Bro, we all start somewhere or learn through experience at different speeds, but please talk to a friend who is experienced or someone that you can totally trust before you do anything! Tren will turn you into a fucking beast if you use enough of it, but you will not avoid the sides. You will not sleep...... You will have terrible night sweats.... Dick may or may not work, depends on individual.... And it is hard as hell on the kidneys. Drink a gallon of water a day. Tren is known to cause digestive issues due to increased prolactin levels. So even if you dont supplement with cabergoline to keep your dick hard, you'll need it just so you can shit right. You'll need to up your fiber intake because of this issue. I know everything sounds negative, but its not. Tren is by far one of my favorites. But you gotta know what you are doing. This drug was introduced by cattle farmers and given to their livestock to improve feed efficiency. Please look this up or google it and read up on why you want to use the drug.... Best of luck.....