Test&D-bol now.....

Hey Guys Whats Up Ive Been Workin Out Hard For 2 Years Now Im 22 Years Old And 185 Lbs Ive Been Thinkin On And Off About Doin A Cycle I Was Wonderin Tho Is There Any Roids I Could Do That I Could Keep More Of My Gains ? Ive Had Friends Do It And Get Huge But Then Just Shrink Back To Their Begining Size Any Input Would Be Appreciated
jl1112 said:
Hey Guys Whats Up Ive Been Workin Out Hard For 2 Years Now Im 22 Years Old And 185 Lbs Ive Been Thinkin On And Off About Doin A Cycle I Was Wonderin Tho Is There Any Roids I Could Do That I Could Keep More Of My Gains ? Ive Had Friends Do It And Get Huge But Then Just Shrink Back To Their Begining Size Any Input Would Be Appreciated

Thats because your friends probably did'nt do any post cycle therapy.(clomid)
afav02 said:
gotta ask...do you do any type of cardio???? when i do D-bol i get the worst cramps in my shins and calfs....are you experiencing that???

I havent been doing any cardio. Ive just been concentrating on gaining mass. So far I've gained 22lbs and I have about two and a half weeks left on the d-bol. I am going to try and eat as much as possible and kill the water for those next couple weeks. I want to be 180 lbs at end of my cycle. That will be a 30 lb gain! Once I come off I'm also gonna start this new creatine I picked up. I hope to gain another 5-10lbs on that w/ proper diet of course.
nice improvement!!
you can do miracles till the summer,you can add 10lbs more easy.
gotta love `em roids :).
i just started using em and i cant wait till i start next cycle already :)
I like your cycle and great improvement.

I have seen the results of both Test and Deca.

I still think Deca is the way to go for me. But Test looks like a great deal.

I am going to follow your cycle. Instead 1.5cc of Deca a week.
phillybig04 said:
I like your cycle and great improvement.

I have seen the results of both Test and Deca.

I still think Deca is the way to go for me. But Test looks like a great deal.

I am going to follow your cycle. Instead 1.5cc of Deca a week.

Thanks for the positive feedback bro! I originally was going for the deca too, but read its not good w/o test, but everyone is different. Good Luck. :)
test/dbol is the ultimate cycle. at least for me. i love them both. no bad sides like tren (mental,progesterone,hard shut down, none of that with test/dbol) and ur progress is great, i expect you to look more bloated. are you using arimidex or nolva?
Starkraven said:
test/dbol is the ultimate cycle. at least for me. i love them both. no bad sides like tren (mental,progesterone,hard shut down, none of that with test/dbol) and ur progress is great, i expect you to look more bloated. are you using arimidex or nolva?

I have'nt done any arimidex or nolva. I was takin milk thistle up until about 2 weeks ago, I ran out and just did'nt get anymore. I feel the same so I figure the hell with it. Probably does'nt do shit anyways. And thanks for the positive feedback bro!!!

hehe,mw you reminded me of toby maguire in spiderman 1 when the sipder bit him and he just woke up :).
tbh i have some nolva but i wont be using it before week 4.
like i said you look really good :)
many guys start right away.
im gonna start using it from week 3 or 4.
clomid 2 weeks after my last test shot.
bro,you gotta do alot of reading before you do aas. no flame or anything just do your homework first,check your priorities first. anyone here will be more than happy to help you and give good advice,but you must do more reading on this subject