Bula's 12 weeks of hell (Contest Prep time)

Looking good. In your front double Bi. on your right leg( one with most of the weight balanced on) if you come up on your toes just a little it will bring in the seperation in upper thigh. Sometimes were thinking of how we place one leg and let the other kinda of relax in the background. Good Luck on your show.
thanks saint .. getting my quads to pop is critical and a constant feedback point i'm working on. I'm doing practice posing daily now. Never gave the plant foot toes much thought. Only the front toes. I'll give your idea a try.
Monstar said:
Your looking awesome but i wanna throw in one thing to help your game. You need to work on those traps.

Earlier in the thread he stated why he doesn't want them large. Personally I think big ass traps look wicked, but everyone has their own ideal physique.
17 days to go boys and girls. Met coach today and was assessed. Worked hard on posing. God i'm spent. I just dont have any energy to get up and feel like total crap. A necessary evil for sure but now that i'm sitting around 4% bf, every pound I have to lose is near torture physically. The body just was not meant to do this to itself and it fights you back HARD!!!

That aside, weight is at a flat 184. I got about 2 lbs to go in 17 days. The rest is water dropping to make weight. Diet stays the same except only chicken and fish from here on out. My glutes are shredded now which is kinda fun to see on side poses.

No photos today. Sorry.

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11 days out, legs finally coming in daily. Had a hard quad workout yesterday and can't flex em worth shit right now. Saturday will most likely be my last quad day prior to contest and then they can start receding and getting detailed. I cant wait to drop my water to see where everything ends up.

Weight is still 184-185. Holding on to whatever size I can prior to the final crash and rip to 176. Almost home guys. Almost home. I can't wait to eat that kings feast. 11 freaking days.

hey man, your looking great, i've been checking up on you from day one, and i have to say you cease to amaze me... looking great man, congrats and good luck
7 days out now and hardly keeping my head up. 183 lbs. I'm so hungry and so tired. But I know that feeling this way is EXACTLY where i should be. My last leg training day was today - yippee!!!. Only 2 more cardio days left - yippie!!! My final week prep starts tomorrow and i'll be lucky to make it to Wednesday thinking straight since i'm tapering carbs to zero - but if I do, my carb load starts Wednesday and finally i'll start feeling better and filling out. I can't wait to get on stage.

Legs looks awesome man. Keep pushin bro, it's hard but worth it. If you get the chance, post up something detailed about your deit/training/anything else for the last week....
LiftTillIDie said:
Your quads will be spectacular without the water. Is the leg day your final day of lifting before the contest?

No. Everything but quads and hams will be covered by 3 "high rep" work outs -- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Gotta get that last bit of glycogen out. Then its over.
Weigh in tomorrow night, contest is Saturday. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feeling week, looking shredded. I couldn't have brought a better package or worked any harder so lets see where the cards fall. Wish me luck.

bula said:
Feeling week, looking shredded. I couldn't have brought a better package or worked any harder so lets see where the cards fall.

With this in mind we know where they will fall. Good luck.