Pics of me (2 weeks into Test E) comment


New member



current stats= 18 years old, 14 1/2 inch bi's haven't measured anything else will tom at gym. Weight - 188. Height - 5' 10". Second cycle first when i was 16... haven't geared in two years been training solid to prepare properly. currently taking Test E at 400mg weekly followed with Clomid PCT( i like to keep it simple). Taking in 4-5k callories a day followed with meats and special formulated protein shake, Also live by fish oil and multi vitamins. I keep my BP on check also. Haven't noticed any mass gains only strength will post two weeks from now for progress..

all comments welcome (don't waste the your too young b.s because I want listen "just a heads up")
and the last time i measured the bi's was about 5 months ago.. I'm thinking they're about 14.75 maybe 15 inches by now. I'd really like that lol. Please give me some feedback that actually makes sense guys.

your too young Devil Dog...dont get caught either..UCMJ is a bitch..i spent brig time on Lejuene for less then popping on a test
hey Devil ..enan takes awhile to load in ur system you still have a few formations to fall into....before you see results...but bro you will and u will love it more than 0500 did brig was it like a c platoon..or something
hey Devil ..enan takes awhile to load in ur system you still have a few formations to fall into....before you see results...but bro you will and u will love it more than 0500

yeah, I know around the 3rd week the esters will kick in.. I'm starting to notice small sides water retention and massive strength bursts :D. I'm guessing around 4th -6th week ill start to see the mass.

- Semper Fi did brig was it like a c platoon..or something

Got arrested down on court street in Jville one night..fucking pulled a special court martial on my ass..was kinda like mess & maintenance back on the Island..they still pt our ass though...
yeah, I know around the 3rd week the esters will kick in.. I'm starting to notice small sides water retention and massive strength bursts :D. I'm guessing around 4th -6th week ill start to see the mass.

- Semper Fi

yeah man good to go
Got arrested down on court street in Jville one night..fucking pulled a special court martial on my ass..was kinda like mess & maintenance back on the Island..they still pt our ass though...

oh fuck yeah..i could imajine i was to fimiliar with njp's lol in my first 2 years...
ironic you watch your bp, know what post cycle therapy (pct) is, follow a good diet.....but juice at 18. you look huge, happy.
If those are 16" bi's mine are 22". By the way...where is your bi? lmao
I can't wait to see you at 40 bro. Come back and tell us all about it. Your age makes me sick to see you juicing. I had to say it!!
I swore off flaming but this deserves it!! Good God
I gotta go look up psalm23....I'm sure I'll get a laugh.
I was in a good mood too.
mother of christ Ozzy..u 1 pissed of maw fakka today arnt
If those are 16" bi's mine are 22". By the way...where is your bi? lmao
I can't wait to see you at 40 bro. Come back and tell us all about it. Your age makes me sick to see you juicing. I had to say it!!
I swore off flaming but this deserves it!! Good God
I gotta go look up psalm23....I'm sure I'll get a laugh.
I was in a good mood too.

i tried to tell him
damn thickheaded jarheads
Since all comments are welcome, heres mine:

You dont even look like you lift weights. Sinve youve made it clear that youre not gonna listen about the age thing, ill leave that one alone. Doesnt leave me much else to say really except to point out the obvious.
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I apologize and will follow the no flaming rules from now on.\


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Kinda defensive arent ya? You said all comments welcome but i guess theyre not. I didnt flame you, i just pointed out what i saw. You on the other hand went a little overboard so i touched up your post a little.


Kinda defensive arent ya? You said all comments welcome but i guess theyre not. I didnt flame you, i just pointed out what i saw. You on the other hand went a little overboard so i touched up your post a little.

ofcourse I am man! Work my ass off in the gym pay out the ass to feed my self and eat properly do tons of research and I am a monster for my age everyone tells me im freakin huge no smoke being blowed here. THEN you tell me it doesn't even look like i lift weights it freakin destroys me dude im very self conscious about that i never think im big enough. I apologize for going off like that it was disrespectful and out of tune and im sorry. I just freak out when im told im small. and My arms are 15.75 Maybe a few cm off I had a trainer measure them at my gym. I was suprised but why would I lie on here seriously man lol. im just proud of my gains and show em off and try to get info here.

I'll post a new progress pics tom and see what I get out of it. I know im not small and i know im not crazy.