

6'1 (doubt that'll change)
approx 200lbs @ 14% bf
arms, both just under 16'

Injected 40mcg PGCL in my left bicep at 12:50pm.

Shot was painless

13:10 I had peed twice.

13:35 I was on the toilet, discovered my diet which is particularly high in tabasco sauce probably isn't ideal for PGCL. Will be dropping the tabasco sauce.
Have peed 3 times now.

13:45 I am very hungry. Kinda need the toilet again.

Will eat in an hour or so.
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Good luck with this. very interested in the progress/gains of this stuff. what made you start this and are you stacking anything else with it?
Lucky13 said:
How many times have you peed now ?

Haven't peed anymore. I just drank a pint of water. I was a little dehydrated to begin with. The diuretic effect is very pronounced, Much more so than the pooping so far.

Also on tren/prop 50/25mg ed respectively. I have 3 amps of PG-CL and will use all 3 then continue cycle as planned. Not sure if I'll manage to gain any weight while on PG-CL but hopefully will push my arms past their sticking point.

Currently just under 16 inches at 200lbs. Hope to get to 16.5
Good luck with this. very interested in the progress/gains of this stuff. what made you start this and are you stacking anything else with it?

I started it cuz I feel my arms are lagging. esp triceps, which in turn hold back my bench. Also will be trying some sub-q shots in the nipple area to try and reduce the minor gyno I have from my first cycle.
Well Its been nearly 2 hours. Only needed to poop once.

Have peed about 5 times now though, already seeing increased vascularity, presumably from the waterloss.

About to go to the gym, will see if the pumps are all they're cracked up to be.

Will report back in a few hours, and do another shot then in right bicep.
I can't find my house key, so can't go to the gym until my housemate returns tomorrow, or I'll be locked out :(
Did my last shot at 16:45. Its now 18:05 and no pooping. just peed twice.

I don't seem to be as effected by the sides as much as others I know who've ran this.
Well I've done 3 shots today.

40mcg in each bicep and 50mcg split across both nipples.

Only pooped after the first shot, but the nipples shot was only 10 mins ago, so we'll see if I need to go again.

I got a little phlegmy earlier, dunno if that could be related? Possibly with prostaglandins etc and their affect on the respiratory system.

Also peed about 20 times today lol

Nothing else to report. I keep thinking my arms are bigger, sure its in my head, or its just inflammation
ManOfMuscle said:
Not to sound like the village idiot here, but what is this stuff?

lol that makes two of us. I vaguely remember reading an article about it, but it seemed totally bogus at the time. Link to info?
PM's sent. I didn't wanna post it cuz a lot of the info on it comes from the supplier and that'd be against the rules :(

I took 50mcg split bilaterally across both nipples, had a serious toilet experience again.

and then unexpectedly, I just went hypo on it. And cuz I wasn't expecting that I had no simple carbs anywhere in the house, fucking oatmeal and brown rice, was raiding my housemates cupboards and all I could find was sugar free jello. Luckily I found a soda in the bottom of the fridge and now I feel fine.

Suggests to me it might have some sort of role in nutrient shuttling if it can cause me to go hypoglycemic? I'm rather confused by the episode, was one side I wasn't expecting.
Well done two shots so far today, arms are sorta swollen. don't look swollen though, they just look slightly tighter/bigger.

Toilet experiences/urinating continuing as before. Nothing too crazy.

Also experiencing some minor joint pain in my bad knee, presumably from dropping water.
Continuing at 2x50mcg per day.

Haven't noticed much in the way of fat loss, just a diuretic effect. Side effects have slowed. Now only using the toilet (for number 2s) one or so times per day more than usual.

Not entirely impressed yet. I'll keep this updated though, as I said its hard to tell the diference between 14% and 12% or so so might not notice fat loss right away. Should probably have taken pictures.
Yeah I haven't weighed myself yet, I'm gonna wait til the one week mark before that. Pretty sure I've lost weight this morning though. my stomach seems to be tighter, and my waistline smaller. perhaps I've been losing visceral fat, my V seems more tapered too..thats my only explanation.

About to do this mornings first shot
keep that shit in the lounge donnie, this is my log.

today i only did 1 shot, had to work and i really can't be bothered to do another, i'm exhausted.

50mcg into one bi.

arms are pumped, fat loss is definitely evident. will weigh myself at the one week point but would estimate 4-5lbs lost currently. very impressed. now i can't believe i didnt notice it immediately. definitely more weight lost compared to DNP.