Beginners cycle: round two. Test E & Dianabol

Tuesday the 5th April, day 43

Continuing resting the arm.

Brazilian Ju-Jitsu training
Did Brazilian Ju-Jitsu training only for technical aspect, rested and protected the shoulder/arm.
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Friday the 8th April, day 46

Weighted in at 185.8 pounds. The arm is fine but still not going to go all out today. Noticed that recently the libido has not really been up to par. I have therefore decided to drop the aromasin and see how it goes. I am also thinking if the aromasin could be causing me this soar and painful throat issue. No side effects so fair, that means no acne or itchy nips.

Mixed grip dead lifts.

3x6 normal grip - 95 KG
3x6 wide grip - 90 KG
3x4 sumo grip - 100 KG
Straight bar bicepcurls
3x10 - 30 KG

Supersetted with

Sitting dumbbell military press
3x12 – 16 KG dumbels

Brazilian Ju-Jitsu training.
Tuesday the 12th April, day 50

Just half way in with the pins so technically half way in on the cycle. Not really happy with the last 3 weeks as I wasn´t able to excersise as much, have pain in the throat and hurt my shoulder and to top it up I have been bed ridden with bad flu for four day or since Saturday morning. Seems to be getting better and I am gonna go back to work and hit the gym tomorrow.

Libido is much stronger since I dropped the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), will monitor for any acne and see how it goes. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) has also I believe given the benefit of a much dryer look, no moonface or looking bloated.

Better get better and crack this into a higher gear now!
Thursday the 14th of April, day 52

Weighted in at 187.8 pounds today. Still feelt a bit weak from the flu, coughing up a bit of phlegm, nothing mayjor. Feeling better since I dropped the AI.

Did a lightish workout focusing on tri-cep and shoulders.

Skullcrushers with W-shaped bar
3x8 - 35KG

Sitting military press
3x12 - 20KG

supersetted with

Rotatorcuff excersises
3x12 - 6KG

Tricep rope pulldown
3x12 - 18.5KG

supersetted with

Cross body shoulder cable pullups (one shoulder at a time)
3x12 - 5KG

3x16 Lying Leg Raises
3x12 Forward Abs Plank (do a plank on a pilates body ball ball and then bring your knees one at a time straight forward and hold for 3 secs, alternate by bringing the knee outside or twists inside)
Friday the 15th April, day 53

Weighted the same as the day before. Still weak from the cold/flu.

Training Legs

3x - 80KG x 12

Leg press
1x6 - 160KG
2x6 – 170KG

Lunges (8steps forward and 8 steps back)
3x16 - 18kg

Leg press (Nautilaus)
3x12 – 60 KG (One leg at a time)

Calf rises
3x12 - 30KG

Supersetted none stop with

Seated Leg Curl (Nautilus)
3x10 – KG
Monday the 18th April, day 56

Weighted in at 188.0 (I am always weighted in my gym gear. Shoes (800gr), light T-shir, shorts and swim trunks) Not feeling sick anymore, but still coughing up some phlegm and got stuffed nose.

Training Chest

Incline dumbbell Chest press
3x8 – 32 KG Dumbells

Flat bench Dumbbell flys
3x10 - 16KG

Cable cross-overs
3x12 – 16.8 KG on each stack

Push ups, with legs raised on Pilates body ball. Alternating with only left foot on ball, right foot on ball and both feet on the ball.

Nautilaus Chest Press machine
3x12 – 45KG
Tuesday the 19th April, day 57

Weighted the same as the day before. Total weight gain of 16pounds in 8 weeks. Been 10 days of the Aromasin, no side effects but I feel and look a bit fuller (if that makes sense) Had a crazy ass pump in my fore arms and shoulders from today's exercise. Mixed my second batch of HCG.

Mixed grip dead lifts

1x6 normal grip - 100 KG
2x6 normail grip - 90KG

3x6 wide grip - 90 KG

1x4 sumo grip - 100KG
1x2 sumo grip - 90KG

W shaped bar bicep curls
3x12 - 40 KG (assuming the bar is 10KG, it might be lighter but I have total of 30 KG barbells on it, anyway the numbers are mainly meant for myself to track my progress)

Supersetted with

Sitting dumbbell military press
3x8-12 - 18 KG dumbels

Front shoulder raises
1x20 - 8KG dumbbells
2x16 - 8 KG dumbbells

Suppersetted with

Bicep hammer curls
3x12 - 8 KG dumbbells
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Tuesday the 26th April, day 64

Had a few days of over a long bank holiday weekend. Went away and spent the days walking in the country side with the missus and the dogs and resting in the evenings.

Went in the morning to a doctor and got a course of antibiotics as this cough was still bothering me and really getting on my temper.

Brazilian Ju-Jitsu training.
Had bad endurance, started coughing midway through sparring sessions but managed to recover and continue at a slower pace
Friday the 29th April, day 67

1x8 85KG
2x8 90KG

Leg press (Nautilaus)
3x10 – 72KG (One leg at a time)

Standing Calfraises
3x12 - (don´t remember, was in another gym and won´t use this machine again)

Seated Leg Curl (Nautilus)
3x10 – (don´t remember, was in another gym and won´t use this machine again. Was a different type of Leg curl machine)

Incline dumbbell Chest press
3x8 – 32 KG Dumbells

Flat bench Dumbbell flys
3x10 - 18KG
Saturday the 30th April, day 68

Pullups, palms facing in
3x10 - bodyweight only

Bicepcurls, with forarm reversed on way down and very slow
3x12 - 12KG

suppersetted with

Sitting military shoulderpress
3x12 - 22KG

Low row cable pull
3x10 - (don´t remember weight, was in another gym wont go again)

3x10 - (don´t remember weight, was in another gym wont go again)

3x 30 ab crunches, lifting 10 KG ball from side to side. (Russian Twist)

3x16 Lying Leg Raises
Monday the 2nd May, day 70

Awesome pain in my arms after training, just full and stuffed of blood. Hard to move them, need to apply cooling cream and rest for a good 10 minutes after training.

Brazilian Ju-Jitsu training.
Tuesday the 3rd May, day 71

Weighted 187.8 pounds. Again retarded pain in arms after BJJ session. To much blood pumped into them I guess.

Picture taken just before going to bed after the day.

Mixed grip dead lifts

1x12 normal grip - 70 KG
3x6 normail grip - 95KG

3x6 wide grip - 80 KG

3x6 sumo grip - 95KG

2x12 - bodyweight only
1x16 - bodyweight only

3x16 Lying Leg Raises
3x16 Forward Abs Plank (do a plank on a pilates body ball ball and then bring your knees one at a time straight forward and hold for 3 secs, alternate by bringing the knee outside or twists inside)
Friday the 6th May, day 74

1x6 - 80KG
2x6 - 85KG

Leg press
3x6 - 160KG

Forward lunges
3x16 - 18KG dumbbells

Leg curls
Monday the 9th May, day 77

Weighted 188.5 pounds

Mixed grip pull ups
3x6 - wide pullups
3x5 - Semi wide pullups
3x7 - Inverted chin ups

Seated Low Row cable machine
3x12 - 54KG

Lat Pull-down Behind the Head
3x10 - 21KG

Bicepcurls, with forarm reversed on way down and slow
3x12 - 12KG
Tuesday the 10th May, day 78

25minute none stop Core Blast session with a Personal trainer. Followed up by a long and good back and shoulder stretches. Been feeling a strange pain on the side of my lower back or the obliques for the past few weeks that is getting stronger. Trying to stretch that shit out.

Evening BBJ training
Thursday the 12th May, day 79

Had a short but high intense work out durring the day.

Training Chest

Bench press
1x10 - 70KG (warm up)
1x8 - 80KG
1x8 - 85KG
1x8 - 87.5 KG

Incline dumbbell Chest press
3x6 - 34 KG Dumbells

Cable cross-overs (coming in with the hands more in an upward movement. Also these where the longer cables)
3x10 - 17.2 KG on each stack (not sure on this weight, I need make it a habbit of taking a pen and paper with me to the gym to write it properly down for my own benefit)

BBJ training
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Friday the 13th May, day 80

Weighted in at 187.3 pounds

Training Legs

1x8 - 20KG (loosen and warm up)4
1x8 - 70KG (warm up)
3x6 - 85KG (did not wanna go any higher in weight becouse of my pain in lower back and obliques, not until I know properly what it is)

Leg press
3x6 - 170KG

Forward Lunges
1x16 - 20kg
1x10 - 20KG (started feeling a bit af pain in left knee)
1x4 - 20KG (to much pain in left knee, not going to risk injury)

Leg press (Nautilaus)
3x10 - 68KG (One leg at a time)

BJJ - hard training, extreme work out fortorso, shoulders and hips.
Tuesday the 17th May, day 84

Weighted 186.2, 12 weeks done so far. Still very stiff in my side obliques, so I took yesterday off. But after todays training I feelt alot better for it. Did my weights a bit lower than before so I could feel out better where and what this pain and stifness is comming from and why. It is very tender to the touch. I wanted also to focus on the form to get the max workout of every muscle involed in the deadlifts.

No side effects to report! A tiny bit of spots on the back of my shoulders, much less than from my first cycle and not on the same spot. I had a few spots on my yest a few weeks ago as you might see on the photo but these came after I had a chest wax and have since gone.

Mixed grip dead lifts

1x12 normal grip - 70 KG
3x6 normail grip - 85KG

3x6 wide grip - 80 KG

3x6 sumo grip - 90KG

Mixed grip pull ups
3x6 - wide pullups
3x6 - Semi wide pullups
3x8 - Inverted chin ups