Progress Pics

RJH, off topic but is that you in your Avatar? If so, you are a fucking BEAST bro! (no homo lol)

haha. thanks man. yeah, that was me a couple years back a week out from my last show.

I'm not that pretty now. Older, brokedown and basically a Cross Fit fag! :gay:
day 3... feeling like crap, definitely getting a little lethargic. tried out RJH's outline he sent me for a work out routine... shit killed me. was definitely a good work out.
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day 5... becoming more lethargic. slept 14 hours. would have been 17. but woke up at midnight for 3 hours. then passed out again. going to work out tonight, hopefully the shoulder doesnt bother me. took a couple of days rest. rotator is starting to flare up again. dropped the dumbbell weights to 50lbs each arm. hopefully itll help.

my eating habits are coming to a halt, i have to force myself to eat, even then its only a little. surprisingly ive only put on 2lbs now weighing in at 202.5lbs. no noticeable bloating yet. will do remeasuring at 1 week mark.
day 3... feeling like crap, definitely getting a little lethargic. tried out RJH's outline he sent me for a work out routine... shit killed me. was definitely a good work out.

that workout will tax the shit outta the CNS, so make sure you get your rest and keep the set range to the protocol.
day 6: working out was even more difficult. took 4 adderllin since ive been a while off it. and i didnt feel it. i waited 5 hours before i hit the gym, didnt feel anything. lethargy is kicking my ass. i had to take 2 scoops of jack3d to get me going. once the jack3d wore off, it was like i just woke up again. my body is not liking me right now. flat 203lbs as of weigh in today. going to try the 60lb dumbells when the next day comes. hopefully my shoulder will like me more. worst comes to worst i have to get a cortisone shot. not looking forward to that. but if it comes to that ill get it when i have a few off days for the arm areas.
tony when u say ur shoulder is hurting doing 50lb dumbells etc.... doing what? shoulder presses? chest presses?
tony when u say ur shoulder is hurting doing 50lb dumbells etc.... doing what? shoulder presses? chest presses?

on my right shoulder, curls/butterflys/lats everything. its inflamed again. shit is ridiculous. regret having the surgery done ever since day 1

hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Week 1 Finished

hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"
Day 8: shit is starting to kill me. sleeping practically all day now. sleep until 2pm. out at 9pm. and the do a replay of it. sometime during the night tho i will wake up for a snack. usually 2-5am.
not a chance of you gaining 45lbs on this cycle.

45lbs of fat maybe. lol

Tony, are you feeling lethargic like you got a case of test flu, or worn down from the workout routine? Again, that low volume workout is designed for three days a week ONLY. Ur CNS can't take that sort of taxing more than that (if you're killing the intensity).
eh not sure. if i had to describe it i would say, pure ass. lol. Mostly, im over tired, dont want to do anything, i can pass out at anytime of the day if i choose too. right now not even trying im sleeping on average 12-15 hours, its getting ridiculous. i need to pound energy drinks/powder energy mixes to keep me going
eh not sure. if i had to describe it i would say, pure ass. lol. Mostly, im over tired, dont want to do anything, i can pass out at anytime of the day if i choose too. right now not even trying im sleeping on average 12-15 hours, its getting ridiculous. i need to pound energy drinks/powder energy mixes to keep me going

I know how you feel. I've went through all that before and it sucks. You just got to get your AZZ in the gym and do it to it. Your bar weight may be down, but when your feeling like shit, there is nothing you can do, atleast your in the gym. Worst come to worst, if your not in the middle of a cycle I would say take about 2 days and get some sleep. Thats what I do when I get like that. Haven't been in that frame of mind in a while though.

Good luck.
Day 10: starting to actually lose weight. lost 4lbs, back down to 199. still bulking up tho. Did a re measurement for the hell of it. im ocd about how i do shit. so bear with me on repeats on something

hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

so far 10 days ive put on .5" on the arm, .25" on the thighs and .75" on the calves. Bulking up but losing the excess.