Summer has almost come and gone. Still working a ton, decided to get my shit together and just suck it up. I need to start lifting heavy again. Did some actual deads for the first time today, started pounding the cals a couple days ago. Looking to gain 15-25lbs. Will most likely jump on a few week prohormone cycle. I used diendrone and epistane a while back with amazing results, ive kept 75% or so of the gains but injuries and life has thrown some set backs. Hopefully I can get active on here again so it keeps me pushing everyday.
Pullups- Sets of 6 with BW in between deads
Deads- 135x6
DB Rows- 120x8
Cable SS- seats rows single arm, full streatch. sets of 15, SS w/ lower back extensions w/ cables
During summer I got down to 173 or so, pretty cut up, as of this morning I was around 180-182, before next summer looking to be at 200 at a minimum. Trying to keep as much fat as possible off, I will be more than happy with a 67/33 break down of muscle to fat gain.