Cycle, test, HGH
This is the first time I've run Test...I have run two very mild oral only cycles previously 1st Anavar (var) 6wks at 20mg ED and 2nd Tbol 6wks at 20mg ED, I had good results from both cycles but at the same time they lacked that real bulk building ability that Test provides...
Starting weight 196lbs
Current weight 196lbs
BF% 10-12%
Height 5ft 11"
Previous Cycles 2 ( 6weeks Anavar (var) at 20mg ED ) ( 6 Weeks Tbol at 20mg ED )
Test E - Lucky13 brand Test E Brew Log
- Test E @ 300mg EW 1-12 ( 150mg Mon 150mg Thur )
- Aromisan @ 12.5mg EOD 1-12
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 500IU EW 2-12 ( 250UI Mon 250UI Thur )
- Toremifene Citrate @ 60mg ED 1-4
- Aromisan @ 12.5mg ED 1-4
Vitamin Suppliments:
- Vitamin C @ 1000mg ED
- Vitamin E @ 300mg ED
- Cod Liver Oil @ 2000mg ED
- Garlic Tabs @ 1200mg ED ( Good for the heart and BP but fucking disgusting )
- MSM @ 1600mg ED ( Good for joints and hair growth )
- Glucosamine Sulphate @ 500mg ED ( Good for joints )
- Peppermint Oil @ 150mg 2xED ( helps digestion )
Anti Hairloss Suppliments:
- Proscar ( Propecia ) @ 1.25mg ED ( GSK $40 for 30x5mg Pills )
- Nizoral Shampoo @ Wash&Go 2xED
- Spironolactone @ 1200mg mixed into Nizoral Shampoo 2xED
- Topical Scalp Cream 5% Spironolactone + 1% finasteride 2xED
Diet is very clean, 6-8 meals a day with 250g protein and 3500cals
Mon - Arms/Chest @ 1hr
Tues - Cardio @ 30mins
Wed - Shoulders/Back @1hr
Thur - Legs/Cardio @45/15mins split
Fri - Rest
Sat - Loop to Mon and repeat
This may look like I'm over training but I always get results this way, I get my rest on the 30min cardio days.
Personal Note:
I've shy'd away from Test for my previous two cycles due to health reasons and hairloss risks, I've suffered from heart paliptations in the past and very high BP so it was always my primary concern to run something that could be halted immediatly and then within 24hrs be out of my system...Var and Tbol have very short half lifes of 8hrs and are also very safe on the hairline, both cycles went well ( see logs below in my sig ) but if I want to get to the next level then Test is the way fwd, I've also managed to lower my BP natually, heart palpitations and anxiety are now gone and I will also be running a heavy anti hairloss plan
I have before pictures and will take after pictures, I will post these once the cycle is over.
Additional Notes:
I've had a real bad time with Nolva and sides which is why this time I will be using a relativly new SERM called Toremifene, it has had mixed reviews in scientific studies as to wether it increases FSH and LH but in real world applications it looks much more promising with people raving about how effective it has been and that it quite literally kicks Nolva's ass in post cycle therapy (pct) fingers crossed
I am looking for lean gains only... so will have a very strict diet, I may throw in Anavar (var) and Clen depending on how my BF% is going, ideally I'd like to gain 10-12lbs and drop to 8-9% BF
Starting weight 196lbs
Current weight 196lbs
BF% 10-12%
Height 5ft 11"
Previous Cycles 2 ( 6weeks Anavar (var) at 20mg ED ) ( 6 Weeks Tbol at 20mg ED )
Test E - Lucky13 brand Test E Brew Log
- Test E @ 300mg EW 1-12 ( 150mg Mon 150mg Thur )
- Aromisan @ 12.5mg EOD 1-12
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 500IU EW 2-12 ( 250UI Mon 250UI Thur )
- Toremifene Citrate @ 60mg ED 1-4
- Aromisan @ 12.5mg ED 1-4
Vitamin Suppliments:
- Vitamin C @ 1000mg ED
- Vitamin E @ 300mg ED
- Cod Liver Oil @ 2000mg ED
- Garlic Tabs @ 1200mg ED ( Good for the heart and BP but fucking disgusting )
- MSM @ 1600mg ED ( Good for joints and hair growth )
- Glucosamine Sulphate @ 500mg ED ( Good for joints )
- Peppermint Oil @ 150mg 2xED ( helps digestion )
Anti Hairloss Suppliments:
- Proscar ( Propecia ) @ 1.25mg ED ( GSK $40 for 30x5mg Pills )
- Nizoral Shampoo @ Wash&Go 2xED
- Spironolactone @ 1200mg mixed into Nizoral Shampoo 2xED
- Topical Scalp Cream 5% Spironolactone + 1% finasteride 2xED
Diet is very clean, 6-8 meals a day with 250g protein and 3500cals
Mon - Arms/Chest @ 1hr
Tues - Cardio @ 30mins
Wed - Shoulders/Back @1hr
Thur - Legs/Cardio @45/15mins split
Fri - Rest
Sat - Loop to Mon and repeat
This may look like I'm over training but I always get results this way, I get my rest on the 30min cardio days.
Personal Note:
I've shy'd away from Test for my previous two cycles due to health reasons and hairloss risks, I've suffered from heart paliptations in the past and very high BP so it was always my primary concern to run something that could be halted immediatly and then within 24hrs be out of my system...Var and Tbol have very short half lifes of 8hrs and are also very safe on the hairline, both cycles went well ( see logs below in my sig ) but if I want to get to the next level then Test is the way fwd, I've also managed to lower my BP natually, heart palpitations and anxiety are now gone and I will also be running a heavy anti hairloss plan
I have before pictures and will take after pictures, I will post these once the cycle is over.
Additional Notes:
I've had a real bad time with Nolva and sides which is why this time I will be using a relativly new SERM called Toremifene, it has had mixed reviews in scientific studies as to wether it increases FSH and LH but in real world applications it looks much more promising with people raving about how effective it has been and that it quite literally kicks Nolva's ass in post cycle therapy (pct) fingers crossed
I am looking for lean gains only... so will have a very strict diet, I may throw in Anavar (var) and Clen depending on how my BF% is going, ideally I'd like to gain 10-12lbs and drop to 8-9% BF