Recommend a steroid? (26/m)


New member

can you please recommend a steroid with minimum side-effects to me??
I'll forward that to my friends too.
Your suggestions are strongly appreciated =)

About me:
I'm 26, caucassian and started going to the gym 5days a week 4months ago.
I look like 17, I mean like really really young (it's genetic my dad 57 looks like 45 or so, hehe there's no injection for that yet).

A friend, he's 17 (bench-press 75kg/165.34lbs same weight as me 63kg/138.89lbs) starts his cycle with trenbolon enantat next week.
Another friend he's 15(bp 80kg/176.36lbs/weighs 75kg/165.34lbs) started with trenbolon enantat (I think) two weeks ago.. (crazy..)

In the first month I barely lifted 35kg (44lbs), then 40kg (77.16).
In the second month my record was 55kg (121.25lbs) and I wasn't able to get higher even though I took creatine (Frey X6).
Today (that's two months later) I lift 70kg (154.32lbs) on the bench press altough I stopped taking creatine 2months ago.
(Seems that not taking creatine boosted me more than taking creatine..weird idk..)

I think it's important to tell the race, because negroid races usually have much better metabolism and get stronger much faster than caucassian people (me wants too). Plus they usually have longer center line..

However I'm going to start my next creatine and mass-loading phase (myprotein creapure this time) cycle in the next 2 weeks together with beta-alanin, l-glutamine and l-arginin + add ESN Harcore ISO Whey to that stack. Because I barely get more mass, I burn energy way too fast according to my doctor.
To answer the question at the start of your You are nowhere near ready to use aas. Try lifting naturally for another 3-4 years, dial in your diet and then come back. Good luck, have fun.
This thread is bit ridiculous! For so many reasons... Do way more research for yours and your... very young friends sake..
To answer the question at the start of your You are nowhere near ready to use aas. Try lifting naturally for another 3-4 years, dial in your diet and then come back. Good luck, have fun.
Thanks Iron Giant, I appreciate your honest answer. I know I should train for another 2-3 years at least before I start with steroids. But I already lift more than my own body weight and know the side-effects + howto reduce these using Clomid and Tamoxifen. IS there a steroid that you could recommend or don't you know any.

This thread is bit ridiculous! For so many reasons... Do way more research for yours and your... very young friends sake..

I've honestly done very good research and expect your honest answers, I appreciate yours as is.
Myostatin and Follistatin inhibitors have much more potential than steroids, but although myostatin ace-031, myostain hmp etc. exist there isn't any effective one on the market today.. Steroids on the other hand have way more side-effects, but have at least been on the market for a long time and are therefore well known by scientists and experts like you.

I know of Trenbolon Enantat and Sustanon 250, what do you have to say about these?

Im confused....why are you hanging out with 15/17 year olds when your 26???????????????

It's probably normal from your point of view to not train with younger people, but it's totally ok for me.
And I don't mind hanging out with younger friends when they are mentally grown up. Are you grown up? If yes, why would you have a problem hanging out with younger people, seriously think about it. I've seen enough kids that are intellectually and mentally more grown up than some 30 year olds that I know. So your argument is weak and doesn't answer my question, no offense. (hint) Most of my friends (>24) are what you expect from computer scientists and they usually don't go to the gym, but I enjoy it. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't train with a 17 year old. He has the same weight as I have and lifts the same weights as I do.
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IS there a steroid that you could recommend or don't you know any.

Already answered this in my previous post, no. Not because I don't know any, but because I'm not going to give a recommendation to someone who isn't ready...or even close to being ready. It would not be responsible on my part to endorse ANY steroid to you. Sorry mate.
you're talking about doing steroids with minors on a forum for everyone in the world to see. STUPID STUPID STUPID!! do you even know where to inject the steroids? or are you wanting a oral cycle? because that's safer right? taking a pill instead of a shot? lol and sir clomid is used for pct not to combat the sides of roids. does the steroid your thinking of taking shut your natty test prod down? if so you'd want to have testosterone in there. You're going to do the steroids no matter what anyone here says, so the best for you would be testosterone enanthate. take 250mg every monday and thursday most test-e is dosed 200-250mg per ml. so do 1ml each of those 2 days for 10-14 weeks. Don't waste your time doing 250mg per week, it's not worth it, you won't get the results you want. Personally for me the sides are not bad, just bad sweating at night, a headache here and there nothing major, and a little acne, not very noticeable. I've had no roid rages on anyone. I'm a dumbass I do not have anything in case of gyno or atrophy, if I get it I know my source can have any of those items to me in 3 days! DO NOT INJECT THIS SHIT IN YOUR VEIN. idk if you know proper injection sites, so I'm going to tell you just in case so you don't fuck yourself up! There are plenty of youtube videos showing this. what are your goals? and how many calories are you eating per day? you sure aren't benching much. I hadn't worked out in 4 years when i started back and I was at 160 my first day, and i weighed 137lbs. I jumped to gear too soon after all these guys telling me I wasn't ready. I did at least take their advice and do some damn research before ever doing it. basically, what everyone is telling you is every question you asked in your OP is answered on this forum, probably in a sticky I bet. You call these guys "experts" well don't be mad when they tell you that you're not ready, when you yourself called these guys experts and asked for THEIR opinion. Well you got it, they don't want to help you do something stupid.

Anyways, is that what you wanted to hear? retyping it 1 more time so you're not confused
Weeks 1-14 Test-e 500mg a week broken into 2 pins, one monday 250mg one thurs 250mg
wait 14 days after your last pinn then take
Week15-16Clomid 100mg ed
week 16-19 Clomid 50mg ed

You can use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) shit too, Idk the doses, if I need to use one, I know I can find the dosages to take on here. USE THE SEARCH BAR UP TOP IF YOU NEED THAT INFO!
im going to get flamed for this but i dont care, i did this for my first run and have never regret it since
if you really have no patience to follow the rules, then take dbol only. your young, the sides will be minimal and you will recover quick. a first time user your probably going to expect big results and dbol will do that and if your only "on" 4 weeks, you should be back to your natural state real quick. Take nolvadex throughtout the whole time and for pct as well. also take clomid with nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). very simple trial run and theres plenty of info on dbol.
Dont rely on juice to be your "pump", workout for a few years, decide if this is what you want to add in your life style, then take the juice, or you will make yourself look like a jack ass..

can you please recommend a steroid with minimum side-effects to me??
I'll forward that to my friends too.
Your suggestions are strongly appreciated =)

About me:
I'm 26, caucassian and started going to the gym 5days a week 4months ago.
I look like 17, I mean like really really young (it's genetic my dad 57 looks like 45 or so, hehe there's no injection for that yet).

A friend, he's 17 (bench-press 75kg/165.34lbs same weight as me 63kg/138.89lbs) starts his cycle with trenbolon enantat next week.
Another friend he's 15(bp 80kg/176.36lbs/weighs 75kg/165.34lbs) started with trenbolon enantat (I think) two weeks ago.. (crazy..)

In the first month I barely lifted 35kg (44lbs), then 40kg (77.16).
In the second month my record was 55kg (121.25lbs) and I wasn't able to get higher even though I took creatine (Frey X6).
Today (that's two months later) I lift 70kg (154.32lbs) on the bench press altough I stopped taking creatine 2months ago.
(Seems that not taking creatine boosted me more than taking creatine..weird idk..)

I think it's important to tell the race, because negroid races usually have much better metabolism and get stronger much faster than caucassian people (me wants too). Plus they usually have longer center line..

However I'm going to start my next creatine and mass-loading phase (myprotein creapure this time) cycle in the next 2 weeks together with beta-alanin, l-glutamine and l-arginin + add ESN Harcore ISO Whey to that stack. Because I barely get more mass, I burn energy way too fast according to my doctor.

WTF? I'm going to venture to say that you really are 17 and your lying to us. No 26 year old hangs out with 15 and 17yr olds and if they are cycling at that age (especially with tren) then they are just fucking stupid. 5 months is not shit to be lifting. You shouldn't be juicing if you've only been lifting that long and especially if your as fucking dumb and ignorant as you come accross.
im going to get flamed for this but i dont care, i did this for my first run and have never regret it since
if you really have no patience to follow the rules, then take dbol only. your young, the sides will be minimal and you will recover quick. a first time user your probably going to expect big results and dbol will do that and if your only "on" 4 weeks, you should be back to your natural state real quick. Take nolvadex throughtout the whole time and for pct as well. also take clomid with nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). very simple trial run and theres plenty of info on dbol.
Dont rely on juice to be your "pump", workout for a few years, decide if this is what you want to add in your life style, then take the juice, or you will make yourself look like a jack ass..
For the health and safety of others, please do not ever give advice like this again.
I've honestly done very good research and expect your honest answers, I appreciate yours as is.
Myostatin and Follistatin inhibitors have much more potential than steroids, but although myostatin ace-031, myostain hmp etc. exist there isn't any effective one on the market today.. Steroids on the other hand have way more side-effects, but have at least been on the market for a long time and are therefore well known by scientists and experts like you.

I know of Trenbolon Enantat and Sustanon 250, what do you have to say about these?

So you know about 2 compounds? thats not much research brother and all I'm going to tell u about either of them is that you are not ready for them and wont be for a LONG time, and your young friends OBVIOUSLY are not either.
Thanks Iron Giant, I appreciate your honest answer. I know I should train for another 2-3 years at least before I start with steroids. But I already lift more than my own body weight and know the side-effects + howto reduce these using Clomid and Tamoxifen. IS there a steroid that you could recommend or don't you know any.

I've honestly done very good research and expect your honest answers, I appreciate yours as is.
Myostatin and Follistatin inhibitors have much more potential than steroids, but although myostatin ace-031, myostain hmp etc. exist there isn't any effective one on the market today.. Steroids on the other hand have way more side-effects, but have at least been on the market for a long time and are therefore well known by scientists and experts like you.

I know of Trenbolon Enantat and Sustanon 250, what do you have to say about these?

It's probably normal from your point of view to not train with younger people, but it's totally ok for me.
And I don't mind hanging out with younger friends when they are mentally grown up. Are you grown up? If yes, why would you have a problem hanging out with younger people, seriously think about it. I've seen enough kids that are intellectually and mentally more grown up than some 30 year olds that I know. So your argument is weak and doesn't answer my question, no offense. (hint) Most of my friends (>24) are what you expect from computer scientists and they usually don't go to the gym, but I enjoy it. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't train with a 17 year old. He has the same weight as I have and lifts the same weights as I do.

Why shouldnt you workout with KIDS????? Probably the easiest way to answer this is just to be blunt. Your using drugs- And by reading all of your responses I'm assuming they will know that your on drugs and most likely will want them as well. To each their own bro just be careful and lead by example the best way that you can
you're talking about doing steroids with minors on a forum for everyone in the world to see. STUPID STUPID STUPID!! do you even know where to inject the steroids? or are you wanting a oral cycle? because that's safer right? taking a pill instead of a shot? lol and sir clomid is used for post cycle therapy (pct) not to combat the sides of roids. does the steroid your thinking of taking shut your natty test prod down? if so you'd want to have testosterone in there. You're going to do the steroids no matter what anyone here says, so the best for you would be testosterone enanthate. take 250mg every monday and thursday most test-e is dosed 200-250mg per ml. so do 1ml each of those 2 days for 10-14 weeks. Don't waste your time doing 250mg per week, it's not worth it, you won't get the results you want. Personally for me the sides are not bad, just bad sweating at night, a headache here and there nothing major, and a little acne, not very noticeable. I've had no roid rages on anyone. I'm a dumbass I do not have anything in case of gyno or atrophy, if I get it I know my source can have any of those items to me in 3 days! DO NOT INJECT THIS SHIT IN YOUR VEIN. idk if you know proper injection sites, so I'm going to tell you just in case so you don't fuck yourself up! There are plenty of youtube videos showing this. what are your goals? and how many calories are you eating per day? you sure aren't benching much. I hadn't worked out in 4 years when i started back and I was at 160 my first day, and i weighed 137lbs. I jumped to gear too soon after all these guys telling me I wasn't ready. I did at least take their advice and do some damn research before ever doing it. basically, what everyone is telling you is every question you asked in your OP is answered on this forum, probably in a sticky I bet. You call these guys "experts" well don't be mad when they tell you that you're not ready, when you yourself called these guys experts and asked for THEIR opinion. Well you got it, they don't want to help you do something stupid.

Anyways, is that what you wanted to hear? retyping it 1 more time so you're not confused
Weeks 1-14 Test-e 500mg a week broken into 2 pins, one monday 250mg one thurs 250mg
wait 14 days after your last pinn then take
Week15-16Clomid 100mg ed
week 16-19 Clomid 50mg ed

You can use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) shit too, Idk the doses, if I need to use one, I know I can find the dosages to take on here. USE THE SEARCH BAR UP TOP IF YOU NEED THAT INFO!

Thanks sir :) I've not taken it yet and I was able to convince my friend to not take it aswell, but the other guy is on test e.. We think he already has signs of Gyno, I told him about Nolva and Clomid, idk.


Why shouldnt you workout with KIDS????? Probably the easiest way to answer this is just to be blunt. Your using drugs- And by reading all of your responses I'm assuming they will know that your on drugs and most likely will want them as well. To each their own bro just be careful and lead by example the best way that you can
I've stayed clean man and have researched all of this a lot more. I thought I knew shit, but u proofed me I didn't. :newbie:
I've read a lot about Designer Steroids, Prohormones, AAS, SARMs and SERMs. There's still a truckload of stuff to learn, but I crossed over GTx Ostarine (marketed as Enobosarm / MK-2866) and it looks a lot cleaner than AAS. Seems to have very low side-effects and I've found some sources selling the stuff. I can't tell for sure if it's the original GTx Ostarine or not though (Iron Dragon). There is no post cycle therapy (pct) required if you take low doses and it does't break the natty T production at doses of 3-10mg/day.
I've read that S4 caused temporal Nyctalopia (night blindness), isn't the case with Ostarine though. Oh and the best, you take it oraly, that means it goes through the liver and is as livertoxic as regular meds (easy recovery, no lasting harm). They say clinical trials will be finished in the 2nd Quarter of 2013.

What do you think about it?
you're talking about doing steroids with minors on a forum for everyone in the world to see. STUPID STUPID STUPID!! do you even know where to inject the steroids? or are you wanting a oral cycle? because that's safer right? taking a pill instead of a shot? lol and sir clomid is used for post cycle therapy (pct) not to combat the sides of roids. does the steroid your thinking of taking shut your natty test prod down?

I only go to the gym with them, but the younger guy already took it weeks before I even knew anything about this stuff. The other one regardless what I said still wanted to inject it. I could convince him to not take it (showed him how 'bitch tits' look like). And the younger guy isn't injected anymore now, because he probably has Gyno now..yeah totally stupid

However, yeah it goes subcutaneous and I know how, but it won't be necessary anymore. I won't take AAS,DS or Prohormones. I'm fascinated a little by SARMs.
We both increased from 154.32lbs to 187,39lbs (10x) on the bench press, just by taking Creatine. I'll stay here for at least a half year before I take anything else.