Progress Pics


The 'Ology Man Whore
Progress Pics/Journal

Might as well do it. since cycle will be starting up this upcoming monday. as of now.
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

this is to keep track of whats going on every week alot easier. weight gains in lifting are not going to be my biggest goal. bulking up is the main goal this run(filling out the legs/arms/chest ALOT MORE). now im not the greatest at taking pics myself so give me a break... AN YEAH I KNOW... i need to work on my tan, ALSO remember im in boxing, so i cant go an get GINORMOUS! (jimbo will understand that humor) and become slower. i want to become more filled out, but at the same time not risk my speed in the ring.

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IMO: 200 lbs at 6'0 feet tall is not enough for your body, you need more weight for some muscle bulk, but I guess you don't want bulk cause of boxing so I don't know what to tell you then,your arms are looking better on the flex,...and I know your not going to like hearing this broken record but,... get a fucking tan!,LOL..
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Imo: you can bulk up 240 lbs and still be flexible while boxing, you just have to adapt your bulk to the boxing training, Ive seen big dudes at 240 lbs being really good at boxing, practice makes better,..I think you should go and get 240 lbs brotha,.
Imo: you can bulk up 240 lbs and still be flexible while boxing, you just have to adapt your bulk to the boxing training, Ive seen big dudes at 240 lbs being really good at boxing, practice makes better,..I think you should go and get 240 lbs brotha,.

eh more than likely once i reach 220-225. im going to want more. so it could quite possibly turn out that way. ive always been able to hide the weight. never understood it. always been the slim but heavy kid (if that makes sense)
Imo: you can bulk up 240 lbs and still be flexible while boxing, you just have to adapt your bulk to the boxing training, Ive seen big dudes at 240 lbs being really good at boxing, practice makes better,..I think you should go and get 240 lbs brotha,.

I second that notion purely on the grounds that pinga suggested it.
so whats on thoughts... rock out to a clean 220-225. or try an go for the 240. im going to be going for a long run of roughly 18weeks. if my shit lasts that long. if worst comes to worst and i need to lose a few lbs ill just diet for a little bit.
so whats on thoughts... rock out to a clean 220-225. or try an go for the 240. im going to be going for a long run of roughly 18weeks. if my shit lasts that long. if worst comes to worst and i need to lose a few lbs ill just diet for a little bit.

Godspeed. I shall periodically drop by to inspect your progress.
go up on your weight slowly but surely keep cardio 3-4 times a week add 20 pounds clean, stay at 220 for a while get to know how to bring the body fat down at that weight before you continue your journey to 240 lbs do you know your macro? Imo.. 300 grams protein/ 300 grams fat/300 carbs this will give you 5,106 cal, Im not sure consult with 3J he knows ..
go up on your weight slowly but surely keep cardio 3-4 times a week add 20 pounds clean, stay at 220 for a while get to know how to bring the body fat down at that weight before you continue your journey to 240 lbs do you know your macro? Imo.. 300 grams protein/ 300 grams fat/300 carbs is will give you 5,106 cal, Im not sure consult with 3J he knows ..

300 grams of fat seems a bit high even for EFA's. Was that a typo?

Just my two cents. As a boxer his baseline glycogen use is higher due to fast twitch muscle fibers demands on mitochondria. As a result a split with slightly elevated carbs would seem more a practical solution. Perhaps 30/50/20?
Actually he needs mass and a calorie is a calorie does not matter if it is coming from fat he is going to need fat to grow too, maybe I'm wrong, but it has worked for me...
Actually he needs mass and a calorie is a calorie does not matter if it is coming from fat he is going to need fat to grow too, maybe I'm wrong, but it has worked for me...

There is merit to your argument. I concede your suggestion may be a better alternative for Anthony.

Hey Anthony I think we need another story. It has been a GINORMOUSLY long time don't you think?
Actually he needs mass and a calorie is a calorie does not matter if it is coming from fat he is going to need fat to grow too, maybe I'm wrong, but it has worked for me...

protien is roughly 250-300 a day
calorie intake is roughly 3k-3500 lately
carbs- 150-200 (days vary)
fat- 150-200 (days vary)

usually eat healthier foods
if i drink soda its sadly diet, but usually drink gatorade/water/ice tea.
There is merit to your argument. I concede your suggestion may be a better alternative for Anthony.

Hey Anthony I think we need another story. It has been a GINORMOUSLY long time don't you think?

LMAO what kind of story we looking for? i have many actually as of last week :D
protien is roughly 250-300 a day
calorie intake is roughly 3k-3500 lately
carbs- 150-200 (days vary)
fat- 150-200 (days vary)

usually eat healthier foods
if i drink soda its sadly diet, but usually drink gatorade/water/ice tea.

Dandelion tea is nice for the removal of subcutaneous water.
LMAO what kind of story we looking for? i have many actually as of last week :D

Well since it has been a while i think we need a funny bedroom story as well as a new type of funny story like the time that new nurse got a face full of blood and ran out screaming.

P.S. You bring out the degenerate in me Anthony. That is a compliment because I am a stuffed shirt.
bro i dont even know what to tell you. you have one of the oddest physiques i have ever seen. good luck with your some videos of you boxing/hitting the bag, id love to see that.
bro i dont even know what to tell you. you have one of the oddest physiques i have ever seen. good luck with your some videos of you boxing/hitting the bag, id love to see that.

OOh boy here we go,..Tony show sniggy a vid of you boxing that one legged guy in the ring,..
so whats on thoughts... rock out to a clean 220-225. or try an go for the 240. im going to be going for a long run of roughly 18weeks. if my shit lasts that long. if worst comes to worst and i need to lose a few lbs ill just diet for a little bit.

240 or your lynx is gunna eat you. Lol.

I would shoot for 225 the way you gained from that first cycle you're gunna just look fat at 240. Imo