Cut Diet and getting Abs showing


New member

Appreciate all the hard work you do here. Well I finally decided it was time to get my ass back in shape and while im thrilled with my results so far, im convinced to get to that next step i need outside assistance. For the most part I think my eating habits are pretty darn good but must not be good enough cause my abs still are hidden :bash:

My cut routine is Cardio 2x a week. I normally do 35-40 minutes on the stairmaster, burn 500 cal and do about 4.25 miles during my cardio sessions. My ab sessions are once a week hard. Have no problem doing a little less and going to 3x a week if you think it would help. Cardio is always done PWO.

My normal food intake is pretty consistent.

Muscle Milk w/fat free milk 400 Cal/10g fat/25Carbs/41 Protein
Egg White Omelet 110cal/0f/10car/20p

Turkey Slices 100cal/3.2f/0car/16.5p

Beans & Rice 160cal/0f/34car/5p
KFC Grilled chicken breast w skin removed
380 cal/12f/0c/68p

Tuna 160cal/1f/0car/36p

Brown Rice 215cal/1.7f/44car/5p
Lean meat chicken/beef/pork/fish
233 cal/10.4f/0car/33p

PWO or Before bed
Muscle Milk w/ff milk 400cal/10f/25car/41p

Rough daily intake is

Appreciate all the hard work you do here. Well I finally decided it was time to get my ass back in shape and while im thrilled with my results so far, im convinced to get to that next step i need outside assistance. For the most part I think my eating habits are pretty darn good but must not be good enough cause my abs still are hidden :bash:

My cut routine is Cardio 2x a week. I normally do 35-40 minutes on the stairmaster, burn 500 cal and do about 4.25 miles during my cardio sessions. My ab sessions are once a week hard. Have no problem doing a little less and going to 3x a week if you think it would help. Cardio is always done PWO.

My normal food intake is pretty consistent.

Muscle Milk w/fat free milk 400 Cal/10g fat/25Carbs/41 Protein
Egg White Omelet 110cal/0f/10car/20p
switch to a diff pro shake.. muscle milk is crap.. try on pro complex
Turkey Slices 100cal/3.2f/0car/16.5p
up your protien here
Beans & Rice 160cal/0f/34car/5p
KFC Grilled chicken breast w skin removed
380 cal/12f/0c/68p
what kind beans??
Tuna 160cal/1f/0car/36p
just by itself?
Brown Rice 215cal/1.7f/44car/5p
Lean meat chicken/beef/pork/fish
233 cal/10.4f/0car/33p

PWO or Before bed
Muscle Milk w/ff milk 400cal/10f/25car/41p
i dont get it.. is it pwo or before bed? makes a big diff
Rough daily intake is

ur doing cardio 2x a week? u lazy bum!! we need to up that!!!

cardio should be done 6 x a week imo..

can u do early morning empty stomach cardio?
ur doing cardio 2x a week? u lazy bum!! we need to up that!!!

cardio should be done 6 x a week imo..

can u do early morning empty stomach cardio?

LOL i was afraid you would say do more cardio, man i hate it but im down. I can do early morning cardio 3x a week but it will not be as hard as my stairmaster cardio. I can do the bike or treadmill. I will try mixing it up.

Wasnt sure how to quote each post and respond so ill do it the easy way here :-)

Pro complex no problem, Ill pick some up tomorrow.

I will up my protein on my morning snack

My beans are normally black beans in my beans and rice although occasionally i use pinto.

My afternoon snack is usually just a can of tuna by itself or sometimes with dijon mustard added and if its not a can its the little prepackaged lemon pepper tuna from bumblebee but yes usually by itself.

My late shake is pwo if i get to the gym at 6 or 7pm if i dont get to the gym until 8 or 9 then i get home shower and have a shake before bed

Thanks for the replies!
LOL i was afraid you would say do more cardio, man i hate it but im down. I can do early morning cardio 3x a week but it will not be as hard as my stairmaster cardio. I can do the bike or treadmill. I will try mixing it up.
the morning cardio i want u to do low intensity.. as in, a brisk incline walk.. dont let your heartrate go over 130 bpm
Wasnt sure how to quote each post and respond so ill do it the easy way here :-)

Pro complex no problem, Ill pick some up tomorrow.

I will up my protein on my morning snack

My beans are normally black beans in my beans and rice although occasionally i use pinto.
how about red kidney beans?? u like those??
My afternoon snack is usually just a can of tuna by itself or sometimes with dijon mustard added and if its not a can its the little prepackaged lemon pepper tuna from bumblebee but yes usually by itself.

My late shake is pwo if i get to the gym at 6 or 7pm if i dont get to the gym until 8 or 9 then i get home shower and have a shake before bed
ok.. so if you get home early.. have your shake immediatly and eat a small meal.. something like cottage cheese or a lean beef like roast beef of london broil.. or 93% lean ground beef.. if you go to the gym late.. mix up your whey shake with a casein shake..

point is, you need a slow digesting protien before bed... those are slow digesting protiens

Thanks for the replies!

u need to do cardio 6 times a week. u want the abs u gotta put in the work
Ok first day of empty stomach cardio in the books. When doing 6 days should I limit mysel to a specific time? Ie: 30 minute sessions? Some are much harder than others at least for me.

Edit: Ok i missed the first part about brisk walk on incline. Thats easy enough so here is going to be my new schedule
2 mornings stairmaster (Ill mix it up and not on days i work legs)
2 mornings walking briskly on treadmill for 30 minutes
2 mornings of riding stationary bike briskly for 30 minutes

Red Kidney beans are fine, I like em all pretty much.

I understand the rest and will start implementing that today.

On another note, i make my own rice and beans often. In a pinch how bad would steamed vegetables and chicken over brown rice be from a chinese place? Ive so far avoided it because im not sure if "steamed" is actually steamed but it would help on some days when im on the run.
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How do my Cal's and macros look? too much? too little? looking at it the fat intake looks high to me. I forgot to add i take 9 flaxseed capsules a day 3 at each meal so thats another 9g of fat. Switching to Pro Complex from Muscle Milk will cut 20g of fat out.

So my fat intake will run about 60g fat daily.

Also, I forgot to add i normally give myself one cheat day. Its normally either Sat/Sun. I dont go completely nuts but i may get an order of winds (not breaded) or 2 slices of pizza or a plate of pasta. Thats normally the extent of my cheat day. Not all 3 lol i usually limit myself to one of those three.
Only real change is fat intake will go to roughly 60g

So 2200cal/60fat/160car/275p

Cheat day will be higher carb and fat. Should i cut my cheat day out altogether?

Am i correct in assuming a refeed day is used for people doing keto?
Only real change is fat intake will go to roughly 60g

So 2200cal/60fat/160car/275p

Cheat day will be higher carb and fat. Should i cut my cheat day out altogether?

Am i correct in assuming a refeed day is used for people doing keto?

we added food.. dunno how the macros stayed the samee.. but regardless, it looks ok

though i think u should add another 300 calories to your diet.. but we'll leave it be..

forget about cheat days... do refeed days..

every 7 days i want you to drop your fat intake into nothing.. in other words, i want your fats to come naturally from your protien intake..

keep your protien intake the same, drop your fat intake, and up your carb intake.. 350g of carbs.. all from complex carbs like sweet potatoes, yams, oats, red kidney beans, quiona, ezekiel bread... etc...

forget about cheating bro.. have clean, good, refeed days
we added food.. dunno how the macros stayed the samee.. but regardless, it looks ok

You're Right, I forgot to add the additional Sliced Turkey. I put my new Calories and macros below.

though i think u should add another 300 calories to your diet.. but we'll leave it be..

forget about cheat days... do refeed days..

Do i still do this once a week?

every 7 days i want you to drop your fat intake into nothing.. in other words, i want your fats to come naturally from your protien intake..

keep your protien intake the same, drop your fat intake, and up your carb intake.. 350g of carbs.. all from complex carbs like sweet potatoes, yams, oats, red kidney beans, quiona, ezekiel bread... etc...

forget about cheating bro.. have clean, good, refeed days

Updated foods

Breakfast Cal/Fat/Carb/Prot
Pro Complex Shake 405/1/23/72
Egg White Omelet 60/0/2/12

Yogurt 130/0/19/12

Rice/Red Kidney Beans
Chicken Breast 632/14.5/75/50

Tuna 160/1/0/36

Filet Mignon 8oz 465/22/0/61
Brown Rice 220/4/41/5

Pro Complex w/Casein 390/1.5/24/66

Totals 2462/44/184/314

So looks like i need to up the carbs a bit but not so much the calories, If i were to add more beans or rice or something where in the day would you recommend?

Also, any thoughts on dropping the bedtime shake and having a few slices of turkey breast?
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Updated foods

Breakfast Cal/Fat/Carb/Prot
Pro Complex Shake 405/1/23/72
Egg White Omelet 60/0/2/12

Yogurt 130/0/19/12

Rice/Red Kidney Beans
Chicken Breast 632/14.5/75/50

Tuna 160/1/0/36

Filet Mignon 8oz 465/22/0/61
Brown Rice 220/4/41/5

Pro Complex w/Casein 390/1.5/24/66

Totals 2462/44/184/314

So looks like i need to up the carbs a bit but not so much the calories, If i were to add more beans or rice or something where in the day would you recommend?

add carbs to the breakfast... how about 1/2 cup oats??
dont drop the bedtime shake.. if you get in late.. have the whey/casein shakee.. if you ddont. have your whey shake and do a lean beef before bed.. at least 1hr after the shake... if u can
on an entirely separate subject, how do you guys prepare your sweet potatos and yams?

Ive never really eaten them before. Other than a few times during thanksgiving and they were covered in melted brown sugar and maple syrup :eek:
on an entirely separate subject, how do you guys prepare your sweet potatos and yams?

Ive never really eaten them before. Other than a few times during thanksgiving and they were covered in melted brown sugar and maple syrup :eek:

well, i have a few receipes...

1. if your in a rush.. put that sucker in the microwave for 6 minutes and eat away..

2. if you not in a rush... take about 6 sweet potatoes... boil them for 40 min.. you'll know when theyre done by forking them and having the fork go in very smoothly..

remove skin after boil.. put it all in a big bowl.. add salt.. pepper.. parmasian cheese powder.. garlic... mash away...

mashed sweet potatoes.. very yum... plastic that shit and eat away.. lasts me about 3 days if i eat two sweet potatoes a day...

3. dont be a stranger your hairy beast... keep me updated on your progress so we can make changes if need be...

well, i have a few receipes...

1. if your in a rush.. put that sucker in the microwave for 6 minutes and eat away..

2. if you not in a rush... take about 6 sweet potatoes... boil them for 40 min.. you'll know when theyre done by forking them and having the fork go in very smoothly..

remove skin after boil.. put it all in a big bowl.. add salt.. pepper.. parmasian cheese powder.. garlic... mash away...

mashed sweet potatoes.. very yum... plastic that shit and eat away.. lasts me about 3 days if i eat two sweet potatoes a day...
Thanks! Easy enough and sounds good

3. dont be a stranger your hairy beast... keep me updated on your progress so we can make changes if need be...

Im gonna shave that shit if the abs ever decide to show up :)

Ive been doing it religiously! One thing, yesterday morning cardio was a chore but i just chalked it off to staying up late on Saturday night. This mornings cardio was absolutely brutal, just very fatigued. Legs were extremely fatigued but more importantly I felt exhausted and I just woke up from a pretty sound sleep. Not sure if my body is just trying to adjust? or do i need to eat more at bedtime?

My last 4 days went like this Thursday 35 minute on stairmaster (very hard) post WO. Friday worked legs again hard. Saturday did morning cardio (30 Minute stationary) on empty stomach then worked Back Sat night. Sunday morning cardio (30 min treadmil) worked chest Sun night. Today 36 minute stationary will work arms tonight.

Tomorrow will be another stairmaster day for me if i can do it and will prolly be PWO. Think I need to give the legs a little break and not sure I could do 30 minutes of stairs based on today.

BTW: I cant seem to get my heartrate up to 130 range even doing 86 steps per minute on the stairmaster? Highest ive seen it is 126 and that was really going hard for me. I know you said keep it under 130 but is 110 too little? Im hitting 110 at 25 minutes in on stationary going hard. On treadmill on incline brisk walk i never get above 106
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Tomorrow will be another stairmaster day for me if i can do it and will prolly be PWO. Think I need to give the legs a little break and not sure I could do 30 minutes of stairs based on today.

BTW: I cant seem to get my heartrate up to 130 range even doing 86 steps per minute on the stairmaster? Highest ive seen it is 126 and that was really going hard for me. I know you said keep it under 130 but is 110 too little? Im hitting 110 at 25 minutes in on stationary going hard. On treadmill on incline brisk walk i never get above 106

that just goes to show your in good shape... the less your heart has to beat in a rigorus exercise the better shape its in...

when u say stairmaster. ur talking about the rotating steps??

how about just an incline walk on a treadmill, have you tried that?

your body gets used to one type of cardio if you do it too long.. switch it up
that just goes to show your in good shape... the less your heart has to beat in a rigorus exercise the better shape its in...

when u say stairmaster. ur talking about the rotating steps??

how about just an incline walk on a treadmill, have you tried that?

your body gets used to one type of cardio if you do it too long.. switch it up

Yes the rotating steps they kick ass. I've been mixing it up a little bit. Maybe I'll go treadmill tomorrow and save steps for Wednesday.

I know your in exams so no rush in answering but i have few things ive been thinking about.

Id like to maybe add some fruits and greens, like spinach and/or broccoli. Anything to stay away from specifically? Was thinking either adding an orange somewhere during the day or apple. I occasionally put a banana in my shake if im using a blender but thats not very often.

Im thinking of switching up my ab work and go 3x a week. Is that a bad idea? can i realistically go more or is 3x a week the max i should consider?

If i go 3x a week can i do them after morning cardio on empty stomach? or is that a bad idea?

Lastly, cardio was surprisingly easy today (did treadmill, should have done the steps but ill do them tomorrow) when 30 minutes a day 6x a week becomes easy should i go 7x? or extend the sessions a little longer ? ie: 35 minutes then 40 etc etc
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I know your in exams so no rush in answering but i have few things ive been thinking about.
no prob
Id like to maybe add some fruits and greens, like spinach and/or broccoli. Anything to stay away from specifically? Was thinking either adding an orange somewhere during the day or apple. I occasionally put a banana in my shake if im using a blender but thats not very often.
carrots, peas, and corn.. an apple has 50 cals, an orage about the same.. wont kill u.. make sure the banana hasn't started going brown..
Im thinking of switching up my ab work and go 3x a week. Is that a bad idea? can i realistically go more or is 3x a week the max i should consider?
3 times a week is fine.. i do it once a week hard myself...
If i go 3x a week can i do them after morning cardio on empty stomach? or is that a bad idea?
BAD IDEA... do your morning cardio and eat.. your body needs nutrients.. you can go catabolic.. u can do it 1hr after you eat your meal
Lastly, cardio was surprisingly easy today (did treadmill, should have done the steps but ill do them tomorrow) when 30 minutes a day 6x a week becomes easy should i go 7x? or extend the sessions a little longer ? ie: 35 minutes then 40 etc etc

taper up.. go 30min days a week to 35, 2 weeks later do 40, 3 weeks later do 45.. dont go over 45 and progress slowly