Test&D-bol now.....

creepS said:
when will you start leaning ?
i gave the idea of taking juice now,ill juice up somewhere in september when i dont have to think about leaning before summer and do everything like its supposed to be done.
cant wait tho

Not quite sure what your asking...? I already am really lean. Always have been. I'd say all the weight I have gained is LEAN MUSCLE, maybe a small amount of water....
so uve gained no fat?
im a kick boxer and i REALLY dont wanna get all fat when i start using it. not now when summer is 3 months away(well here where i live it starts really soon :P).
i really eat the best food(since i live on the Adriatic sea, Split in Croatia) so ihave best fresh sea and river fish...
only thing im afraid that,even tho im pretty lean(8%bf), is that ill get all bulked up and ill lose my abbs or that i wont have the time to lean(6weeks juicing up+3weeks post cycle therapy (pct) and 6 weeks when im off).

ps. i really like ur dog. i used to have 2 dobermans :) and my kickboxing club is called "Pitbull" :)
ps. i really like ur dog. i used to have 2 dobermans :) and my kickboxing club is called "Pitbull" :)[/QUOTE]
Thanks alot bro he's only 10 weeks. :) Thats a perfect name for it!

I think that if you are low bodyfat to begin with then I would'nt worry. I just seem to be gaining muscle. I'm considering picking up another bottle of the test and staying on for like 16 weeks instead of 8. We'll see... :eyes:
I've been reading a lot and everyone seems to agree that longer cycles make it easier to keep your gains.
hes really cuuute :)
i agree on that the longer the cycle the longer gains stay,but since this is your first time 8 weeks seems kinda ok to me. u using any liv 52 type tabs to protect your liver?
creepS said:
hes really cuuute :)
i agree on that the longer the cycle the longer gains stay,but since this is your first time 8 weeks seems kinda ok to me. u using any liv 52 type tabs to protect your liver?
I'm taking 4 pills of milk thistle a day, each is 175mg. I've heard that it helps and I've heard that it don't. I'm takin it. Fuck what everybody else thinks. I figure it cant hurt. Besides that just eatin a shitload, and drinkin my shakes.
The pup is cute now but soon he'll be a bad mofo! His mom was a pullin dog, when she competed she was only 40 lbs pullin 2,800lbs!!! The dad was about 75lbs w/ a big ass head. I can't wait till he's grown!
Hit the gym today, it's been a few days since I have... been busy w/ family stuff. That and my bi was sore as hell for two days! LOL! Switched it up a little with the routine. Did a whole body workout instead of the same old thing. Weights gettin lighter, but tryin not to over do it. I don't need an injury! Weighed in @ 166lbs. Thats a solid 10-11 lbs now!!! Feelin great, always hungry! :biggthump
Did 6th inject tonight, in left delt. Went well as always.It isnt as sore as the first time I injected in my delt. Not sure why but it's fine w/ me. Also started some "muscle milk" today. It's a meal replacement with 600+ cals per serving. Figured I could use a boost in the cals dept. Can't hurt thats for sure. This stuff tastes really good, I could'nt believe it. I got the milk chocolate flavor, mix it w/ 10 oz. of milk and it's good. Tastes like a real milk shake! Did back and bis yesterday.The test must really be kickin in cause I'm gettin stronger everytime I workout. I love this shit!
yo bro!
hows things? :) hope ur ass kicking all ove the place and pumping em bi`s like tr00 bber :).
i gave the idea of dbol and deca up!
ill take test e (500mg/wk) and dbol 30mg ed and nolva 20mg ed.
pct clomid(100,50,50).
and liv 52 to cover that liver up :)
like u said in ur first post: cant wait to blow UUUUPPPP!! :)
stay cool bro!
creepS said:
yo bro!
hows things? :) hope ur ass kicking all ove the place and pumping em bi`s like tr00 bber :).
i gave the idea of dbol and deca up!
ill take test e (500mg/wk) and dbol 30mg ed and nolva 20mg ed.
pct clomid(100,50,50).
and liv 52 to cover that liver up :)
like u said in ur first post: cant wait to blow UUUUPPPP!! :)
stay cool bro!

Great! Sounds like a solid cycle to me. You won't be sorry, trust me! I've gotten much stronger in only a few weeks time. It's an awesome feelin! :) :)
tell me,can i use test E in one syringe or ill have to separate them mon/thu. i really dont like syringes so if im able to pick myself ill rather do it once...
creepS said:
tell me,can i use test E in one syringe or ill have to separate them mon/thu. i really dont like syringes so if im able to pick myself ill rather do it once...
Hey bro. I myself would break it up into 2 injects. Something like mon&thurs.
That way it is a steady amount in your system. I can relate w/ you on not likin the pins, but it's really not a big deal after a couple of times. You'll see. I have yet to feel any kind of pinch, or anything even remotely close to a pinch. It just feels like a small amount of pressure. I used to stick it in real fast, then aspirate(pull back slightly on the plunger) see some bubbles Hopefully not blood, and then slowly push in the plunger. Then slowly pull the pin out and your done. Nothin to it, the whole process takes about a minute. I still do the same as above, but now I slowly insert the pin. I don't know why really I'm just more confident now I guess. Once you know it does'nt hurt, except for maybe a little soreness afterwards, you are'nt nervous anymore. Just make sure that you use separately packaged sterile pads to clean the top of the vial and the inject site. Not cotton balls. You want everything to be as sterile as possible,hands, pads, pins everything! Only use the pin one time to inject then throw it away. I myself use only 91% alcohol, its the strongest you can buy where I'm at. The last thing anybody wants is an infection. Hope this info helps man...
thx man, im gonna use 2 shots for sure now.
tell me one more thing: when u suck in test into syringe do you press it so that the air comes out of it? u know,like the do in the movies before they give the shot
creepS said:
thx man, im gonna use 2 shots for sure now.
tell me one more thing: when u suck in test into syringe do you press it so that the air comes out of it? u know,like the do in the movies before they give the shot

I pull 1cc of air into the pin,then I push the pin into the vial. Then I push the plunger in so the 1cc of air is now in the vial.This makes it easier to draw out.
Next make sure the end of the pin is in the oil(not to far in, cause then all you will get is air when u draw). Then SLOWLY pull back on the plunger.You may get some air if u pull to fast, just push it back in til it disappears back in the vial.Continue to pull back until u reach the desired amount, in this case 1cc.Always put the same amount of air into the vial that you want to draw out. So if your gonna inject 3cc then u would put 3cc of air into the vial prior to drawing the oil. Follow so far? Good. Then just push on the plunger a little to remove any small bubbles and let the oil drip off the pin,DO NOT WIPE IT OFF!, it will serve as lubricant and you would'nt want to contaminate the pin now would u? Of course not... Now your ready to inject!
creepS said:
thx man you rock!
it helped ALOT! now im pretty clear on many things :)
hows the pooch?
Good I'm glad I could help! The pup is doin good he's already gettin bigger. Sometimes he just goes nuts though and I've gotta put him in line. He just gets a little too fired up when he plays, just the bully comin out in em...

7th inject...

Did 7th inject last night, right delt. No probs, the usual. Holding @ about 170lbs. Ran out of muscle milk mrp yesterday so picked up another, this time cookies n cream flavor.The stuff really tastes pretty good, surprising. Doing strictly mass workouts now, stickin to high weight w/ low reps. Is really helping w/ the strength gains. Finished up the first bottle of d-bol tonight. I think I'm gonna go ahead and open the second bottle and take it the whole cycle, startin in the morning. I dont seem to be having any sides from it, and I know it's definitely boosting the gains! :chomp:
Tonight was 8th inject, left delt.Pretty routine stuff now. Weighed in @ 168lbs today @ gym. Continued w/ the D-bol(u knew I was gonna) takin 0.5ml 2 X a day. All kinds of hectic shit going on right now so I can't really devote as much time as I would like.
Trying to eat as much as possible and get all my shakes everyday. As far as strength gains go, it's almost a joke. I have doubled all my weights in less than 6 weeks! Needless to say but I am very happy w/ the results so far.

Been busy busy busy! Did 9th inject on last sunday in the right delt. Got one more to do tonight. Gonna miss it. I'll stay on the d-bol for the next 3 weeks and finish up the bottle. That way I can start the clomid 3 weeks after the last inject and the d-bol will wrap up at the same time. Weighed in @ 170 2 days ago @ the gym. Everyone I know cant get over how much I look different, I love it.W.K.P....