Great cardio session today on the stairmaster only to completely blow it with my dinner
ordered a grilled filet mignon and when the fucker came it was about 20oz with a lump of garlic butter, couldn't control myself, man it was good but felt like shit afterwards.
find your triggers and learn to control them..
learn from your mistakes and dont make a big deal out of it
wont doing a bike for cardio fuck up your quad growth??
leave your taste buds at the door.. if this shit were easy everyone would be doing it
3j now that the weather is starting to turn for the better up here in the northeast I am thinking about starting to do some cycling again. Is this ok as a replacement to my cardio? Can i do too much cardio? On the days I ride to work it would be 10 miles in each direction. A lot of up and down hill. So im guessing 35-40 minutes in each direction.
Is this too much to do 5x a week? or is more better in this case?
in other words.. add some calories.. maybe 300 to your diet.. make them all carbs.. divide them into your pre and post of each cardio session.. feed your body
ok so do away with the morning Cardio empty stomach in this particular case?
Or is it ok to go out on empty stomach, eat post then on the return eat pre and post?
if u ride your bike empty stomach that'll be nutz... well.. what intensity do u ride your bike? does your hr get up there??
cuz if you hr stays around 130-135bpm, i'd say do it empty stomach... if it goes higher.. i'd say it bfast before hand
Alright 3J my body is trying to tell me something but not sure what its telling me. Im down to a 31 waist from 32 and my weight is pretty steady at 183-4. so i lost an inch but kept my weight the same (which is my goal btw)
Been doing 6x a week cardio almost always in the morning but yesterday the morning didnt work for me so i went and did cardio pwo. It was after meal5 (My dinner) so pwo i had a casien shake, a tbls of almond butter and a few slices of roast beef. Im guessing the roast beef was 1 or 2 ounces.
I was absolutely spent this morning, was a battle getting out of bed. I made it to the gym and got my morning cardio on empty stomach in but had hunger pangs the entire morning and my midsection just doesnt appear as sharp (even though im trimming my midsection).
Think i need a refeed? havent really had one in a few weeks but not sure i need one either.
when you put your body through a workout like that.. u need carbs after the fact.. u didn't have carbs.. ur body was more depleated then usual.. and u felt like shit the next day.. that's possibility number one
number two.. u might need both a refeed and a break.... how long straight have u been working out for without any typa break? im talking a break more then 4 days in a row