Beginners cycle: round two. Test E & Dianabol

Tuesday the 14th June, day 113, PCT day 4

My PCT is
Tamoxifen 20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Aromasin: 12.5ED

No side effects from the clomid so far, I am taking the clomid right before bed and the tamoxifen in the morning.

Weighted in at 187.6 pounds. Coming of a three day rest, that might have paid off as this is the first day that I don't need the Ibuprofen to move around. I am still going to take it easy and be carefull this week so I wont agrivate this injury. I can still feel that the injury is there but it is not painfull.

Had Indian food on Sunday morning and paid the price for that by sitting on the can for the rest of the night! Messed up my diet for the day. I have been feeling very lethargic in the last 3 days, this is becouse of low testosterone in the body, I am trying to counter the lethargy with gingsen and gingko biloba.

I am also feeling very unmotivated, for instance today when I was streaching and warming up I tried to convince myself that I should only do streches today.

I wasn´t to impressed with my pull-ups today, but I tend to do better at them after the deadlifts, but due to my injury in rib area I am refraining from the deadlifts for the time beign. Got a really nice and vascular pump in the arms and shoulders durring and after todays excersise.

Mixed grip pull ups

Wide pullups

Semi wide pullups (failiure on the last one)

Inverted chin ups (did these ones really slow, on the last two sets I was really pushing for it and on the last rep it took me many seconds to finnish the move)
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Tough post cycle therapy (pct) you have there, i would've thrown out the clomid.

Anyway keep going, bring out all the guns such as NOX PUMP and perhaps some cafeine pills throughout the day (skip ECA tho!) to combat fatigue.
Honestly to me d Bol was horrible... It made me short of breath all the time and made my heart go into different rhythms... I wouldn't advise it to anybody especially not a beginner . Just my opinion
Tough PCT you have there, i would've thrown out the clomid.

Anyway keep going, bring out all the guns such as NOX PUMP and perhaps some cafeine pills throughout the day (skip ECA tho!) to combat fatigue.

Thanks bro, I took this on board and got myself Animal M-Stack. Ever heard of that?

I am sticking with the clomid though, I don't feel any side effects from it. Are you not a clomid man yourself then?
Thursday the 16th June, Day 115, PCT Day 6

Feeling very lethargic all days now, can barely keep my eyes open. Not at all depressed or anything of that sorts. Managed to get my ass into a gym (not my normal one) and hit the legs, I don't feel weak at all when I get into it but I am just so flipping tierd. Did a half decent work out again.

1x10 - 50KG
1x6 - 80KG
3x6 - 90KG

Forward Lunges
3x16 - 20KG

Seated Leg press (one leg at a time)
3x10 - 88KG (older type of machine than my normal one, not sure if the weight stack creates as much resistance as my normal one

On other general notes, I've been on a course related to work so been sitting in a stuffed class room and that might contribute a bit to why I am so lethargic. I am also pretty stiff in my shoulders and neck. Was too tired to go to gym today (Friday) but I promise to go tomorrow Saturday. I also bought today some Creatine and M-Stack and I am going to start taking these in tomorrow. The M-Stack is a multivitamin pack that contains the Guarnana, Bitter Orange, and Cordyceps. That should help with the fatigue and restore some desire. It is also said to help the body promote testosterone and hgh.

I also don't feel any real side effects from the clomid, the only thing is that I have noticed is that I am much more attentive and interested to talk to my girlfriend. It obviously doesn't bother anybody.
Thanks bro, I took this on board and got myself Animal M-Stack. Ever heard of that?

I am sticking with the clomid though, I don't feel any side effects from it. Are you not a clomid man yourself then?

Isn't that a t-booster? Haven't tried that one.

No not a clomid man indeed, nolva+aro does the trick!

Saturday the 18th June, Day 117, post cycle therapy (pct) Day 8

Woke up rested and feeling well! Not lethargic or tierd today,went to the gym around three-ish and took the first pack of my M-Stack 1 hour before and that really worked. Finally had a good work out, fellt q great pump. Pain in the injured area is still resident, mainly after laying for long periods of time. I am no longer taking painkillers and working out doesn't affect or make it worse. I am plaining to go back to BJJ next Monday but only technical training and NO sparring untill I am 100% however long that will take! Also started creatine intake today.

Training Chest

Incline dumbbell Chest press (Bench press was busy so started with this excersie)
2x6 - 36 KG Dumbbells

Bench Press (no spotter)
2x6 - 90KG
1x4 - 90KG and a immediate drop sett of x10 reps- 60KG

Cable cross-overs (New machine in a new gym, it really hammered the inner pectoralis minor)
1x12 - 60KG
1x10 - 70KG
1x8 - 70KG

Techno Gym Chest Incline machine
1x12 - 60KG
1x8.5 - 60KG (failiure on the 9th rep)
1x10.5 - 60Kg (failiure on the 11th rep)

3x24 Forward Abs Plank (do a plank on a pilates body ball ball and then bring your knees one at a time straight forward and hold for 3 secs, alternate by bringing the knee outside or twists inside)

Push ups, with legs raised on Pilates body ball. Alternating with only left foot on ball, right foot on ball and both feet on the ball.
Wednesday the 22th June, day 121, PCT Day 12

Weighted in at 185.4, that’s 4.5 pounds down from two weeks ago. I was honestly prepared for the fact I would have weighted in even a bit less, so I am not too disappointed. I haven't been training since Saturday due because I had to deal with a litle flooding accident that happened in my kitchen. ALL training sessions have been logged here. Still hurting in the rib area, not gonna go to BJJ practice until next week.

Feeling much weaker in the gym than before, gotta really muster all my mental strength to power through the exercises. Hopefully I am starting to recover, getting some sex drive back if that is anything to measure on things, but obviously nothing like the walking anal rapist that thought I was before. I am really calm mentally though, much more relaxed around the house then before, must be the clomid. Only side-effects to report from that is are a bit of a blurred vision in the evening, especially when in a dark room with the TV on and I feel I am getting more acne on forearms and upper arms.

Finding it hard to fall sleep latley, must be from the M-Stack's Guarana and coffine pill. I am taking that pill out on non-training days from now on.

Training Legs

1x10 - 50KG
3x6 - 92.5KG

Leg Press
1x3 - 220KG
3x6 - 220KG

Seated leg curl
3x8 - 77.5KG

Seated Leg Press (Nautilaus)
3x10 - 82.5KG (one leg at a time)

Calf press
3x16 - 75KG


I have created a graf showing my weight increase. It is from the day of first injection up until today, a day short of 4 weeks from last injection. The graf doesn’t show body fat percentage which I believe has gone down a considerably from the start of cycle

Thursday the 23th June, day 123, PCT Day 13

I weighted the same as yesterday. It is starting to feel like I am over the hardest part of the recovery regime. Sex drive is starting to increase and general mood better along with better energy levels.

Mixed grip dead lifts, with straps for the first time! So I incresed the weights somewhat, but it came down on my pull up excersises.

1x12 normal grip - 80 KG
1x6 normail grip - 90KG
2x6 normail grip - 100KG

2x6 wide grip - 85 KG
1x4 wide grip - 85 KG

3x6 sumo grip - 95KG

Mixed grip pull ups

Wide pullups

Semi wide pullups

Inverted chin ups
Friday the 24th June, day 124, PCT Day 14

All is good I must say. I have stopped thinking the rib area pain, yesterday when doing the deadlifts it did not even cross my mind.

Weighted in at 185.9 pounds.

Just noticed when I was skimming over my log that some of my numbers might be confusing, when I say for instance 12KG bicepcurls, or 28KG military press, or 20KG forward lunges the number applies to each dumbbell in each hand. So further my example my military press today was 56KG.

Bicep cruls with W shaped bar
3x12 - 32.5KG (just found out that the W shaped bar itself is only 7.5kg, so other number relating to the W shaped bar should be 2.5KG less, thi sonly applies to the W-Shaped bar)

super setted with

Sitting military dumbbell shoulderpress
1x10 - 26KG dumbells
1x5 - 28KG (My Best So Far!)
1x3 - 28KG

Forward front arm raises with straight bar (keeping elbows tugged in and raising your arms up)
3x12 - 17.5KG

Super setted with

Side shoulder raises
3x10 - 6KG dumbbels

Super setted with

Rotator cuffs
1x10 - 6KG
1x6 - 6KG
1x4- 6KG

1x5 - 15KG barbell attched to midsection
1x6 - 15KG barbell attched to midsection
1x6 - 15KG barbell attched to midsection

Tricep pull downs, small V-shaped bar, deep down and pause
3x12 - 31.25Kg
Monday the 27th June, Day 127, post cycle therapy (pct) Day 17

BJJ practise. Really hard to get going again, fellt my cardio was bad and I didn't have the same drive as before. Also I am bit of colour and nervous because of the injury and have to hold back
Wednesday the 29th June, Day 129, post cycle therapy (pct) Day 19

Weighted in at 186.7pounds Really happy with maxing out my bench press again.

Training Chest

Bench Press (no spotter)
1x16 - 20Kg
1x12 - 70KG
1x3 - 92.5KG
1x4 - 92.5KG and a immediate drop sett of x6 reps- 70KG

Incline dumbbell Chest press
2x4 - 36 KG Dumbbells
2x2.5 - 36 KG Dumbbells

Deltoid fly machine
1x10 - 89KG
2x7 - 89KG

Thursday the 30th June, Day 130, post cycle therapy (pct) Day 20

Weight plumeted down to 183, was pretty shocked as I thought I was about to recover some weight again. I planned to do deadlifts but all bars where busy so I decided to do the pull up routine first and then throw myself into the deads. Feelt very weak and tierd halfway through the routine, wondering if I was over excerting myself yesterday. Was to weak to go into deads after the pull ups.

Mixed grip pull ups

Wide pullups

Semi wide pullups

Inverted chin ups
Friday the 1rst July, day 131, post cycle therapy (pct) day 21

Weighted in at 186.5, was relifed and happy I hadn't dropped more. Feelt much more rested and stronger than from yesterday. Soon as I started the dead lift warm ups my veins started showing and the body got the pump. Felt pretty good. Tried not to over excersise today. After today, I will have done 3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct), really hoping I will recover weel, I am starting to feel better generally but still very low or no libido. No sides from post cycle therapy (pct) and acne that brifley flaired up at the begining of post cycle therapy (pct) has since 10 days ago dryied up.

Mixed grip dead lifts, with straps.

1x6 normal grip - 110 KG

1x6 wide grip - 85 KG
1x5 wide grip - 85 KG
1x7 wide grip - 85 KG

1x3 sumo grip - 110KG
1x5 sumo grip - 110KG
1x4 sumo grip - 110KG

Abs core

1x16 reps of an excersise that is having a small medice ball in front of you and doign a plank on it, come down like from doing a push up put bringing one knee out whilst coming down

1x4 of the same extersie above. Had to run away as I released foul smelling gas from my rectum and it would have been embarrasing if anyone would have walked past..!
Monday the 4th July, day 134, post cycle therapy (pct) day 24

BBJ practice in the evening. Hardest practice I have endured in a long time. Was weasing to cath a breat and had to go go to bathroom to throwup. Was fine afterwards and did well

I am not plagued by any injury's anymore and I noticed that the emotional side effects of the clomid have stopped.
Tuesday the 5th July, day 135, post cycle therapy (pct) day 25

Dropped down to 183 again

Training Legs

1x10 - 50KG
1x6 - 90KG
1x6 92.5KG
1x5 92.5KG

Leg Press (I found this exercise incredibly difficult this time. I don't know if the seat was poorly adjusted or my strenght had droped this dramatically)
1x3 - 220KG
2x3 - 200KG

Seated Leg Press (Nautilaus)
3x10 - 82.5KG (one leg at a time)

Calf press
3x16 - 75KG

Leg extensions
3x12 - 55KG
Wednesday the 6th July, Day 135, post cycle therapy (pct) day 26

Weighted same as the day before

Training Chest

Bench Press (wanted to lighten the weight abit and try going for max reps)
1x12 - 70KG
1x7 - 87.5KG
1x6 - 87.5KG
1x4 - 87.5KG and a immediate drop sett of x7 reps- g0KG

Incline dumbbell Chest press (had to drop the dbs down to 34KG each)
2x4 - 34 KG Dumbbells
2x2 - 34 KG Dumbbells
1x2 - 30KG Dumbells

Flat bench Dumbbell flys
1x10 - 16KG
1x9 - 16KG
1x10 - 16KG

Deltoid fly machine
1x10 - 89KG
2x7 - 89KG