ok, Im all natural (duhh) But I'm thinking of competing

yea im not on roids yet..so i have a sense of humor. its good when u can laugh at yourself. (keeps you young..laughter)
is this better...do i get any redemption points?

dude that's gotta be a porn convension...tell me that's not ginna lynn or something like that. and most basic pc photo programs have red eye removal to fix your eyes. and honestly i don't give a shit what team your batting for but you remind me of a this guy in my gym ackeem. he swears he's not gay but he get's completely naked working as a stripper in a gay strip club. he say's the money is great. i'm like, sure whatever you say. ....... ..sorry fairycake is.......what's the politicaly correct word a "rump ranger" bustin your chops to fc......we can all get along.....
thanks. my legs are a good size. Im 6' but its mainly torso..i have short legs i guess. (not like a midgit haha) i'll see about puttin in a full shot. I have this on my comp rt now. a better idea i guess.

hell, the only pic we can see your legs is the one were you have pads in your pants.....:bash: i will say that every time i look at that those two picks i crack up....like rj said, you make it to easy.......and is it really your screen saver?

yea its gina. and no thats not red eye...those were my orange contacts.
and nothing again gay ppl.....but oh man..the thought of it is ....whats the word...gross? but hey, fairycake and the others can play butt darts all they want so long as I dont have to see it.
that pic has a good ass story too it. maybe one of the best weekends of my life. but, this isnt the rt section for that. haha

i gues that a compliment..cuz there are no pads in those pants. not even the crotch haha.
man do yall want me to remove them....i feel bullied. haha j/k
i gues that a compliment..cuz there are no pads in those pants. not even the crotch haha.
man do yall want me to remove them....i feel bullied. haha j/k

that is a compliment cuz i thought there were pads in there. seriously, i am just messing with you because you seem to not mind ball busting. nothing personal. where was the conv. las vegas? ginna smokin hot!
yea im not on roids yet..so i have a sense of humor. its good when u can laugh at yourself. (keeps you young..laughter)
is this better...do i get any redemption points?

only two things would give you redemption points.

1. you banged Gina Lynn after the pic was taken.

2. you didn't have those gay contacts in.

But a valiant effort my man. Damn, i have a pic somewhere where Jesse Jane is sitting on my lap topless. i love porn stars.

nah i didnt bang her. I did however get a bunch of them to come out to Pasha in manhattan the next nite, they were all in ny, I felt like i was the coolest guy alive. all the other dirty details i'll save.
anyways, I am considering starting a cycle of test and still tryin to find otu the best post cycle therapy (pct) for after. I want all the "gear" before i start. it sounds like the post cycle therapy (pct) is almost more important that the first half of the cycle. im done with the modeling so now i wanna break that mold and go for a much larger but all lumped up with muscle look.
nah i didnt bang her. I did however get a bunch of them to come out to Pasha in manhattan the next nite, they were all in ny, I felt like i was the coolest guy alive. all the other dirty details i'll save.
anyways, I am considering starting a cycle of test and still tryin to find otu the best post cycle therapy (pct) for after. I want all the "gear" before i start. it sounds like the post cycle therapy (pct) is almost more important that the first half of the cycle. im done with the modeling so now i wanna break that mold and go for a much larger but all lumped up with muscle look.

Im a tall guy too and u need to put on more mass than the shorter guys to counter balance the height difference.At ur age u might end up having to compete in the Senoir categories by the time u get built hahah jk jk. U have the foundation now u need to pack on the mass
there he is

thers Big nasty. (i like that better than bigNnasty.) I was wondering when u would find me...haha.
is that you in that pic? haha it looks funny. if it is...did u EAT that whole thing? haha thast the secret to gettin mass!
That is the meal u need to gain mass yes. Just use lean ground beef and a whole grain whole wheat bun. U'll be good to go. Dont be afraid to put on the lbs lol.
Yeah dude we're similar stats I'm 6-2 220 after a cycle of test followed by a post cycle therapy (pct). Was 205 prior. Got to 228 lost 8. Bout to start a 2nd cycle after 3 months post post cycle therapy (pct) which is almost here. Give it a try just get everything you need 1st ai's serms ect. You could probably put together a full cycle for what a years worth of color contacts would run ya just sayin....
the cycle

yea so you did test (thast what im suppose to do first) but what did u do for the PCT? im reading all these suggestions like clomid then i hear thats crap...or nolva...they i hear dont do that. do this do that. do u wanna raise ur estrogen or block it. it sounds lke raising it with the artifical est is better cuz it makes ur body produce more natural test to balance urself out again. but i will deff get it all together first. and your gonna do a test cycle again? why dont BB just do test all the time, why do they start stacking so much stuff? thats a good ? i'll ask in the other forum.
man you guys love bustin on me for the eyes huh? lets see...how can i make it worse...oh i know, hows this?
yea so you did test (thast what im suppose to do first) but what did u do for the PCT? im reading all these suggestions like clomid then i hear thats crap...or nolva...they i hear dont do that. do this do that. do u wanna raise ur estrogen or block it. it sounds lke raising it with the artifical est is better cuz it makes ur body produce more natural test to balance urself out again. but i will deff get it all together first. and your gonna do a test cycle again? why dont BB just do test all the time, why do they start stacking so much stuff? thats a good ? i'll ask in the other forum.
man you guys love bustin on me for the eyes huh? lets see...how can i make it worse...oh i know, hows this?

most guys do it because they think more gear = more gains. Which it does not.

I did 2-3 test only cycles before I did anything else. Its good to be curious and try other compounds. But most guys take it to far IMO and start adding all this shit they don't need and start forgetting about what makes you grow and maintain gains.

Food, rest and hardcore training. Not stop being a contact wearing sissy and do a cycle already.
yea so you did test (thast what im suppose to do first) but what did u do for the PCT? im reading all these suggestions like clomid then i hear thats crap...or nolva...they i hear dont do that. do this do that. do u wanna raise ur estrogen or block it. it sounds lke raising it with the artifical est is better cuz it makes ur body produce more natural test to balance urself out again. but i will deff get it all together first. and your gonna do a test cycle again? why dont BB just do test all the time, why do they start stacking so much stuff? thats a good ? i'll ask in the other forum.
man you guys love bustin on me for the eyes huh? lets see...how can i make it worse...oh i know, hows this?

Looks like a vampire thats into little boys instead of blood. Do it Arnold style with no PCT lol jk. U can use both nolva and clomid for PCT and use nolva as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during ur cycle. There are other ways of running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pct as well clomid/ nolva is not neccessarily the best way. Everyone has there own opinion on what works best for them but u wont really know til u get ur feet wet. Google the shit man god damn u lazy haha:whipping:... figured ud like that
Looks like a vampire thats into little boys instead of blood. Do it Arnold style with no PCT lol jk. U can use both nolva and clomid for PCT and use nolva as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during ur cycle. There are other ways of running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pct as well clomid/ nolva is not neccessarily the best way. Everyone has there own opinion on what works best for them but u wont really know til u get ur feet wet. Google the shit man god damn u lazy haha:whipping:... figured ud like that

lets make sure were using the right terminology for the gay boy-loving vampire.

Nolva is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Its an anti-E. AIs decrease overall estrogen, Nolva, an anti-E, doesn't prevent it from being produced, it just keeps it from binding to the receptor. Big difference brother.

But you are right about one thing. Johnny, pick one thing and do it. Only way to learn is by trial and error.
lets make sure were using the right terminology for the gay boy-loving vampire.

Nolva is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Its an anti-E. AIs decrease overall estrogen, Nolva, an anti-E, doesn't prevent it from being produced, it just keeps it from binding to the receptor. Big difference brother.

But you are right about one thing. Johnny, pick one thing and do it. Only way to learn is by trial and error.

Aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) sry haha thanks for the edit!:jump:
Hey Vain, like RJ said the SERM's (selective estrogen reuptake modulators competitively bind to estrogen receptors. Estrogen hormones themselves will inhibit your own production of testosterone because it is a by product of high testosterone levels so to speak via aromitization of testosterone (aromatase enzyme rate limiting step in this reaction).

I really do not understand the reasoning of using two different SERM's for post cycle, not sure of the benifit since you are essentially adding another compound to do the same thing. I know there is some anecdotal evidence for adding both clomid and nolvadex for example but I have not seen good scientific evidence.

NOW i'm not saying it is not out there, I just havn't seen it. If someone knows of this please link a reference.

Nolvadex is something also called tamoxifen. This is an old drug to treat ESTROGEN RECEPTOR POSITIVE breast cancer. So, the cancer has receptors that bind estrogen and grow from activation of the estrogen receptor. The tamoxifen/nolvadex again competitively binds on the receptor as well and slows growth.

Good way to think of it is like a cast tank in a car. The tank is the estrogen receptor. You can fill it with either gas (the car starts and drives) or water in which case the engine won't start and dont go anywhere.

Or, think of the receptor like a pussy, you can put your dick in it or your finger, or dildo or cucumber, carrot, beer bottle etc etc. Your dick might get her pregnant which is a problem, the dildo/finger veggie etc is just fun. :bikini:

In your case i might should have used the chocolate starfish as the example, you know the ole:moon: brown eye
trian and NO error

nah..i dont want trial and error. ..just trial. I already have a source...it will be test first..just wana triple check the post cycle therapy (pct). ....
how about Clomiphene and temoxifen? is that something pretty common? does that crap do the same as this clomid and nolva stuff. and i will neeed a cortisol suppressor like B-androstenetrid and 7-hydroxy dhea??? sound about righ?
todays weight is 217. im hoping after a cycle and heavy eating and serious working out and rest...i can be....230..240???? is that possible?
people use clomid and nolva together for the same reason they do Dbol only cycles.

Because they read it works on a board somewhere by a 19 year old with 'mega rep' who refers to himself as a VET.

I still don't get why guys think more is better. Maybe its a penis thing.