New member
That's very interesting, the part about bipolar as I went hypomanic last time I was on tren.It makes me very agressive and id say on the verge of bipolar.
That's very interesting, the part about bipolar as I went hypomanic last time I was on tren.It makes me very agressive and id say on the verge of bipolar.
I like tren, even some of his sides effect to.
But i guess ther's should be a limit of age to use it.
something over 20 to maximum 36 or 38 years.
Also i studying the effect of tren on fibroblast and tendons... I will post about it.
Kane can you please expand on why you limit the age to 36 or 38 or will that be explained in your post on fibroblast and tendons... thanks
so i'm studying the real effect, and what about it.
i will not post the result now.
only because the natural grow is never over 40'.
you guys are a bunch of nancys. Most of these sides come from your head not the tren..... Yall get on this forum and listen to everyone warn and complain about sides and problems and convince yourselves that you too share these issues
Ok Mr. Tren Guru
I will listen to you because your the first to give that objective on tren. I have done it and got nickel size pimples on my back. To me there is nothing more attractive then a guy with zit scars on his back from gear. If I had this issue with every steroid...I would be out of the game...and they do leave scars!
You just keep doing tren and come back in 10 years and tell us how you are doing. It's a fact the shit is the most potent with the most sides. Debate that now Mr. Tren Guru!
You THINK you are free and in the clear with tren![]()
If you get that bad acne I would presume you do get some with more or less any steroid. Accutane will solve it and then you can jump on the tren wagon =)
tren makes me very strong. in fact, tren changed my bodies entire look the first time i took it. lean and vascular......but as stated above, i had insomnia, night sweats, made me very aggressive. talk about having a short fuse, on tren someone could look at me and i got mad fast for no reason, didn't trust my wife or friends while i was on, couldn't walk up stairs without getting winded and pumped. i got pumps brushing my damn teeth on tren. not to mention it destroys my lipid profile.
I have been using tren a and test p for probably 16 weeks and I'm still on it. My body has become harder and leaner and I do have sweats but no aggression. I run test p 100mg eod and tren a 100 mg eod.I sleep well and feel good. I'm 52 years old.