Progress Pics

eh... ima push a little harder this run around. if i surpass 225... sweet. either or, ima make sure i keep her in check... just hoping the gyno doesnt get out of hand. otherwise someone is getting some surgery done on the tits.
ive been off for roughly 5 weeks now, this next run is going to be an experimental one.
Dbol 50mg weeks 1-6/8
(my body ran amazing with dbol, so if i see gains still increase at 6 weeks im going to run till 8, if not stops at 6)
Test500 weeks 1- 16
Helladrol - weeks 12-16
18- clomid dosage as i see fit.
Letro on hand in case of gyno
its been about an hour now, going to hit the weights. for some odd reason i'm getting the same feeling the last time i took dbol, but that was in the 4th day mark. thought it was kind of weird. stomach cramps, and energy like last time.
sounds like you have a plan, but the cardio is essential for boxing or MMA. You have pretty good stamina at 200? at 225? it may change at 240. You have to decide what you want to focus on, boxing or getting big.

Good luck bro!
sounds like you have a plan, but the cardio is essential for boxing or MMA. You have pretty good stamina at 200? at 225? it may change at 240. You have to decide what you want to focus on, boxing or getting big.

Good luck bro!

So true. I couldn't even run at 260lbs more than a short sprint.
sounds like you have a plan, but the cardio is essential for boxing or MMA. You have pretty good stamina at 200? at 225? it may change at 240. You have to decide what you want to focus on, boxing or getting big.

Good luck bro!

yeah i have stamina at 200, im a slim 200, i know it doesnt look like it lol. not so much lately cause of work. On weekends when im more rested, I usually jog/run 2 miles no problem.

As for the boxing, been thinking about it, i know im going to have to make some sacrifices to get the image i want. Like pinga said, just have to adapt to it.
while at the gym... this was the first time this happened. after working out, i got a cold sensation throughout my body. became weak and then became nauseous. could the dbol cause that? ive heard dbol doing some weird shit before.
have you ever been told you look like a leprechaun with that beard?

6' ft leprechaun,.. "lucky charms will def, sponsor you, LOL
dude, I'm sorry but you are so lost its not even funny. Not trying to be a dick, but you have no idea how to train, eat, or cycle.

You need to learn all of these things before you touch AAS again. Of course you won't, so I'll bow out... but you are gonna stay the same forever until you learn what you are doing. Steroids are not you're answer.
bro are you gonna run 12 weeks worth of orals? also, i think you need a better workout routine.
dude, I'm sorry but you are so lost its not even funny. Not trying to be a dick, but you have no idea how to train, eat, or cycle.

You need to learn all of these things before you touch AAS again. Of course you won't, so I'll bow out... but you are gonna stay the same forever until you learn what you are doing. Steroids are not you're answer.

ive been trying different routines for working out. by all means if you have a suggestion throw it out there. im trying out routines ive been finding from trainers
i wouldn't run any orals at all.. what is your PCT?? if any?? i think you need to focus on your training and diet first.. Your workout routine is horrible.. you have a three day slit where you dedicate a whole day towards core/abs??? WTF??? 5x5 routine is okay for powerlifting, but you are not a power lifter, no will you ever be one.. you need to change up your work out routine.. bump it up to a 4 day split.. .if you can't, then you need to fix your three day routine DESPERATLEY.. and when (if at all) do you work shoulders?
ive been trying different routines for working out. by all means if you have a suggestion throw it out there. im trying out routines ive been finding from trainers

1. stop any AAS use immediately.
2. EAT quality food 6-7 times a day and lots of it.
3. Stop smoking, drinking, Oxycontin, etc.

Try this routine:

Its only three days a week, but if you lift heavy, with good form to failure with this routine for 12 weeks, you will be astonished. Most guys on this board and others could beneit greatly from a low volume routine.

If you can do those things, I guarantee you can get to at least 215 at the same BF% or better naturally. No doubt.
1. stop any AAS use immediately.
2. EAT quality food 6-7 times a day and lots of it.
3. Stop smoking, drinking, Oxycontin, etc.

Try this routine:

Its only three days a week, but if you lift heavy, with good form to failure with this routine for 12 weeks, you will be astonished. Most guys on this board and others could beneit greatly from a low volume routine.

If you can do those things, I guarantee you can get to at least 215 at the same BF% or better naturally. No doubt.

RJH, off topic but is that you in your Avatar? If so, you are a fucking BEAST bro! (no homo lol)