***Regarding The Almighty***

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He needs to give his social sec. # when He applies for a job right? |D|R|s| I have been saying all along that him posting here is just him trying to buy time. He can run if he wants to it will not help him.
XXXX- Yeah he will for sure have to give a s.s.# when he look's for work, but I dont think that anyone know's his real name.. Or anything about him to say the least.
mixwell said:
i have been arrested inseattle before and this looks nothing like the form that was written out by my officer...

Like we all said, the police report scanned by Almighty was bogus.

As I have posted on this thread, and the other one about Almighty, here is the information you bros will need if you want to confront Almighty at his Seattle University graduation/commencement ceremony on June 15th...

guys, first of all i think the money is gone. second, dont count on him to attend his graduation with this heat. third, his name probably is matt green. he wasnt bright enough to fool anyone on any thing else so what makes you all think he was bright enough to not give out his real name? why else would people calling his house get hung up on without being given a chance to say something? because that was probably his mom who answered. very clever of almighty to deny it. but why would anyone believe a liar? and such a bad one. fourth, a rat is always worse than a thief. being a thief is bad, especially if you prey on individuals as opposed to corporations. but a rat is the lowest form of life. being a rat implies that you have no control over your life and will do anything to survive a situation. a rat is someone who cannot be trusted ever. a rat does not take care of his own problems but finds someone to go after his enemies. a rat therefore has no balls. a rat is often given the colombian necktie so that he will remember in another life the consequences of talking. a rat has no soul. a rat has no friends. a rat doesnt think about anything other than saving his own ass or bringing others down with him. so almighty, i hope for your sake you are only a thief because in the end you will pay for everything you do and a rats reward is alot more bitter than a thiefs. laters.
El Almighty said:
Kinkos charges an arm and a leg to scan, but here is a sheet from my arrest. I blocked out a bunch of the info for obvious reasons, but you guys should get the idea.

I don't even post much on here, but that shit you say about Kinkos charging an arm and a leg, get real you cheap scammer, do it right or give people's money back...I always smelled pussy in you:bsflag:
|D|R|S| said:
XXXX- Yeah he will for sure have to give a s.s.# when he look's for work, but I dont think that anyone know's his real name.. Or anything about him to say the least.
Well I do not think he will be going any where then if that is the case
Wartime100 said:
I doubt that the people who lost their $$$ see it that way,

You damn right. But all the cloak and dagger lying and dancing around the main issue sure the fuck is. Come on... this is outrageous. I don't think anyone really cares what he hell happened, just that some bros are out some cash.

We can sit here and guess at what happened... but all I know is that someone paid money, and didn't get anything... at least I think that is what I know.

Heyyo said:
Haha...Matt Green I've hunted scammers down with half the info Mvmaxx has on you...

What a true low life you are, you got your family involved. Now they are in danger...

Btw, his name is Matt Green.

XXXX, is this the same X I know?

from what board?
Can someone please post some pic's of this asswipe after the beating to remind all the other scammer's of what happen's when you do this?
Actually, dont take any pic's..... They are just trouble..... He has'nt been posting anything lately. And neither has mvmaxx, I wonder, hmmmm....
Heyyo said:
Haha...Matt Green I've hunted scammers down with half the info Mvmaxx has on you...

What a true low life you are, you got your family involved. Now they are in danger...

Btw, his name is Matt Green.

XXXX, is this the same X I know?

Actually, I'm looking at his Hawaii licence information right now, and his full name is Matthew C. (Christopher) Green, 5'10", 150lbs. (big guy LOL---you lying fuck), brown hair/brown eyes.....Almighty, I also will start posting your driver's licence # and your social security number, as well as ALL of your girlfriend's personal information and phone number, as well as your father's (Patrick) Hawaii home address and telephone number if you don't return ALL THE MONEY....if you think I'm playing games, PM me. I will be more than happy to share with you ALL the info I have on you, your family and your gf....WE ARE COMING!
XXXX said:
We will see who is the shit head when money is not returned, the kid is a liar plain and simple, I can list about ten things he has lied to me about. I have been working hard for all of us to get our money back and mvmaxx can verify that, sometimes being nice does not pay off and I have not even been that mean yet. If you do not realize there are alot of gaps in the story then you are blind, but please do not defend a scammer to me.
simple fact , you guys got scammed and now he tries to get out of it . anyone that gives you the old im trying to get your money back is scamming and trying to escape persacution .:mad:
Hulkster said:
On the other end of the spectrum, isn't it possible that Almighty was part of an AAS-bust, and that the jail doesn't want to give out any information about his arrest to Almighty's customers? If the jail just freely gave out information about Almighty's arrest, wouldn't that impune an investigation into Almighty's customers, if his customers were given a head's up so that they could "clear house" and "clean" their hard drives?

P.S.---SofaGeorge, is it possible for a Judge to impose a gag order on the details of someone's arrest/rap sheet, such as Almighty's, if the prosecutor's office proves that giving out such information to the public will hurt their case?
the pigs can do anything they want and need to do to protect a case in the works . the reason its so easy to hear all the time when some celebrity gets a DUI is cause theres no investigation/setting up of othjers to go down the river in the case . in other words , YES HES NARKING YOU GUYS THAT HE KNOWS AS WE SPEAK AND YOUR UNDER INVESTIGATION (perhaps) .
there not going to tell you ANYTHING about him or his case/arrest until hes been relocated under police protection , and given them what they want WHICH MIGHT JUST BE YOU OR GUYS FROM OTHER BOARDS . if they were to tell it might jeapardize the building case . i would only trust people that have been legit for long standing times . the board is probly under 24 hour servalence with newbies as under cover cops as we speak .
i will just hope the best for you guys that might be in danger of a possible future arrest and continue to just use this board as a learning tool , something it is VERY MUCH usefull for , to learn !:40oz:
His fathers name is actually Micheal he is some Jewish lawyer out in Hawaii and he lives in Haku Plantation
you guys are so pathetic. calling his mother's house? putting personal his girl's and fathers personal information on the net? you are all a bunch of pussies. its fine to target him but there is no reason to involve his family.
DepressiveJuice said:
you guys are so pathetic. calling his mother's house? putting personal his girl's and fathers personal information on the net? you are all a bunch of pussies. its fine to target him but there is no reason to involve his family.

Hey I got a good idea... Why don't you shut the fuck up? ;)
DepressiveJuice said:
you guys are so pathetic. calling his mother's house? putting personal his girl's and fathers personal information on the net? you are all a bunch of pussies. its fine to target him but there is no reason to involve his family.

Hey send me a couple g's and we can role play.
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