Ive taken tren on and off for years. In fact, I use it more than any other AS. At one point I stayed on it for 2yrs straight.
I think the 'scary side effects of tren' are greatly exagerated.
That's not to say that there arent ANY side effects. Im sure some people may suffer some more noticeable than others.
But my personal experience shows that the only side effects I have ever had with tren, even up to 1400mg a week was night sweats and insomnia. But I usually suffer from insomnia regularly anyway.
And even when I used for 2yrs straight I had full blood workup done.
People exagerate the 'kidney damage' aspect of tren.
That has never been proven. Ever.
@ 2 years with high dosage my kidney values were excellent.
Liver values were also healthy.
Acne? only when I stopped taking it. (oddly, with many AS I tend to break out only when I stop and take a break....strange)
As for the whole 'rage' thing? I have never experienced it in the 19years I have been using steroids. Even when I greatly ABUSED steroids.
None of the dozen or so friends I personally know and have trained with over the years have experienced it either.
I believe, if you have a tendency to act out and have temper control issues when off gear, then using gear will give you the excuse to snap and act out.
Now, Im not saying thats the care for everyone...I know some people may have a naturally edgy brain chemical balance to begin with and it doesnt take much to put them over the edge.
But for normally mentally healthy people, docs and researchers are saying that the whole 'roid rage' thing is false in the sense that it doesnt -make- people act out violently.
They state that often times people who naturally have a tendency to act out with see their steroid use as an 'excuse' or 'false trigger' to snape and lash out.
So if you are naturally a calm, cool, collected, dude, no amount of gear will overcome your natural mental state and make you snap at somebody when you normally wouldnt.
In fact, I know when I am only heavy dosages of gear (and tren is always one of the steroids I am on) I actually wake up and feel great. An not aggressive in a negative way at all. My only aggression is towards lifting heavier and heavier weight.
And again, even on real heavy dosages when Im about 270-280lbs, lean (im 6' 2" tall) and lifting heavy (benching 535lbs raw, no assist on lift, no wraps, straps, nothing) and im out at a bar with a girl and some clown decides to be a dick and try to start something, i find it very easy to just laugh it off and blow off the dude and go back to having a good time. Why? Because I know I could crush the guy if I really wanted to, but what do I have to prove? I woke up, looked in the mirror, liked the way I looked, so I feel great, Im out having a great time with a beautiful girl or good friends, why would I feel aggressive? It just doesnt happen to me.
Now, if I was NOT on steroids and was working out HARD 5-6 days a week for hours at a time, busting my ass to keep my diet straight and was NOT seeing gains like I do on steroids, THEN I can see why I might be REALLY pissed off....putting in all that effort and NOT making gains would be so frustrating. And Ive seen it make guys edgy and act like dicks more often than not. Especially after a few drinks.
However, I am a 'happy' drunk. I tend to overdo it and decide that everyone else Im with 'needs' to be as drunk as I am and as I start buying rounds of vodka over and over again I get pretty wasted and have a great time joking around and being the clown in my group and waking up the next morning wondering why Im broke...until I realize I spent the cash I had on drinks for all my friends...to the point where I have no cash left for food at 3am on the way home. Sucks to be me. Especially when the hangover hits.
Sorry for the long post, but tren is something that I see people posting harsh things that are just plain untrue by people who havent even used the stuff...not even once at even low dosages, and they just condemn the stuff based on the same ancient garbage that was written about 20years ago back in the day of the 'Underground Steroid Newsletter' (this was before the internet and was actually a small newsletter printed on paper and mailed to subscribers out of SoCal back in the early Dan Duchaine days when he was wasted on 'bain all day and definteley slipping, even though he was brilliant in many ways)
If even half the rumors were true, I should have had 4 kidney transplants by now, would be in prison for manslaughter (multiple counts), would have beaten my girlfriends regularly (maybe not a bad thing....j/k!) etc.
Truth is, after almost 20 years of steroid abuse, I still have all my hair, I can still get it up w/out viagra or other med aids, my skin is clear except the occasional acne breakout I've always gotten since puberty, my blood work comes up very healthy and I havent acted out violently even once in 'roid rage'.
Again, sorry for the long post, it's late at night, ive been up a long time and my mind wanders and I tend to type fast and just type whats on my mind.
I understand that all of the above are just my opinion basted on my ACTUAL first hand experience and I know that it does not apply to everyone.
So please do not reply just to blast me, because these are my actual experiences with actualy medical records to back up my claims about my health and even psych report onthe state of my mental health witch shows no abnormal aggressive tendencies, etc.
yes, as stated, I do suffer -some- side effects like night sweats and insomnia...not much for sides when I consider the list of sides that some others suffer...but I admit, the night sweats and insomnia are on the seriously HEAVY side. Im not talking being just a little sweaty...Im talking about sleeping w/ a fan (or two) on high even in Feb...drives the gf crazy...and I sweat through my clothes, soak my pillow and leave a huge wet outline of the shape of my body on my sheets! I have to sleep on a terry cloth huge beach towel laid out on my side of the bed sometime and even then I have to swap it out for another and sometimes even a third on really bad nights.
I've even started to take meds to try to mitigate these two side effects. I take clonidine to help w/ the sweats a little bit and help w/ the insomnia. And propranolol helps w/ the sweats and occastional hpertension as well.
But my pharmaceutical assault on my insomnia problem is a long long story for another post.
Again, the above are my honest first hand experiences. If others suffer more sides from tren, I can understand some other of the listed sides can be somewhat common...but the 'scarier' sides many people parrot regardless of the fact that they themselves have never even tried it, I just havent ever seen them happen. And tren is the predominant AS used in my area....used for years and at varying dosages by probaly near 20 people I know (I only know about a dozen of them as friends, 5-6 of those as workout partners and close friends, the rest as 'gym friends' that I see only in the gym, but I can say I know their gear use pretty well from detailed discussions with them)
I would suggest that anyone interested in good gains with solid strength and lean growth should try tren.
If I could use only ONE steroid for the rest of my life and could pick one of any of all the steroids available, Id pick tren without hesitation. And I tend to use at least 100mg every day and sometimes go up to 200mg a day. But Im finding that with my diet and workout dialed in, I get just as good gains @ 100mg a day as I do w/ 200mg a day. Same with other steroids. Im finding I used to waste tons of gear and was seriously abusing steroids for years when lower dosages would have gotten me to the same place if all other parts of my lifting and eating were right.
Great news as it cuts down on sides from other gear and it makes it a hell of a lot cheaper to cover my gear budget.
Either way, I love tren. I think its safe....and I know it hasnt caused me any harm, yet...who knows what will happen when Im 50-60yrs old, but for now, the last many years of use and abuse have luckily not caused any damage to my health other than those night sweats, insomnia, light acne breakouts when I come off (but I rarely come completely off...sometimes not for years) and occasional hypertension controlled easily with clonidine and sometimes with a beta blocker like propranolol.
(propranolol is a cool med...it has been used to help beat lie detector tests in the past along w/ other meds -although I dont know really how effective it is in that respect- and it's used often in firearms competition as it minimizes hand tremor and other shaking so you get steadier aim and more controled trigger pull....it's actually a banned drug in teh Olympics...yet a couple people tend to fail the doping test for it during shooting events. I believe one or two Koreans failed one or two Olympics back for Propranolol. It's also used by musicians, actors etc to minimize the physical aspects of stage fright. Interesting stuff).
Again, sorry for crazy long post. Been up 24yrs, too much caffiene, too much insomnia! Makes me slightly manic after a certain amount of hours...and being a computer engineering geek I tend to type about as quick as my muddled mind churns out inconsistant thoughts....so I thank you if you've put up with my nonsense long enough to read this far. And if you havent? I cant fucking blame you.
(the same Crash from waaaay back in the old Varix days, ancient Elite days 15yrs ago before if became gay, early meso and all those other boards. Lost track w/ many of you old time board vets. Send me a note to say 'hey' as many of you have changed your screen names and I dont know who the hell is who anymore! Thx)
I think the 'scary side effects of tren' are greatly exagerated.
That's not to say that there arent ANY side effects. Im sure some people may suffer some more noticeable than others.
But my personal experience shows that the only side effects I have ever had with tren, even up to 1400mg a week was night sweats and insomnia. But I usually suffer from insomnia regularly anyway.
And even when I used for 2yrs straight I had full blood workup done.
People exagerate the 'kidney damage' aspect of tren.
That has never been proven. Ever.
@ 2 years with high dosage my kidney values were excellent.
Liver values were also healthy.
Acne? only when I stopped taking it. (oddly, with many AS I tend to break out only when I stop and take a break....strange)
As for the whole 'rage' thing? I have never experienced it in the 19years I have been using steroids. Even when I greatly ABUSED steroids.
None of the dozen or so friends I personally know and have trained with over the years have experienced it either.
I believe, if you have a tendency to act out and have temper control issues when off gear, then using gear will give you the excuse to snap and act out.
Now, Im not saying thats the care for everyone...I know some people may have a naturally edgy brain chemical balance to begin with and it doesnt take much to put them over the edge.
But for normally mentally healthy people, docs and researchers are saying that the whole 'roid rage' thing is false in the sense that it doesnt -make- people act out violently.
They state that often times people who naturally have a tendency to act out with see their steroid use as an 'excuse' or 'false trigger' to snape and lash out.
So if you are naturally a calm, cool, collected, dude, no amount of gear will overcome your natural mental state and make you snap at somebody when you normally wouldnt.
In fact, I know when I am only heavy dosages of gear (and tren is always one of the steroids I am on) I actually wake up and feel great. An not aggressive in a negative way at all. My only aggression is towards lifting heavier and heavier weight.
And again, even on real heavy dosages when Im about 270-280lbs, lean (im 6' 2" tall) and lifting heavy (benching 535lbs raw, no assist on lift, no wraps, straps, nothing) and im out at a bar with a girl and some clown decides to be a dick and try to start something, i find it very easy to just laugh it off and blow off the dude and go back to having a good time. Why? Because I know I could crush the guy if I really wanted to, but what do I have to prove? I woke up, looked in the mirror, liked the way I looked, so I feel great, Im out having a great time with a beautiful girl or good friends, why would I feel aggressive? It just doesnt happen to me.
Now, if I was NOT on steroids and was working out HARD 5-6 days a week for hours at a time, busting my ass to keep my diet straight and was NOT seeing gains like I do on steroids, THEN I can see why I might be REALLY pissed off....putting in all that effort and NOT making gains would be so frustrating. And Ive seen it make guys edgy and act like dicks more often than not. Especially after a few drinks.
However, I am a 'happy' drunk. I tend to overdo it and decide that everyone else Im with 'needs' to be as drunk as I am and as I start buying rounds of vodka over and over again I get pretty wasted and have a great time joking around and being the clown in my group and waking up the next morning wondering why Im broke...until I realize I spent the cash I had on drinks for all my friends...to the point where I have no cash left for food at 3am on the way home. Sucks to be me. Especially when the hangover hits.
Sorry for the long post, but tren is something that I see people posting harsh things that are just plain untrue by people who havent even used the stuff...not even once at even low dosages, and they just condemn the stuff based on the same ancient garbage that was written about 20years ago back in the day of the 'Underground Steroid Newsletter' (this was before the internet and was actually a small newsletter printed on paper and mailed to subscribers out of SoCal back in the early Dan Duchaine days when he was wasted on 'bain all day and definteley slipping, even though he was brilliant in many ways)
If even half the rumors were true, I should have had 4 kidney transplants by now, would be in prison for manslaughter (multiple counts), would have beaten my girlfriends regularly (maybe not a bad thing....j/k!) etc.
Truth is, after almost 20 years of steroid abuse, I still have all my hair, I can still get it up w/out viagra or other med aids, my skin is clear except the occasional acne breakout I've always gotten since puberty, my blood work comes up very healthy and I havent acted out violently even once in 'roid rage'.
Again, sorry for the long post, it's late at night, ive been up a long time and my mind wanders and I tend to type fast and just type whats on my mind.
I understand that all of the above are just my opinion basted on my ACTUAL first hand experience and I know that it does not apply to everyone.
So please do not reply just to blast me, because these are my actual experiences with actualy medical records to back up my claims about my health and even psych report onthe state of my mental health witch shows no abnormal aggressive tendencies, etc.
yes, as stated, I do suffer -some- side effects like night sweats and insomnia...not much for sides when I consider the list of sides that some others suffer...but I admit, the night sweats and insomnia are on the seriously HEAVY side. Im not talking being just a little sweaty...Im talking about sleeping w/ a fan (or two) on high even in Feb...drives the gf crazy...and I sweat through my clothes, soak my pillow and leave a huge wet outline of the shape of my body on my sheets! I have to sleep on a terry cloth huge beach towel laid out on my side of the bed sometime and even then I have to swap it out for another and sometimes even a third on really bad nights.
I've even started to take meds to try to mitigate these two side effects. I take clonidine to help w/ the sweats a little bit and help w/ the insomnia. And propranolol helps w/ the sweats and occastional hpertension as well.
But my pharmaceutical assault on my insomnia problem is a long long story for another post.
Again, the above are my honest first hand experiences. If others suffer more sides from tren, I can understand some other of the listed sides can be somewhat common...but the 'scarier' sides many people parrot regardless of the fact that they themselves have never even tried it, I just havent ever seen them happen. And tren is the predominant AS used in my area....used for years and at varying dosages by probaly near 20 people I know (I only know about a dozen of them as friends, 5-6 of those as workout partners and close friends, the rest as 'gym friends' that I see only in the gym, but I can say I know their gear use pretty well from detailed discussions with them)
I would suggest that anyone interested in good gains with solid strength and lean growth should try tren.
If I could use only ONE steroid for the rest of my life and could pick one of any of all the steroids available, Id pick tren without hesitation. And I tend to use at least 100mg every day and sometimes go up to 200mg a day. But Im finding that with my diet and workout dialed in, I get just as good gains @ 100mg a day as I do w/ 200mg a day. Same with other steroids. Im finding I used to waste tons of gear and was seriously abusing steroids for years when lower dosages would have gotten me to the same place if all other parts of my lifting and eating were right.
Great news as it cuts down on sides from other gear and it makes it a hell of a lot cheaper to cover my gear budget.
Either way, I love tren. I think its safe....and I know it hasnt caused me any harm, yet...who knows what will happen when Im 50-60yrs old, but for now, the last many years of use and abuse have luckily not caused any damage to my health other than those night sweats, insomnia, light acne breakouts when I come off (but I rarely come completely off...sometimes not for years) and occasional hypertension controlled easily with clonidine and sometimes with a beta blocker like propranolol.
(propranolol is a cool med...it has been used to help beat lie detector tests in the past along w/ other meds -although I dont know really how effective it is in that respect- and it's used often in firearms competition as it minimizes hand tremor and other shaking so you get steadier aim and more controled trigger pull....it's actually a banned drug in teh Olympics...yet a couple people tend to fail the doping test for it during shooting events. I believe one or two Koreans failed one or two Olympics back for Propranolol. It's also used by musicians, actors etc to minimize the physical aspects of stage fright. Interesting stuff).
Again, sorry for crazy long post. Been up 24yrs, too much caffiene, too much insomnia! Makes me slightly manic after a certain amount of hours...and being a computer engineering geek I tend to type about as quick as my muddled mind churns out inconsistant thoughts....so I thank you if you've put up with my nonsense long enough to read this far. And if you havent? I cant fucking blame you.
(the same Crash from waaaay back in the old Varix days, ancient Elite days 15yrs ago before if became gay, early meso and all those other boards. Lost track w/ many of you old time board vets. Send me a note to say 'hey' as many of you have changed your screen names and I dont know who the hell is who anymore! Thx)