Pics When I was 320

You are one of the few people i know who is tall as shit, but built like a short person, i don't know how else to explain it. You are looking really good bro, keep it up, and you should look phenomenal at lower bf. And that is not fat by any means, not lean, but surely not fat.
Makaveli_786 said:
LOL man your a shit talker, the dudes fat what do you want me to say hes the next Mr Olympia, just cos u suck everybodies dick to get on their good side doesn't mean everybody does the same, alright fair enough I did choose the wrong words and I was harsh but the dudes a little on the heavy side WTF do you want me to say, watch out Ronnie Coleman??

Not to brag but I've probably got ten times more experience than you so how can you talk, why don't me and you debate and we'll see who knows more about training, steroids supplements and diet, you attack me out of the blue because I'm not telling this guy he's the next Olympia? WTF, man you need to get your priorities in order.

P.S. I edited the comment to make it a little more "friendly" but man I stick by what I said, sorry but thats the way I see it, you post your pictures up here, the dude himself said he's fat so if you disagree with my opinion then fuck you but thats what I think, he shouldn't have posted it if he wasn't ready to get some criticism, you only post if you WANT to.

Im not even trying to be a bodybuilder, I am a former football player that loves to lift weights. You think I actually stay 320lbs all year round??? That was the peak of bulking and was carrying extra fat, usually that happens when you bulk in case you forgot. My second picture is more accurate as far as what I look like for most of the year. I can take critisizm but I would atleast like to see who is giving the critisizm. If you have a better physique than me than sure, I will take your critisizm and follow advise. But since I see no pictures of you around here you should shut your mouth. You could be skinny little bitch for all I know poppin off behind a computer screen.
Swoleburn said:
But since I see no pictures of you around here you should shut your mouth. You could be skinny little bitch for all I know poppin off behind a computer screen.

Hey Makaveli........theres only one way people are gonna give a shit about what you say on here (especially if you talk shit like you did), and thats if you post a pic.

So, post up, or shut the fuck up...........its your call.
jcp2 said:
You are one of the few people i know who is tall as shit, but built like a short person, i don't know how else to explain it. You are looking really good bro, keep it up, and you should look phenomenal at lower bf. And that is not fat by any means, not lean, but surely not fat.

Agreed. I dont have that look at my height!
Thanks for the positive feedback!! I will be posting some more pics in about a week or so. I just started my cycle on Propionate, Sustanon and Trenbolone.
fucking size aint everything ppl you gotta look hard you gotta look big from every angle you got a decent body and personally i dont think this guy is fat but yeah you look a little soft just harden up and u r good later
naam89 said:
fucking size aint everything ppl you gotta look hard you gotta look big from every angle you got a decent body and personally i dont think this guy is fat but yeah you look a little soft just harden up and u r good later

Hey, I should probably just do some Winstrol (winny) and I will be good because Winstrol (winny) makes you cut up huh???? LOL........Sorry bro, I just gotta poke fun cuz of your other thread, Its just too funny not to.
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i think you're pretty fuckin freaky! you're someone i'd watch in the gym to see if there was something i was doing wrong haha

Jesus, dude....keep it up

....and if you ever talked shit to me in person............i would damn sure see how good my 100m dash is haha
My only negative comment would be your bone size. You appear to have some thick joints and bones. If you plan on competing this will hurt you.

Otherwise i'm very impressed with your muscularity.
lol funny thread..........can i ask 1 many cycles have u done in the past and how many do u run a year........and have u shaved your head because you r goin bald becuase of the no flaming im just wondering ......becuase u are fuckin big dude and if i looked liked u i would be happy .......
Ive actually had the same hairline since I was in Highschool before any roids. Ive compared pictures. But Im starting my 4th cycle. My last one went for nearly a year tho. Before the year long cycle I did one cycle a year. And I always shave my head anyways so I dont really care about going bald. LOL.
Niclipse said:
Agreed. I dont have that look at my height!

Same thing here, i am 6'3 also, and no matter how big i get, nothing gets round except my stomack, lol. He has the shape of some of the shorter guys, that is the best look going, because you are a monster, and still have a very appealing look.
Not trying to be flippant here, but it looks like you are 270 in the picture itself, not 320. I know you're taller, but are your legs enormous or something? Just asking here.
He's 6 foot 4 inches. He's a big fuckin dude. I think he looks all of his weight in that first pic.
I really dont think he's fat. He's got more vascularity and veins than I've seen on a lot of people. I think he'll look badass when he gets to what his goal numbers are, a lot of people would kill to be that big. I know for shit I would.
painless2 said:
Not trying to be flippant here, but it looks like you are 270 in the picture itself, not 320. I know you're taller, but are your legs enormous or something? Just asking here.

I was 320lbs in that picture. I have no reason to lie. I am about 270lbs in my second picture believe it or not. 267lbs to be exact. And my Legs are not enormous but they do match my upper body pretty well. Here is a new pic. Its kinda shitty and you cant see much but here it is anyways. I am 275lbs in this picture.


More will be coming soon
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Mudge said:
Not everyone has the genes or desire to be an easy 8% year round. So what?

I would like to be 8% year round....LOL....but shit I have never been 8% BF in my life. 10% would be just fine with me!!!
Swole - I'm curious about the tat in your first picture on your right arm. Why is it different in your latest picture?