
outlawtas2 said:
Man I'm getting pissed, 5'10 215 and I look nowhere near as big as you...at least I don't think. Maybe when I cut up the size will "come out".

I dunno what a victory sign is....just hold up a peice of paper that says "Outlawtas2 > Ronnie Coleman"

Dude, I'm 6'2" and 235...nd no where near as jacked as this fucker...damn, I must be shooting pure grapeseed oil. Nice work though.
Cut UP!!!!!

just curious....what do you do for trap excersizes, i definatly noticed how high they connect and how big they are. nice pic. I really wanna see the rest of those pics my brotha
Onswoll said:
back, and leg pix coming tomorrow. My wife took the freakin camera to disneyland today. lol

Lookin ripped and nice and dry. Good job! Whats your cycle history and at what doses? How long training and whats the split? Sorry so many questions,
just looking for some insight, Lookin good bro!
Old Balls said:
Dude, I'm 6'2" and 235...nd no where near as jacked as this fucker...damn, I must be shooting pure grapeseed oil. Nice work though.

haha Thanks bro. yeah a few months ago I switched from grapeseed oil to sesame, shit...now look at me. hahaah
hmlacrosse said:
Cut UP!!!!!

just curious....what do you do for trap excersizes, i definatly noticed how high they connect and how big they are. nice pic. I really wanna see the rest of those pics my brotha

Ill get those pix up soon guys I promise. My lifes been crazy lately, just havnt had time to take some. anyway...for my traps, I used to train traps a lot more than I do, now I only train them maybe once a week. They are one of the fastest growing muscles in your body. I am always switching things up with I train my traps. I do a lot of barbell shruggs (rarely super heavy, usually just two plates) and superset with 21's with 35 or 40lb dumbells. PM me and ill tell you a bit more exactly how i do it.
mw101 said:
Lookin ripped and nice and dry. Good job! Whats your cycle history and at what doses? How long training and whats the split? Sorry so many questions,
just looking for some insight, Lookin good bro!

Thanks man. Ive done 4 cycles, but to be honest this recent one is the only one that I have done 100% properly. I admit I was one of those kids who just took shit for my 1st cycle or two not knowing really what I was doing. I did no research on my own, simply listened to what my buddies told me. Those cycles I gained nothing. Ill have to post some pix of myself before I started training, you'd crack up. I was about a buck 35 soaking wet. So this recent cycle is really the only one that I have put a lot of effot into and really cracked down on my diet and training. I started training at the beginning of my senior year in 1999, trained for about 2yrs basically trying to figure it all out (diet, what excersises my body liked and didnt like, etc...) I went from 130lbs to about 145lbs over those two years, then I boned out for two years on a mission for my church where I didnt touch a weight for the whole two years and I pretty much lost everything. There's easy gainers and hard gainers and I am a BIG TIME hard gainer, BIG TIME. I still had my foundation I built when I got home from those two years, and since then Ive been training pretty seriously. The way that I train is a bit different, but maybe thats because I have more knowledge and experience than most of the chumps in the gym. I train hard and with a lot of intensity, always switching my routines and exercises up. The muscles I need to build big and solid, like front delts, biceps, back, legs, i train for them to be that way, the muscles I need to be tighter and ripped, such as shoulders, abbs, triceps, chest...I train those muscles to be that way. And through the yrs of training that way, with a good clean diet, Ive been able to put on plenty of mass, but stay extremly ripped at the same time. Thanks for all your input guys and the compliments...i train my ass off inside and outside the gym to look the way that I do. I do not compete nor am I planning on it. I do it for myself, its what I like to do and keeps me feeling good and healthy. But I will admit, living in Southern california...EVERYONE worksout, and everyone wants to be big and ripped, but how many people look that way, very few. So i admit, its a good feeling to stroll down to the beach in the summer and look better than 99.9% of the dudes on the beach and have all the ladies jockin you, hahahaahaha. Thanks for the compliments tho guys.
hmlacrosse said:
yeah definatly, do you do deadlifts or rack pulls?

I do both. It really just depends on what Im feeling that day. I am not one of those guys that strolls into the gym and has their whole workout written down on paper. Fuck that. that way you are telling yourself what your body is going to do. I do what my body tells my mind to do. Whatever my body feels like doing whether its deadlifts, smith machine shrugs, dumbells...thats what I do. Ive found that I am more prone to injury when I do excersieses my body doesnt feel like doing. So to answer your question, I both. It just depends on what Im feeling that day. Think about it, if you need to do barbell presses but you dont feel like doing them...how hard to you think your going to hit that excersies, as appose to finding something that you feel like doing. thats just my own personal thoughts and how I train.
i live in brooklyn the home of the original guido. that shit was in here when i was like 16 im 24 now. then about 2 years ago all the long island and nj kids started doing that shit. If u go out to clubs in long island or nj thats all u see.
simpllyhuge said:
i live in brooklyn the home of the original guido. that shit was in here when i was like 16 im 24 now. then about 2 years ago all the long island and nj kids started doing that shit. If u go out to clubs in long island or nj thats all u see.

LMAO thats halarious. I guess us southern cali kids just arent cool enough to know about the famous "guido." Usually the trends start here and work there way across the states, guess not in this case. LOL
na well a guido is just a stereo typical stupid italian like the ones depicted in spike lee movies. but i guess these are the new generation guidois. Its all about muscles and hair and clubs
carolinacrackah said:
Leg pics?

They're comin they're coming. If you cant tell by my Thread i posted about my calf....im royally F'ed up right now and can put absolutly no pressure on my right leg or foot. soooo, it might be hard to take some leg pix right now. gimme a day or two for this infection/soreness to go away.