***Regarding The Almighty***

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Hulkster said:
There is an EF member with the name "DepressiveJuice", with the same exact demeanor and sarcastic attitude (he's one of my post stalkers on EF). I think it's him......I keep getting emails and PMs from different people who tell me that Almighty was also using the EF usernames "chanmanfoo" and "DepressiveJuice" as well as Almighty.....who knows. However, Almighty, just like I was able to find your Social Security # and shitloads of other info I posted, I can also track your ISP.

Sweet dreams, buttercup. I hope you don't have too many nightmares about Bubba tossing your ass-salad in prison.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean? how are you accusing me of being almighty? give me a break buddy. i have always found your posts interesting but now i realize you really are full of shit. where could you have possibly have come up with that information?
chanmanfoo said:
what the fuck is that supposed to mean? how are you accusing me of being almighty? give me a break buddy. i have always found your posts interesting but now i realize you really are full of shit. where could you have possibly have come up with that information?

DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM SAYING THAT EF MEMBERS CHANMANFOO OR DEPRESSIVEJUICE ARE ALMIGHTY....it just came from emails and PMs I received. It's BS rumors. Nothing to get pissed off about. I will now go and edit that post.
Hulkster is a good bro in my book and will help his fellow board mates out. If he speculates about you there is a reason fo it.
Hulkster said:
Almighty, just like I was able to find your Social Security # and shitloads of other info I posted, I can also track your ISP.

Sweet dreams, buttercup. I hope you don't have too many nightmares about Bubba tossing your ass-salad in prison.

yea and thanks for the info hulkster, although I had already spent $19.95 tracking this fuckboy, but it's cool...thank you again man:afro:
Really Good Advice

latinonect said:
I can just picture 'The Almighty' right now, probably hasnt slept all week since every time he hears a car drive by or a car door close he wets himself. Probably hasnt showered or slept either.

My advice to you is take you credit cards down to the bank and get some cash advances and pay the people you scammed back

When my brother was alive and I would see him doing the Bizz with somebody I would walk right up and say Man I Hope your not buying anything from this Son of a Bitch!!!No Shit people would laugh and I would say OK I told you!!! and I did not do it behind his back!!so dont get pisssed at me when you end up waddeling around with his dick broke off in you!.many many times we had bloody fist fights and were arrested because we were fighting in public,I told my Broth someone is going to Kill you one day!!! He laughed Christmas of 1996 he spent the happy season dead under a bridge in dallas Texas,he was christmas dinner for All the little Bayou Animals,they ate his face off,they had to use dental to find out who he was,see he was a Dumb Fuck not a Bad Ass,when I told him someone was going to kill him he was not smart enough to figure out I was the one thinking of doing it,NOW I DID NOTdo it
but somebody did now ask me if Im mad,I was sorry that it hurt our Mother,and yes I was Mad I wanted to kill him myself!!!
Man that is the only SURE WAY of getting rid of dishonest Bros,

DepressiveJuice said:
yea ok i'll admit im the almighty . you got me :eek: lol. i've only replied to what, like four of your posts and you think im stalking you? lol you indeed are a sad person. guess the bros at EF were right about you
HOW did you get popped:confused:
hulkster, you say this guy is 5'10'' 150lbs?? im sure your info is correct, but that seems a little odd to me if he is 21 and uses and sells gear, im guessing those weren't his pics on that other thread.

and all schools have computer labs where you can just walk in at a computer and sit down and go wherever you want, anonymous, but since most colleges are out his might not be open this time of year. im sure there is a public library or two in seattle though.
goat_ass said:
hulkster, you say this guy is 5'10'' 150lbs?? im sure your info is correct, but that seems a little odd to me if he is 21 and uses and sells gear, im guessing those weren't his pics on that other thread.

and all schools have computer labs where you can just walk in at a computer and sit down and go wherever you want, anonymous, but since most colleges are out his might not be open this time of year. im sure there is a public library or two in seattle though.

After I got a hold of his Social Security number, his entire life became an open book. And I was able to verify that information based on pre-existing information that I, and others, already had confirmed about him. Thus, I took that Social Security number and was able to come up with a DL number. And what do you know, it was of Mr. Green himself! And a Mr. Green living in Hawaii no less! And his father lives in Hawaii, so I did a little bit more investigating----and I then discovered at the time the licensce was issued, that Mr. Green was still living in Hawaii. What a coincidence....once I had this information, everything else fell into place. And yes, his license does say he is 5'10", 150 lbs. Apparently, this loser was not a true BB bro, but a little, fucking rat-fink weasel who portrayed himself to be a legit, BB bro, just to build up confidences in order to gain respect----and eventually become a Mod----in order to make THOUSANDS by abusing the confidence and respect he was given. It was all a charade in order to make money. I'm sure that there are many scammers out there who never juiced, let alone lifted weights. They just come onto to these sites to make money by scamming people.
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how old is the info on his dl, i know my dl has info of when i was 16 (18 now), i just found it odd that this guy who was a mod and sells gear doesn't even workout.

I like how he put 6'0'' 220 on the fake arrest reports after you already posted you had his dl which would have his stats. im not trying to pile on, but damn, what a dumbass.

could you use his ss# to get his dl pic as well and post it?
mommy and daddy scammer

goat_ass said:
how old is the info on his dl, i know my dl has info of when i was 16 (18 now), i just found it odd that this guy who was a mod and sells gear doesn't even workout.

I like how he put 6'0'' 220 on the fake arrest reports after you already posted you had his dl which would have his stats. im not trying to pile on, but damn, what a dumbass.

could you use his ss# to get his dl pic as well and post it?
No i cant but heres mommy and daddy,NOTE THE JUICE IN DADDYS LEFT HAND:3some: ALSO NOTE the kitty in daddys right arm,this is how he was busted smuggling juice across the street up a cats ass!!:asshole: :p
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Re: mommy and daddy scammer

heavensdoor said:
No i cant but heres mommy and daddy,NOTE THE JUICE IN DADDYS LEFT HAND:3some: ALSO NOTE the kitty in daddys right arm,this is how he was busted smuggling juice across the street up a cats ass!!:asshole: :p
:mad: OK heavensdoor pick on the parents but not the pussy,Our shirts are off were comeing for you almighty:3some:
Re: Re: mommy and daddy scammer

heavensdoor said:
:mad: OK heavensdoor pick on the parents but not the pussy,Our shirts are off were comeing for you almighty:3some:
OK we got someone does this look like him,:bash: :axe:
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Hey heavensdoor ....................

I don't know if you have figured this out.....but this is kind of a serious thread and situation......your last few replies are much better left somewhere else, like the Conversation forum.

Let's keep it real here !!
Im Sorry

StoneColdNTO said:
Hey heavensdoor ....................

I don't know if you have figured this out.....but this is kind of a serious thread and situation......your last few replies are much better left somewhere else, like the Conversation forum.

Let's keep it real here !!
I reall am sorry thank you
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