Test E Cycle - 3rd Cycle

ManOfMuscle said:
The part about this that makes me LOL is that I'm shooting 300 test EOD and I haven't even noticed anything yet except the occasional hot flash and the sex drive is up a bit.

Yes hilarious :rolleyes2
Cardiff_Muscle said:
Maybe your body's building up a tolorance to the test and perhaps limiting the effectiveness.

Imho it takes a lot longer than 10 days for test-e to do anything, at least for me. On my first cycle it took almost 6 weeks to get noticeable strength gains.
Day 15

Since taking the aromisan for the last 4 days my sex drive has shot up...I put this down to my estrogen levels dropping, I look much better in front of the mirror and my stomach isn't bloated, my nips still feel a little senstive but you can't expect the cells to revert within days...I'm now taking 12.5mg ED as originally planned I think I only needed the 25mg to get rid of the buildup...anyway I'll keep monitoring.

Definately enjoying the extra sex drive, nothing worse then being dead from the waist down!

Weight has dropped to 198 naked first thing in the morning, I still look alot fuller and definately more definition...amazing how a little bloat mess's up your whole shape also my upper chest felt alot more pressure and my BP was raising..estrogen is definately not good for me!

I've still got a little chest infection going on from 7days ago , visited my GP today who has put me on Amoxicillin, I don't believe this should affect my cycle but please chime in if you have heard any different.

Injections are going well, absolutely zero pain..I'm currently injecting 75mg EOD for extra practice and more stable blood levels again let me know if this is a bad idea but I assumed 4 times a week would yield more stable levels then once or twice a week....I seem to remember a web site that worked this out for you, anyone have it ?

I havn't injected into my glutes since the first injection, I really don't like glute injections as I can't aspirate very well due to the angle and I'm never quite sure if the needle is going into the muscle.

As always energy is good and I'm much more energetic about nearly everything and that includes sex again :)
ManOfMuscle said:
Well think about it, we're made so much the same and yet look at how differently something like this effects us.

That goes pretty much without saying otherwise all of us would be running exactly the same cycles, same post cycle therapy (pct) and get the same results.

imo I'd prefer to get affects from lower doses, it's cheaper for starters and perhapse better on the lipids and other intertwined body functions...I personally don't think I will ever be able to handle higher doses without high sides, but in the same space I should be able to get benifits at lower dosages too...so really things should just equal out.
ManOfMuscle said:
Imho it takes a lot longer than 10 days for test-e to do anything, at least for me. On my first cycle it took almost 6 weeks to get noticeable strength gains.

Despite what everyone says Test E is absorbed almost straight away into the blood stream, sure not at maximin dose but alot more then naturally produced, why woudn't you start getting effects ? even when the body peaks it's natty levels during the night many guys wake up with morning boners and that's at only a few mg....inject 150mg of Test E and the body will know very quickly...sure strength will take alot longer as that needs the break down and regrowth of muscle cells.
Test E is very slow....three weeks is the miminal to notice results from it. Anything else is your head. Weight gain can be from increased calories which gives you more strength in the gym....but it isn't from the test e. Test p on the other hand is great. Upp'ing the dosage is quite noticable in about two workouts.
Aczech said:
Test E is very slow....three weeks is the miminal to notice results from it. Anything else is your head. Weight gain can be from increased calories which gives you more strength in the gym....but it isn't from the test e. Test p on the other hand is great. Upp'ing the dosage is quite noticable in about two workouts.

Ahhh yeah I agree with strength gains and real muscle weight gain take many weeks but as far as symtoms of increased Test levels go I think you will feel this alot sooner, i.e sex drive will be very quick to change, energy levels, fullness of muscle...

Real results take time but side effects would be much quicker, that's all I'm getting at :)
Lucky13 said:
Despite what everyone says Test E is absorbed almost straight away into the blood stream, sure not at maximin dose but alot more then naturally produced, why woudn't you start getting effects ? even when the body peaks it's natty levels during the night many guys wake up with morning boners and that's at only a few mg....inject 150mg of Test E and the body will know very quickly...sure strength will take alot longer as that needs the break down and regrowth of muscle cells.

The half life is two weeks.
Day 16

Diet was completly off today and I wasn't able to carb up before going to the gym, normally if this happened I would feel very weak and flat, getting a good pump would have been tough...instead I felt strong and immediatly got a solid pump on, energy was also way up and I ended leaving the gym feeling very fresh....it's surprissing to see how relaxed you can get with diet and poor prep when you have extra help from something like Test...

Nips feel much better today and no sign of bloat, 12.5mg Aromisan ED seems to be keeping it at bay.

Sex drive is still up and all woman seem to be looking way more atractive, I even looked twice at an older woman WTF!
Test E Hormone Release

I did Test E blood release graph using 3 different examples of dosing Test E over 5weeks....

1) 300mg Test E EW

2) 150mg Test E E4D

3) 75mg Test E EOD

Taking another look, it looks like the best option is 150mg's every 4 days, this gives you the highest dosing and good even blood levels around the 40-50mg mark after 2weeks, 75mg EOD ended with 30-40mg and 300mg EW the worst with huge peaks from 20mg-60mg.
Day 18

Incredible strength in the gym today, feeling fantastic and looking better then ever! I have zero bloat ( with the aromisan 12.5mg ED ) and weighing in at 199 naked first thing in the morning, during the afternoon and evening I'm now commonly 202/3. When I break 200 first thing in the morning it will be a great feeling :)

My waist is looking pretty good and I swear i'm losing a little fat of hard to shed adominal area but to soon to say, may just be in my head.

I'm still injecting 75mg EOD at the moment as I like the extra injection practice, injections are going well...had a very sharp pain when I did my last one and today I have a dime/10p sized bruise so I'm guessing I hit something on the way in, no pain or warmth so I'm not concerned.

I looked up when doing my concentration curls today and really was shocked to see how big I'm looking, not much weight increase so far but the fullness/pump you get when training is just nuts :)

If my hair stays on my head and my heart palpitations are ok this could end up being one heeeeeeeeell of a cycle :spin:
Lucky13 said:
I did Test E blood release graph using 3 different examples of dosing Test E over 5weeks....

1) 300mg Test E EW

2) 150mg Test E E4D

3) 75mg Test E EOD

Taking another look, it looks like the best option is 150mg's every 4 days, this gives you the highest dosing and good even blood levels around the 40-50mg mark after 2weeks, 75mg EOD ended with 30-40mg and 300mg EW the worst with huge peaks from 20mg-60mg.

I feel like the peaks and troughs might be optimal for muscle building, but certainly not for sides.
ManOfMuscle said:
I feel like the peaks and troughs might be optimal for muscle building, but certainly not for sides.

If you could time your peaks for when you hit the gym even better but the fluctuation in hormones with such peaks and troughs might affect mood and also make it hard to work out water retention and when to take an AI....I'm gonna stick with the 75mg EOD as it has the most stable blood levels...300mg EW seems like a real roller coaster.
Lucky13 said:
I did Test E blood release graph using 3 different examples of dosing Test E over 5weeks....

1) 300mg Test E EW =WEEKLY 300MG

2) 150mg Test E E4D =WEEKLY 262.5MG

3) 75mg Test E EOD =WEEKLY 262.5MG

Taking another look, it looks like the best option is 150mg's every 4 days, this gives you the highest dosing and good even blood levels around the 40-50mg mark after 2weeks, 75mg EOD ended with 30-40mg and 300mg EW the worst with huge peaks from 20mg-60mg.

I don't understand how you made your graph but nobody smart shoots test E once a week. Basis simply what i put i bolded above....the Test E would be WAY higher than the others...so your calculations are are incorrect. It's kinda common sense as well to say an ED injection regime is goin to lead to more stable hormone levels but for test E, E3D is probably the best route. Running prop, ED is best but some people can't take 12 weeks of daily injections so they go eod.

No doubt if you divided up the 300mg into ED shots (42.8mg), you would see the best results...but why would you be shooting test E (a heavier ester with actual less test than prop or suspension) ED when you could be shooting one of the later mentioned for better results?

If I were you, I'd do E3D, save some injections, save some pins. You'll find out soon injecting eod can be a chore sometimes when you have a couple bad injections in a row in the thighs, you find squating quite difficult.

Best of Luck.
If it's the first time test and you want to shoot EOD, why not go for prop? If you don't like the sides you can stop it fairly easy and fast.

Also, imo you'll only really feel the effect at week 4. If you are around the 18th day, we should talk again in a week :P

But good luck anyway. A good test cycle is the best. I'm on one right now (750mg/week) and luvving it.