Barnzy Workout Log


rome wasnt built in a day



Pullups: BWx8x8

Deads: 135x10/225x10/315x6/405x2/425x2/455x2/495x2/515x1

DB Curls: 60x8/50x10/40x10x3


DB Rows-100x10/110x10/110x10

Reverse Grip Pulldowns: 180x10/200x10/240x6

Weight Belt slipped off, pulled something in back real good. Going to gym just to get blood into area for couple days.
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Leg Ext: 5x12



Walls Squats



Smith Bench: 135x20/185x10/225x10/275x8/315x3

CG: 135x10/155x10/185x10/225x8x3

Dips: BWx10/+45x10/+90x10/+135x4/BWx22

Incline Smith/DB Press/Flys/Diamond Pushups

Wearing weight belt whenever possible to try and protect back. Still hurts but feels much better after moving around. Still hurts to bend down or put shoes on. No Squats or Deads until that changes.
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Just moved back to MA from VA. Need to find new gym besides planet fitness where they have nothing but smith machines and 75lb DB's


*Current Supp List
-Fish Oil
-Jack3d Pre-Workout
Just moved back to MA from VA. Need to find new gym besides planet fitness where they have nothing but smith machines and 75lb DB's

Im in Same boat with DB's n Smiths. But the place cheap so it'll have to make do until I find better or cheaper.
Im in Same boat with DB's n Smiths. But the place cheap so it'll have to make do until I find better or cheaper.

Yeah I said that til I went back to a real gym, no comparison in growth. Def. selling ourselves short staying at a gym like that.


Worked an unexpected 13hr shift, after that just wanted to get some food and sleep.

Will be at gym later tonight after work regardless


Pullups: BWx10/+25x10/+45x8/+90x5/BWxF

DB Curls/DB Rows/

Pull Downs:160x10/180x10/220x6

Row Machine- Rackx10x5

Concentrated Lat Pulls/reverse

Low Back work

*Made due with what I had, did a lot of supersets, not much more than 30sec rest in between all sets. Did a lot of stretching with the weight bars, did 5 min of cardio to really loosen back, then did some lower back extensions, followed by light DB DL w/ 40 and 50lb db's. Feels weird now, not like a muscle strain, feels more like something needs to pop and just wont. at this point I'd rather it be just a strain. will continue to take it slow and work at it


DB Shoulder Press: 35x20/55x12/75x10/75x9/75x8

Smith SS w/ diamond pushups/cables


Cable Pullups

BB Shoulder Press SS w/raises

*Back felt pretty good but def. not liking cleaning the weight up for the BB presses, had to kind of manuever it akwardly as to not hurt my back anymore
Training will be more organized with numbers when I find another gym, routines are so sparadic and random things I can't even keep track

Abs/Forearm work/light cardio

*Debating on joining only real gym around...problem is its 48 a month for college students and i think 70 for regular. its a little ridiculous but doesnt make sense to join a gym where i cant grow and lift how i want


*Still nursing the back, first time in 2 weeks that I have done any type of squat, if i can even call it squatting.

Seated Calves: 1platex20/2x20/3x15

SS w/ BW Calf raises: x75/x60/x15

* Nice spasms in calves made it hard to get water/walk etc. Love that.

Smith Squats: 135x10x5

SS w/ Cables for Hammy/Lower Back: rackx10x5

Circuit of Lunges/Step Ups/Reverse Lunges/Wall Squats

Leg Ext: Rackx20/x20x16

SS w/ Ham Curls: rackx12/x12/x12

Wall Squat: Failure

Real good pump, felt like shitty workout but legs feel awesome now so its all good.


God damn do you lose strength when you can't lift heavy weights for 3 weeks. One of the worst chest workouts I'd had in a long time. Just got into an actual gym today, stupid shit is gonna cost me 600 a year but I guess its the price you pay to not lift like a pussy.

Flat BB- Barx40/135x20x2/185x6/225x4/245x4/275x2/275x2/275x1..Bunch of sets of 225xFailure

DB Incline- 80x10/100x6/80x8/100x4

Decline SS w/CG ss/ BB Incline


Incline DB Flys SS w/ deep PushupsxF


Dips: 5 sets to Failure SS/w DB Extreme stretches 40x60secx3
Training will be more organized with numbers when I find another gym, routines are so sparadic and random things I can't even keep track

I find that at gyms sometimes. Some are set in lbs, some kg and some js numbered and when you ask anyone they haven't a clue.

Nice log btw.
Going to try and bulk to 225, we'll see where I get. Ill officially weigh myself tomorrow. Being broke and paying school loans is killing me so its going to be somewhat of a joke diet but making do with what I can afford it will go something like this:

* Any free food will be eaten when available.

Meal 1: 4 eggs, red potatoe, bowl oatmeal

Meal 2-4: PB&J(2 slices whole wheat/grain, natty PB. Sugar free jelly)

* Not sure which meals it will be but will probly repeat PB&J 3 times or so.

Meal 5: Cup brown rice, chicken breast

Meal 6: brown rice, chicken breast

Drink 1+ gallon water a day

Will be drinking .5-1 gallon of skim milk every day

Fruits/veggies will be added in with meals or as snacks, that also goes for nuts/trail mix

PWO consists of a greek yogurt, post workout meal replacement or chocolate milk

Will be taking:

Fish Oil
PWO- jack3d or coffee
creatine(when i can afford more)

May try to throw in another potatoe with some kind of protein as well.
* Feel full as hell, dont know why really havent had much to eat:

woke up around 11

Meal 1: whole red potatoe, 3 whole eggs, half cup diced ham, quarter cup shredded cheese

Meal 2: PB&J, 2 slices rye, natty PB, Sugar Free jelly

Meal 3: 1/8 gallon milk, BCAA's

Meal 4: 4 slices ham, 2 slices american cheese, full size burrito

Snack: protein/granola bar

PWO: greek yogurt, coffee, BCAA

Post: Lean Body Meal Replacement

Meal 5: 2 Huge burritos, .75lb beef, kidney beans, guacamole, black olives, tbs sour cream, cup cheese

Snack: Half PB&J

Meal 6: Chicken Sandwich

Snack:16oz Milk
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Calve Raises- Full extension BWx100x2, half normal, half dink toed

Calf Rotations: seated, leg straigh, cable attached to toes, roll ankle, 3 sets of 10-15

Seated Ham Curls- 100x15/100x10/100x8/100x10

Quat Ext.:170x15/190x15/240x15

Hack Sled: 6platesx8/x8/x8/x10

Ball/Wall Squats: BWx30x3

*Legs toast, my uncle who used to body build goes to the same gym, adding a ton of cals in my diet and we're going to start training together, trying for at least 225, see how it turns out and decide if i want to compete. I have always wanted to.

Besides those goal I want to increase my major lifts.

Current weight:185lbs
Height: 5'8
Bench: 325
Dead: 525
Squat: ATG 335-350? (form sucks, really need to work on form its holding me back big time)
Clean & Press: 225

Weight: 225
Bench: 405
Squat: ATG 455
Dead: 600
Clean & Press: 275
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Not a great picture. Not going to make excuses. Facts, looks like favorbale lighting, no one to take a pic.

Going to really try focus on legs as a whole during this bulk. I also really need ot focus on my core, honestly I might train it once every 2 weeks, I cant stand doing abs. Really need to get focused and will concentrate on doing it every other day, calves dont grow, need to shock them. From here on out, or at least for the next 3 weeks I will be doing calves EVERY day. Off days will consist of the stair climber with DB's in hand or weighted back back walking on toes. These bitches will grow if its the last thing I do

Weight is 180-185 in the pic. Abs def. got washed out, I want to put myself at around 15%bf +- a couple either way. Time to stop being a bitch and train/eat right. Im looking to put on almost 45lbs natural for now. any suggestions or comments throw at me. i love criticism.

Will probably take measurements sometime in the future.
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