receptors arent blocked anymore. wont matter right cuz the test is at the right place?
shit man i just read up on it....and it seems like we all should be taking cortisol supression drugs all the time,,,to have less stress. so much shit can cause it like commuting in traffic....burn out.... and stress. and u can cure it with rest....sex...massage... yea i gues that not really a big worry for post cycle therapy (pct). and if i wind up as big as RJ my first cycle...i'll be excited to wake up at 2am to eat a bowl of oatmeal and weight gainer. i might just put a kitchen in my bedroom haha.
and the clomiphine.... i read that there is a brand called androxal that i think is passed by the FDA..i wonder if i can get that over the counter or if i ask my doc to write me a script. i know my doc pretty good. hes done me favors before. nothing bad but...gettin me clomiphine isnt bad ...hed be helping my health.

Yeah im sure thats what he'll be saying in court when he's facing jail time and losing his license :hahano:
The androxal (enclomaphine) would be interesting. pretty new drug. Is not over the counter.

Looks like it is marketed for men to increase fertility on HRT, you would be supratheraputic and trying to get the natural production going again. This is clearly off lable. Any doctor writing you this would be wide open for ethical issues.
ok so clomiphene or whatever..is the same as temoxifin...is the same as nolvadel is the same as clomid....they all black receptors and allow body to make more test naturally. and i just eat a shit load of food...whcih i would be doing anyways while on test.

oh hey, another good ? my doc wanted to put me on cholesterol med..cuz my bad chol was 120...which really isnt that bad. but it made me wonder. since being on 'gear' caused your cholesterol to sky rocket....do BB just take something like crestor to keep it down all the time to prevent heart attack later on?
ok so clomiphene or whatever..is the same as temoxifin...is the same as nolvadel is the same as clomid....they all black receptors and allow body to make more test naturally. and i just eat a shit load of food...whcih i would be doing anyways while on test.

oh hey, another good ? my doc wanted to put me on cholesterol med..cuz my bad chol was 120...which really isnt that bad. but it made me wonder. since being on 'gear' caused your cholesterol to sky rocket....do BB just take something like crestor to keep it down all the time to prevent heart attack later on?

U should make sure that ur in check b4 u cycle always. its good that u keep updated with ur medical shit. i have a bad habit of not getting checked often. B4 i cycle i make sure that everything is in check.